***English 1 = ' gardner`s game:' 2 = 'next' 3 = '&Game' 4 = '&Random game' 5 = 'Number of game' 6 = 'Back' 7 = 'Again' 8 = 'Show' 9 = '&End' 10 = '&Options' 11 = '&Information' 12 = '&Rules' 13 = '&About' 15 = 'Gardner`s game (*.gar)|*.gar|all files (*.*)|*.*' 16 = 'Save' 17 = 'save the situation' 18 = ' about:' 19 = 'Gardner`s game' 20 = 'version' 23 = 'author`s homepage' 25 = 'OK' 26 = ' settings:' 27 = 'difficulty:' 28 = 'IQ 80' 29 = 'IQ100' 30 = 'IQ130' 31 = 'IQ160' 32 = '# of symbols:' 33 = 'two symbols' 34 = 'three symbols' 35 = 'direction of turning:' 36 = 'one direction' 37 = 'two directions' 38 = 'lines:' 39 = 'columns:' 40 = ' rules:' 41 = 'With mouseclick or tastatur mark two stones on the desk,' 42 = 'which are in one line. All the stones in the line turn over and' 43 = 'the symbols change. Line can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.' 44 = 'The only condition is, minimal two stones must be in line. ' 45 = 'The goal of game is to reach the situation in witch' 46 = 'all stones on board have the same symbol - red circle.' 47 = 'number of situation:' 48 = 'language:' 49 = 'game' 50 = 'language' 51 = 'define' 52 = 'save definition' 53 = 'load definition' 54 = 'user defined' 55 = 'Option "define" in menu enable you define your own combination' 56 = 'of symbols.' 6001 ='Congratulation!!!' 6002 ='But for line definition are two points realy enough!' 6003 ='Now you must select the direction of turning.' 6004 ='Selected stones must be in one line!' 6005 ='gardner`s game' 6006 ='The line for turning is not selected yet!'