1. Copyright

Amiglobe 2000 is provided “AS-IS” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages, even if the author is notified of such actions.

Amiglobe 2000 is Copyrighted ©1994-2000 by Olivier Collard. The data used in Amiglobe 2000 (maps, economic data, flags, anthems, ...) are all public domain. Thus, maps and any document produced with Amiglobe 2000 can be use freely and without royalties. Photos that are stored on Web Sites are not public domain. They are copyrighted and cannot be used freely.

The unregistrered version of Amiglobe 2000 is freely distribuable if you respect the following rules:

  • the file must not be modified.
  • It is strictly forbidden to make profit in selling Amiglobe copies. The only fees you may ask to pay for are duplicate disk fees. These fees should not exceed Euros 4 (four) or US$ 4 (four) per disk or CD.



    The registered version (i.e. the license file or license code) must NOT be redistributed.

    2. Sources

    A. The map

    The Micro World Data Bank in Polygons

    The Amiglobe map has been taken from the Micro World Data Bank, which is a world map made of vectors. This
    makes easy for Amiglobe to zoom and to navigate everywhere on the map.

    The full WDB-II is a digitial map data base produced by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and distributed by
    the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road,
    Springfield, VA, 22161 (U.S.A.). Micro WDB-POLY is a highly compressed version which is suitable for use on
    micro computers and was put in this configuration by Micro Doc as Micro WDB-II. Global Associates, Ltd added
    new data (primarily from Charles Culberson), made various fixes to Micro WDB-II, and rearranged the data into
    closed polygons.

    B. The data

     1. The CIA World Fact Book 1999

    Most Amiglobe 2000 data have been taken from the 1999 edition of the CIA World Fact Book, released in september

     2. The World Bank

    The CIA World Fact Book contains some biased or US-oriented data. For such data, the data from the World Bank
    is used. In Amiglobe, The Gross National Product has been calculated from the World Bank rather than from the
    World Fact Book.

    3. The Department of State of the U.S.A.

    Most of countries histories come from the Department of State of the United States of America.

    4. Photos

    Most photos are links to Corbis Web site. These photos are copyrighted by Corbis.