Part 1. WebEditor 1. Quick Start A. About running the Namo WebEditor program, and making a document. (1) To start Namo WebEditor Select the [Start | Program | Namo WebEditor | WebEditor] menu in the Windows 95 taskbar to start Namo WebEditor. The document tab "noname1.htm" will appear, and the cursor will be blinking. At this point, you should know what you want on your web page. As an example, we will guide you step by step through the creation of a sample document. Typing contents Type contents directly into the editing window. If you press the <Enter> key while typing, the cursor will go to the next line, with a single line space between. (a) ~ (I) are just sample marks to specify each line. The <Enter> key makes a new paragraph, and Web browsers generally insert a line space between paragraphs. So the Namo WebEditor inserts a line space and moves the cursor to the next new line when the <Enter> key is pressed. If you want to move the cursor to the next line without inserting a line space, press the <Shift+Enter> key. This key does not make a new paragraph. Although the above document is simple text rather than a home page, it can be modified to suit your individual style. In the next step, we will make it more interesting by changing the font properties, paragraph styles, etc.
B. About editing a document (1) To change paragraph styles Changing the paragraph style can be used to change font sizes.
Changing paragraph style (using main menu) Changing paragraph style can be also done by simply selecting the style you wish from the [Format | Paragraph and List] menu. (2) To change font styles Changing the font style can be used to change font colors.
In addition to font color, you can also change font style and font size with the [Format | Font] menu. (3) To insert a horizontal line You can insert a horizontal line for additional visual effects, such as creating a border between two sections of text.
(4) To make a list Making a list A series of items can be set off with numbers or bullets; any series of items set off by numbers or bullets is called a list.
The disc is inserted only into the header of each paragraph. If you press the <Shift+Enter> key, a disc will not be inserted into a new line. Deleting a list If you want to delete the bullets or numbers from a list, move the cursor to the paragraph with the bullets or numbers, and change the paragraph style back to "Normal". Indentation made by a list can be restored with the [Format | Decrease Indent] menu. (5) To register Web browsers You probably will want to confirm that your home page made with Namo WebEditor looks exactly right before actually publishing it. Using the [View] menu, you can preview the currently edited document. If you want to preview the document in Netscape Navigator, simply select [View | Preview in Netscape]. If you want to preview it in Microsoft Explorer, select [View | Preview in Internet Explorer]. If you want to preview it in other Web browsers, perform the following steps.
(6) To save a document If you want to use currently edited documents later, you must save the documents onto disks.
(7) To create a new document In general, a home page consists of many documents. If you want to create a new document, select the [File | New] menu. The dialog box [New] will appear. If you now select [Normal Page] in the [Document] tab, an empty editing window will be displayed. To continue our sample page, we will now guide you through the creation of a new document designed to have a hyperlink with the "sample.htm" file.
Inserting images You can insert images using the following steps.
Click the [Clipart] button. The [Clipart] dialog box appears, in which you can choose one of the cliparts provided by Namo WebEditor. Select the [Sea] item in the [Theme] tab, and choose the image, fish3. Now the chosen image will be highlighted. Click the [Insert] button, then the path and the name of the image are entered into the [Source] input field automatically.
(8) To make a bookmark The [Edit | Bookmark] menu is used to make any selected contents a bookmark. By doing so, you will be able go to bookmarked contents from any other position. If a bookmark in a document linked with other documents is chosen, the document with the bookmark will be automatically opened, and the cursor will go directly to the bookmark. The steps required to make a bookmark are as follows:
[Tip] To make a bookmark, you can also use the [Create Bookmark] item in the Popup Menu, which can always be displayed by clicking the right mouse button on the selected contents. [Caution] After making a bookmark, you MUST save the document which has the bookmark. The bookmark will not visible until you save the document. (9) To close a document Select the [File | Close] menu to close the current editing window.
(10) To open a document To view or modify an existing document, you must open the document.
