B |
a dot precedes a change in
grammatical form, as from the substantive form of a word to the adjectival
bod uvßdφ zm∞nu v gramatickΘm tvaru, jako nap°. podstatnΘ jmΘno a p°φdavnΘ
jmΘno: ! adj
D |
a diamond precedes idiomatic
phrases or collocations
diamant uvßdφ idiomy a ustßlenΘ slovnφ spojenφ
< |
only found within the
etymologies, this symbol means a language derived a word from an earlier language - for
example - nap°. LLat. < Lat. means: Late Latin derived the word from Latin
pouze u etymologickΘho p∙vodu v²razu, tento symbol znaΦφ jazyk z ktereho se slovo
vyvinulo - znamenß: p∙vod slova v pozdnφ latin∞ s p°echodem do latiny
/ |
means or
znamenß nebo
| |
a vertical line divides the
root of a word that can be used with or without the attached prefix, or it divides the
inflective form when it is optional
kolmice odd∞luje ko°en slova, kterΘ lze u₧φt s uveden²mi p°edponami a nebo jako
sloveso zvratnΘ
[ ] |
after the main entry, the
brackets enclose the phonetic spelling of the word. At the end of the entry these brackets
contain the etymology.
po hlavnφm hesle je v hranat²ch zßvorkßch uveden fonetick² p°epis slova. Na konci
hesla tyto zßvorky obsahujφ etymologii
~ |
replaces the letters of the
entry word
nahrazuje sled pφsmen hesla
* |
marks irregular verbs and
oznaΦuje nepravidelnß slovesa a p°φdavnß jmΘna