Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro ╚R: |
Velvyslanectvφ IndickΘ republiky ValdÜtejnskß 6, 118 00 Praha 1 - Malß Strana ╚eskß republika Tel: 02/5732 0255, 02/5732 0260, 02/5732 0266, 02/5732 0258 Fax: 02/5731 6756, 02/5731 4432 E-mail: ┌°ednφ hodiny: Po-╚t 8:30 - 13:00 13:30 - 17:30, Pß 8:30 - 14:30 Konzulßrnφ odd∞lenφ ┌°ednφ hodiny: Po-Pß 9:00 - 12:00 |
Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro Indickou republiku: |
Embassy of the Czech Republic 50-M, Niti Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110 021 Republic of India Tel: 009111 6110205, 009111 6110318, 009111 6110382 Fax: 009111 6886221 Konzulßrnφ odd∞lenφ Tel: 009111 6889225 Consulate General of the Czech Republic 5, Dr. G.Deshmukh Marg ("Marcopia"), Mumbai 400 026 Republic of India Tel: 009122 4924484 Fax: 009122 4950442 Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic Suite No. 27, KOH-I-NOOR Building (5th Floor), 105 Park Street, Calcutta-700 016 Republic of India Tel: 009133 2260124 Fax: 009133 2264161 |