C. About linking a document with another document using a hyperlink While navigating Web pages, you often jump from one location to another. The source location of the jump can be words or images, and the target location can be a document file, a bookmark, a Web site, or an e-mail address. The source and target locations of the jump are set by the authors of the Web pages. This jump, from a source location to a target location, is called a "hyperlink." Using a hyperlink, you can jump from the current position to another position within the same document, to another document in the same site, or to other Web sites. (1) To make a hyperlink Making a hyperlink with a document file
Making a hyperlink with a bookmark To make a hyperlink with a bookmark, enter a URL and a bookmark name in the [URL] input field in the [Create Hyperlink] dialog box. If you click the hyperlink whose target place is a bookmark, the document of the URL is opened and the caret moves to the bookmark position of the document.
Making a hyperlink with a Web site
Making a hyperlink with an e-mail address Most homepages provide visitors with a hyperlink with which they can contact the authors of the homepage via e-mail. If visitors click the hyperlink, an e-mail program will appear. Here are the steps to create such a hyperlink on your homepage:
(2) To remove a hyperlink If you want to remove an existing hyperlink, perform the following steps.
[Information] To verify the hyperlink, click the right mouse button on the hyperlink, and the Popup menu will be displayed. Select the [Follow Hyperlink] item in the Popup menu. If the target document of the hyperlink is displayed, the hyperlink is valid. Otherwise, check the target of the hyperlink. (3) To make a hyperlink with an image Making a hyperlink with an image Anything displayed in Web browsers can be the source location of a hyperlink. If you want to make an image the source location of a hyperlink, perform the following steps.
[Information] Properties of the border of an image can be modified with the Popup menu displayed by clicking the right mouse button on the image. If you select the [Image Properties] command in the Popup menu, the [Image Properties] dialog box will appear.
D. About making an image map (1) To make an image map While an image generally has only one hyperlink, an "image map" is defined as an image that has multiple hyperlinks. An image map is useful since a user can go to a wide variety of different pages by clicking different parts of an image map; for this reason, image maps are common in many Web pages. In the following section, we will make a new document with an image map. Inserting an image [using the main menu]
Inserting an image [using the mouse]
Making an image map
(2) To make differently shaped areas of an image map You can make differently shaped areas of an image map with three tools: [Draw a Rectangle], [Draw a Circle], and [Draw a Polygon]. Making shape areas becomes possible only after the image to be used as an image map has been selected. Making a rectangle shape area
Making a circle shape area
Making a polygon
Making a shape area (using an icon) You can also make a shape area by clicking the Exiting making a shape area If you want to stop making a shape area, press the <Esc> key or click the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is outside the image. Deleting a shape area If you want to delete an existing shape area, press the <Delete> key after choosing the area. [Information] The size and position of an image map can always be changed. To change the size of an image map, click on the image map. Now the control points of the image map will appear. You can change the size of the map by clicking one of the control points, then dragging the mouse. To change the position of an image map, click once on the image, then drag the mouse.
E. About publishing a document (1) To upload a document into an Web server Publishing an HTML document means uploading the document into an Web server so that a network user can read it with an Web browser. Uploading a document into an Web server requires access permission from the Web server.
[Caution] Although Namo WebEditor does not limit the number of files you can publish, some problems may occur when publishing multiple files at the same time. Therefore, it is preferable to use Namo SiteManager to publish many files at once. Publishing files (using an icon) You can also publish files using the icon
F. About making an HTML document with frames Before you can have a document with frames, you must first understand the difference between a frame and a frameset. While navigating Web pages, you can see Web pages divided into multiple, scrollable regions. Each region, called a frame, can also display different contents and run independently of each other. The frameset document is what has the information about the current number of frames, the arrangement of the frames, the size of each frame, and so on. Remember that both a frame and a frameset are HTML documents that have the same file extension.
