Heaven7 --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ... what coluld we say? --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Picard wrote a basic raytracer, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- by the motivation of his pals, reptile --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and mrz... --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- At a team meeting in 99' summer we --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- started to develop the intro... --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- We missed the deadline at Antiq99, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- so developing --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- stopped --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- for months. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- We --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- restarted --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the work just for fun --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- in 2000 march. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- One week before the Mekka --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- we turned on, and worked like --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- animals --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- . --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Our goal was to win the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- intro-compo. We made --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- it. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- PS.: We work mostly for fun, because we --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- know: we have started tons of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- projects, and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- never finished... --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- When we start a new one, it's maybe --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the next stuff in the trash...so we don't --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- care. It depends on how much time we have...