Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro ╚R: |
Velvyslanectvφ SvazijskΘho krßlostvφ Kastelsvej 19, 2100 Copenhagen DßnskΘ krßlostvφ Tel: 0045 3542 6111, 0045 3542 6352 Fax: 0045 3542 6300 ┌°ednφ hodiny: Po-Pß 9.00 - 16.00 |
Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro SvazijskΘ krßlostvφ: |
Embassy of the Czech Republic 936 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria 0083 Republic of South Africa Tel: 002712 3423477 Fax: 002712 432033 PoÜtovnφ adresa: P.O.Box 3326, Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa |