. .To install DMEXMenu unzip the archive to a new directory .and run the installation program (install.exe). .Do not use the install feature of an archive utility .(like Winzip) since the installation might fail then. . .IF YOU UPDATE: DON'T UNINSTALL OLDER VERSIONS! .Just install the new version on top of the old one. .Otherwise you will loose your personal settings! .  Push the 'Instructions' button or scroll down to 'Installation'  and please carefully read this section below before you continue.  ------------------------------  DMEX Menu  Explorer Contextmenu Extension  ------------------------------  copyright (c) 1994-2000 by André Rübel  author:  André Rübel  andre.ruebel@urz.uni-heidelberg.de  -----------------------  Information:  -----------------------  Version : 3.19  Language . English, German (supported by the author) Other languages contributed by users:   French, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese,   Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Arabic,   Indonesian, Danish, Catalan, Hebrew, Romanian Please note: User contributed languages may be one or more versions behind. Some languages may need a special Windows version to provide the correct character set. These languages may look strange if chosen on another system (e.g. chinese = ¤¤¤å).  Operating System : Windows NT4 / 2000 Windows 95 / 98 (Some functions not available)  Price : Free (But however, e-mail, postcards or Milka Alpenmilch chocolate bars are not rejected)  Contact : via e-mail to andre.ruebel@urz.uni-heidelberg.de Any hellos, hints and bug reports welcome ;) Newest version is available from simtel.net http://www.simtel.net/simtel.net/ Search for a new version at Simtel using this link: http://www.simtel.net/simcgi-bin/win95find.cgi?dmex  -----------------------  Acknowledgements:  ----------------------- I would like to thank all of you who mailed and encouraged me to keep on working on DMEX and the ones who sent me bug reports, comments and wishes to improve DMEX. I hope I was able to include some of your wishes in this version. For changes in this version or more information look at the manual.txt or manual.htm file.  Very special thanks to the contributers of other languages: Stef Mevel/French Adalberto B. Valentini/Portuguese Kees Podt/Dutch Cheung Chun Shing/Chinese Carlo Belfiore/Italian Alonso de la Garza/Spanish Edward Tibet/Russian Piotr Gumola/Polish Ayman Abdel Salam/Arabic Utomo Prawiro W/Indonesian Niels Erik Jensen/Danish Miquel Martín/Catalan Marek Eyal/Hebrew Janos Rusiczki/Romanian  THANK YOU!!!  -----------------------  Description:  ----------------------- DMEX Menu is a context menu extention which means that you have new options if you use a right mouse button click on a file or folder in the windows explorer window. There is a new submenu called DMEX which has a strawberry to its left side. The highlights of the new functions are: - Rename and Changing Date of multiple Files at once. - Selecting/Deselecting Files by Masks / Wildcards. - Creating Subdirectories - only one click away. - Open DOS Windows using the current Directory. - Expand/Collapse partial tree branches. - Substitute Local Directories as Drives (NT only). - Creating Hot Paths for simple and extreme fast change to common used Directories - even in standard dialog boxes. - Open multiple Explorer Windows Side by Side. - Tile all existing Explorer Windows. - Copy Path/Filenames to Clipboard The Menu is multilanguage and full User configurable. Full install and uninstall support.  -----------------------  Installation:  -----------------------  Note: You should have administrator rights on NT machines. .To install DMEXMenu unzip the archive to a new directory .and run the installation program (install.exe). .Do not use the install feature of an archive utility .(like Winzip) since the installation might fail then.  Push the 'Install' button to start. The program files are copied to your windows directory. You can delete the files you extracted from the ZIP file after the installation has sucessfully finished. If an error occurs while installation carefully read the instructions given in the dialog. You can uninstall DMEXMenu using the Software Dialog from the Control Panel.  Other language users: In case your language was not automatically selected correct open the configuration dialog from the new DMEX submenu after installation (Right click with your mouse on any file or directory in the explorer window. Choose the DMEX submenu and then Configuration.) On the "Options" sheet you can choose your language from the language combobox. Close the options dialog to save the changes. New languages can be added after installation.  If you have already DMEX installed before: it happens sometimes that the dmexmenu.dll file can't be copied because it is in use. This happens only rarely. However in these cases the installation program offers the choice to quit the installation and restart windows. I recommend to do so if this problem occurs. The installation is started again directly after Windows is restarted. If you have used the 'install' feature of an archive utility like Winzip this option might fail due to deleted installation files!  More information can be found in the manual. If you like DMEXMenu or... you have any questions, troubles or complains: send me an e-mail. André  -----------------------  Disclaimer:  ----------------------- Please note: the program is provided to you "as is," without warranty. there is no warranty for the program, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement of third party rights. the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. in no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will licensor, or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.  -----------------------  -----------------------