Task "${Title}"

You are informed here with changes to the "${Title}" task.


The following people are invited:
${List,Name=Participants,Element=Participant} ${Participant.Name} - ${Participant.State} ${Ifnotempty,Name=Participant.Notes} (${Participant.Notes})${/Ifnotempty} ${Participant.Address}
Further dates:
${Ifnotempty,Name=Categories} ${/Ifnotempty}
Categories: ${Categories}
Start date: ${StartDate}
Experation date: ${DueDate}
Completion date: ${CompletionDate}
Closing date: ${CloseDate}
Task status: ${TaskState}
% completion: ${CompletionPercentage}
Priority: ${Priority}

${Ifnotempty,Name=Description} Comment:
${Description} ${/Ifnotempty}

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