Search data: In the data comparison window, select a text data, like religion, and enter a search string (e.g. buddhism). Then, click on . A search is performed in every country about the word "buddhism" in religion. The result is displayed in the window, and selected countries are painted on the map.

Source and destination points: Move the pointer on map, press the right mouse button and select set source point . The Source Point will be set there. The shortest path between the source point and the mouse pointer is drawn on the map, and the distance is shown in the status bar.

Select a city or a mountain: in the Selection Menu, choose City or mountain; the list will appear. Choose a city click on its name; on the left list there is the population of the city, on the right list there may be photos to download. Click on : the target point will be set on this element and the distance will no longer change; the distance shown is the distance between Source Point and Target point.
To see the photos, click on  and connect to the Internet: the photos will be downloaded and will appear in the right list.

New projection: Use the cycle menu in the Command panel to select a new projection (e.g. spherical). You can make the earth spin by clicking on the left mouse button when the mouse cursor is closed to the edges of the window. Alternatively, you can use the  or the arrows key. On the picture you can see that the shortest way between the Florida region in U.S.A. and Paris in France really goes thru Newfoundland.

To go further, learn how to export Amiglobe maps to a word processor or a paint program. Or, see how you can create your own data, and print them. You can also add your own defined cities.