(1) To make a new frameset Although a new frameset can be made by selecting the [Frame | Split Frame Horizontally] or [Frame | Split Frame Vertically] menu in the current editing window, it can be more easily made by selecting the [Frame | New Frameset] menu when creating a new document.
(2) To make a hyperlink in a frame Making a hyperlink in a frame requires more steps than in a normal document. There is a greater variety of ways in which a linked document can be displayed in a frame. When a hyperlink is clicked, a linked document will be displayed in one of frames in a frameset. The frame in which a linked document is displayed is set with the [Create Hyperlink] or [Edit Hyperlink] dialog box. The [Target Frame] input field in the dialog box can have the normal name of a frame or one of the following special names. _blank: A linked document is displayed in a newly made window while the current window remains unchanged. _self: A linked document is displayed in the current frame. _top: A linked document is displayed in the full-sized current window, not in the frame. _parent: A linked document is displayed in the window to which the current document to have the hyperlink has been linked. If no target frame is set, the default setting is _self. Each frame has not only a basic name such as "banner," "contents," "detail," "header," and "footer," but also a normal frame name. You can enter one of the names into the [Target Frame] input field. For example, if you enter "banner" into the [Target Frame] input field, a linked document will be displayed at the frame, named "banner." [Information] Namo WebEditor provides templates to help make a frameset. You can easily make a frameset by choosing one of the templates. (3) To open a document in a frame
(4) To save a frame and a frameset If a document in a frame is modified, the frame and frameset must be saved. If you want to save the frame and frameset at the same time, select the [Frame | Save All] menu. Now the [Save As] dialog box will appear, with which you can save the frames and frameset one by one. Saving a frame If you want to save a frame, position the cursor in the frame and select the [File | Save Frame] menu. Now the [Save As] dialog box will appear, with which you can save the frame in the same way you save a normal HTML document. Saving a frameset If you want to save a frameset, select the [Frame | Save Frameset] menu. Now the [Save As] dialog box will appear, with which you can save the frameset. It is recommended that the name of the frameset be different from that of a normal HTML document or a frame.
G. About setting other options (1) To set a default text color When you make a document with Namo WebEditor, the default text color is black. The default color can be set differently in each document.
(2) To set a default background color When you make a document with Namo WebEditor, the default background color is white. The default background color can be set differently in each document.
[Caution] The text color should be considered when a default background color is set. Remember that the text may be difficult to read if its color is too similar to the background color. (3) To insert a background image Inserting a background image You can insert a background image into your home page for added decoration.
When publishing a document with a background image, you must publish both the document and the background image so that the image may be displayed on Web browsers. Inserting a background sound If you want music to be heard when a document is opened, you can insert a background sound into the document. Of course, your system must have a sound card and a speaker.
Within Namo WebEditor you must click the playing button to play a background sound, while Web browsers will only have to open a document with a background sound file. (4) To make a list Users of Namo WebEditor can make two kinds of list (with bullets or numbers), and there are two ways to make a list. The first is the one in which contents are typed after the kind of list is determined. The second is the one in which the kind of list is determined after contents are typed. We will use the first one for explanation. Making a list
Making a list (using an icon) You can also make a list by seleting Splitting a list You can split a numbered or bulleted list. For example, if you split a list with seven items at the fifth item, you will have two lists with four items and three items, respectively.
Merging a list You can merge two lists into one, and the kind of the resulting list is the same as that of the first list.
(5) To make a multi-column document You might see home pages with multi-column documents. However, HTML 3.2 does not define principles about making a multi-column document. So Namo WebEditor does not provide a function to make one. Although there is no explicit function to make a multi-column document, you can do it using a table whose border size is 0. Making a two-column document
Now, if you turn the [View | Format Mark | Format Mark] check box off, contents in the table will be viewed as a two-column document. To this point, the basic commands required to make HTML documents have been explained. Although the explanation was done using simple examples, it can be easily extended into making large-scale documents. More detailed explanation for each command will be explained in subsequent chapters. |