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Directed Prefetch
This new addition to Webcelerator is an innovative and immediate way in which you can place whatever linked pages you desire, into your cache. You can directly prefetch in the following manner: 1. Go to a page with numerous links which you desire to cache. 2. Right-click on the Webcelerator Tray Icon. 3. Click on Directed Prefetch (a check mark indicates activation.) 3. Now just click on each link, which you desire to be entered into your cache. 4. Go back to Webcelerator and click on Directed Prefetch to turn it off. Now if you go back and click on one of the links which you "Direct Prefetched" you will see the page paint to your screen quite rapidly. "Clear Directed Prefetch," is where you would click, Should you inadvertently click a link which you really don't desire. Clicking this will clear the entire queue of links, on which you have thus far, clicked. Therefore, you'll have to re-click on desired links after clicking on "Clear Direct Prefetch." Should you happen to set up Directed Prefetch and click on a link for a page that opens a new browser window, you will receive an error message. Just close the blank window and turn off Directed Prefetch. The linked page will be in the cache, but you must begin your Directed Prefetch session all over again. It is strongly suggested, in light of the above, that if opening a new browser window is known for a link, you should set your Webcelerator for "Historical Prefetch," and go to the page as you normally would from the link. This action will place the page in your cache and the next time you visit the page, you'll see the increased speed of access. |