Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro ╚R:
Velvyslanectvφ ZimbabwskΘ republiky
Villichgasse 7, 53177 Bonn
Spolkovß republika N∞mecko
Tel: 0049228 35 60 71
Telefax: 0049228 35 63 09
┌°ednφ hodiny: Po-Pß 9.00 - 16.30
Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro Zimbabwskou republiku:
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Eastgate Building, 8th Floor, Goldbridge, Cnr. 2nd Street/R. Mugabe Road, Harare
Tel: 002634 700636,720936
Fax: 002634 720930
PoÜtovnφ adresa: G.P.O. Box 4474, Harare, Zimbabwe