Next Generation - 9 hottest young celebs

Jenny McCarthy is our new Celebrity of the Month
16 new postcards with Harrison Ford and Tom Cruise were added

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Celebrity e-postcards
with Kelly Brook

Celebrity e-postcards
with Carmen Electra


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Britney Spears

portrait of Madonna

Jennifer Love Hewitt

NEW postcards: Harrison Ford and Tom Cruise
Welcome to the web site Celebrity e-postcards. Here you have a chance to send an eletronic postcard to all of your friends. You can choose postcards with the pictures of many celebrities as well as pictures of flowers, animals, funny postcards and much more.
The only thing you need to do is to select a category below and then write your message. That's all. It's simple and fast and you can bet you will make youf friends happy with our postcards.

Female celebrities
Sarah M. Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt,
Sharon Stone, Pamela Anderson,
Britney Spears, Cindy Crawford,
Jenny McCarthy, Carmen Electra,
Catherine Zeta Jones, Demi Moore,
and more...

Celebrity portraits
send postcard with portrait
of the celebrity on the picture...

Male celebrities
Bruce Willis, Nicolas Cage,
Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise

Flowers & animals
nice pictures of flowers
and animals...

SEND a postcard
It is easy. First select a category above and than just to follow our instruction. To send a postcard takes you less than two minutes. Try it and see for yourself how easy it is.

READ a postcard
The person, who you are sending a postcard to, will be noticed by email with the link where the postcard can be picked up.
You as a sender will be also noticed by email that your postcard has been sent.

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