Configuring Chinese (Simplified) IME
To configure Chinese (Simplified) input system, bring up the properities dialog by
right-clicking on the pen icon and selecting 配置输入法 from the pop-up menu.

There are four input mode options:
拼音输入 (Spelling Input)
- 不完整拼音 (Word Auto-Complete): Recognizes and completes the character from the input of a consonant which can reduce the number of keystrokes required.
- 南方音模糊 (South Fuzzy Pronunciation Input): Allows the input of words with "fuzzy" pronunciation.
候选字词提示 (Alternative Word Prompt)
- 逐键提示 (Step-by-step Prompting): Displays characters
with the same syllables in a suggestion window so you can correct words as you type.
- 自学习 (Word Learning): The IME learns from past user selections and corrections to provide the desired characters.