Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro ╚R: |
Velvyslanectvφ Stßtu Izrael Badeniho 2, 170 06 Praha 7 ╚eskß republika Tel: 02/3332 5109, 02/3332 4105, 02/3332 3105 Fax: 02/3332 0092 ┌°ednφ hodiny: Po-╚t 8:30 - 17:00, Pß 8:30 - 14:30 Konzulßrnφ odd∞lenφ ┌°ednφ hodiny: Po-Pß 9:00 - 12:00 |
Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro Stßt Izrael: |
Embassy of the Czech Republic Zeitlin Str. 23, P.O.Box 163 61, Tel Aviv 61664 Israel Tel: 009723 6918282, 009723 6918283 Fax: 009723 6918286 E-mail: ┌°ednφ hodiny: Po-Pß 9:00 - 12:00 Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic Rachel Imenu 26, Jerusalem 93228 Israel Tel: 009722 5318900 Fax: 009722 5375760 Honorary General Consulate of the Czech Republic Lean Str. 7, Ramat Gan Israel Tel: 009723 6753845 Fax: 009723 723505 |