Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro ╚R:
┌°ad vysokΘho komisa°e BotswanskΘ republiky
6 Stratford Place, W1N 9AE Lond²n
SpojenΘ krßlostvφ VelkΘ Britßnie a Sev. Irska
Tel: 0171 499 0031
Fax: 0171 495 8595, 0171 409 7382
┌°ednφ hodiny: Po-Pß 9:00 - 13:00 14:00 - 17:00
Zastupitelsk² ·°ad pro Botswanskou republiku:
Embassy of the Czech Republic
936 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria 0083
Republic of South Africa
Tel: 002712 3423477
Fax: 002712 432033
PoÜtovnφ adresa: P.O.Box 3326, Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa