1. New features

New in Amiglobe 2000

Updated data: Amiglobe data have been updated from version 99. Amiglobe 2000 uses the C.I.A. World Fact Book 1999, released in september 1999 instead of the CIA World Fact Book 1998.
Photos of cities and mountains: For some cities and mountains Amiglobe has Web links of photos of them. If you are connected to the Internet, you can download photos of these cities or mountains and browse them in Amiglobe.
Add user defined city or mountain: You may add you own city or mountain on the map

New in Amiglobe 99

Updated data: Amiglobe data have been updated from version 98. Amiglobe 99 uses the C.I.A. World Fact Book 1998, released in january 1999 instead of the CIA World Fact Book 1997.
More details on map: All missing islands are on the map, so that every country in the world is on the map. There are also more rivers.
More cities and peaks: There are now 3500 cities and peaks instead of 650.
Map draws faster: The map draws 3 times faster than on the previous version.
Print / Export / Save the map: It is easy to print the map, save it as .bmp or .gif, or copy it on the clipboard to use it in an other application.
National anthem lyrics: Now the national anthem lyrics appears when the anthem is played. Also, the sound quality of some anthems has been improved.
Searcheable data: Text data can be searched. The result is shown in a list and/or on the map.
Distance and area in km or miles: Amiglobe uses the measurement system of your Windows settings.

New in Amiglobe 98

Updated data: Amiglobe data have been updated from version 1.00. Amiglobe 98 uses the C.I.A. World Fact Book 1997, released in april 1998 instead of the CIA World Fact Book 1996, released in february 1997.
Easy move and zoom: It is easier to move on the map with the  button. Moreover, the mouse pointer changes when it reaches the edge of the map from  to , so you can move on the map this way. To zoom, you can use  to set the zoom level more precisely.
Contextual menu: You can get information on the city or on the country where the mouse pointer is by clicking on the right mouse button. Select information on the nearest city, or on the country itself. It is possible to set the source or target point this way too.
Enhanced info window: With the , it is possible to zoom to the selected country. If the country has dependencies (overseas territories, etc...), the country name becomes a drop down window and it is possible to select them more precisely.
Select flag window: This window is nicer.

2. Known bugs fixed

Amiglobe 2000

Help does not start from Amiglobe if the TEMP environment variable is not set, or if the default browser is Internet Explorer 5. Fixed.
Maps prints out of range. Fixed.
The telephones figure for Portugal was incorrect. Fixed.

Amiglobe 99

Distance displays incorrectly in 800X600 screen resolution or lower. Fixed.
The city of Eindhoven was misspelled. Fixed.

If you see any bug in Amiglobe, email me:

3. Next version: Amiglobe 2001

A forum on the Internet is dedicated to improvements on the next version, Amiglobe 2001. Click here (needs an active Internet connection).