Chapter 9. Semaphores. Data flow scheduling. The producer - consumer relationship.

In this chapter:


A Semaphore is another type of synchronization primitive, which is slightly more general than the mutex. Used in the most simple manner possible it can be made to operate in exactly the same way as a mutex. In the general case, it allows a program to implement more advanced synchronization behaviour.

First, let's reconsider the behaviour of mutexes. A mutex can either be signalled or non-signalled. If it is signalled, then a wait operation on the mutex does not block. If it is non-signalled, a wait operation on that mutex blocks. If the mutex is non-signalled, then it is owned by a particular thread, and hence only one thread can own the mutex at any one time.

Semaphores can be made to act in precisely the same manner. Instead of having the concept of ownership, a semaphore has a count. When that count is greater than 0, the semaphore is signalled, and wait operations on it do not block. When the count is 0, then the semaphore is not signalled, and wait operations on it will block. A mutex is essentially a special case of a semaphore whose count is only 0 or 1. Similarly, semaphores can be thought of as fancy mutexes which can have more than one owner at once. The functions in the Win32 API dealing with semaphores are very similar to those for dealing with mutexes.

The following table shows how code using mutexes can be converted into code using semaphores, and the equivalencies between the two.
MyMutex := CreateMutex(nil,FALSE,<name>); MySemaphore := CreateSemaphore(nil,1,1,<name>);
MyMutex := CreateMutex(nil,TRUE,<name>); MySemaphore := CreateSemaphore(nil,0,1,<name>);
WaitForSingleObject(MyMutex,INFINITE); WaitForSingleObject(MySemaphore,INFINITE);
ReleaseMutex(MyMutex); ReleaseSemaphore(MySemaphore,1);
CloseHandle(MyMutex); CloseHandle(MySemaphore);

As a simple example, here are the modifications required to the code presented in chapter 6, in order to get the program to use semaphores instead of critical sections.

What about counts above one? "Not so critical" sections.

Allowing semaphores to have counts greater than one is somewhat analogous to allowing mutexes to have more than one owner. Thus semaphores allow critical sections to be created which allow a certain number of threads into one particular region of code, or access to a particular object. This is mostly useful in situations where a shared resource consists of a number of buffers or a number of threads, which can be utilized by other threads in the system. Let's take a concrete example, and assume that up to three threads can be present in a particular region of code. A semaphore is created with initial and maximum counts of 3, assuming that no threads are present in the critical region. The execution of five threads trying to access the shared resource might look something like this:

This particular application of semaphores is probably not particularly useful to Delphi programmers mainly because there are so few statically sized structures at the application level. However, it finds considerably more utility inside the OS, where handles, or resources such a filing system buffers are likely to be statically allocated at boot time.

A new use for semaphores: Data flow scheduling and Flow control.

In Chapter 6, the need for flow control when passing data between threads was outlined. Again, in Chapter 8, this subject was alluded to when discussing monitors. This chapter outlines an example situation where flow control is often required: A bounded buffer with a single producer thread putting items into the buffer, and a single consumer thread taking items out.

The bounded buffer.

The bounded buffer is representative of a simple shared data structure which provides flow control as well as shared data. The buffer considered here will be a simple queue: First In, First Out. It will be implemented as a cyclic buffer, that is, it contains a fixed number of entries and has a couple of pointers "get" and "put" to indicated where data should be inserted and removed in the buffer. There are typically four operations allowed on the buffer: Obviously, mutexes will be required when manipulating shared data. However, we can use semaphores to perform the required blocking operations when the buffer is full or empty, eliminating the need for range checking, or even keeping a count of how many items there are in the buffer. In order to do this a small change in mindset is required. Instead of waiting for a semaphore and then releasing it when performing operations related to the buffer, we use the count on a pair of semaphores to keep track of how many entries in the buffer are empty or full. Let us call those semaphores "EntriesFree" and "EntriesUsed".

Normally, two threads interact with the buffer. The producer (or writer) thread attempts to put entries into the buffer, and the consumer (reader) thread attempts to take them out, as represented in the following diagram. A third thread (possibly the VCL thread) may intervene in order to create and destroy the buffer.

As you can see, the reader and writer threads execute in a loop. The writer thread produces an item, and attempts to put it into the buffer. First the thread executes a wait on the EntriesFree semaphore. If the count on EntriesFree is zero, then the thread will be blocked, since the buffer is full and no data can be added to the buffer. Once it gets past this potential wait, it adds an item to the buffer, and then signals EntriesUsed, thus incrementing the count on Entries used, and if necessary, waking up the consumer thread. Likewise, the consumer thread will block if the count of EntriesUsed is 0, but when it gets round to removing an item, it will increment the count on EntriesFree, allowing the producer thread to add another item.

By blocking the appropriate thread whenever the buffer becomes full or empty, this stops one or other of the threads "running away". Given a buffer size of N, the producer thread can only be N items ahead of the consumer thread before it will be suspended, and likewise, the consumer thread cannot be more than N items behind. This brings several benefits:

Just to make this absolutely clear, I'll provide an example sequence of events. Here we have a buffer which has 4 possible entries in it, and it is initialized so all the entries are free. Many possible execution paths are possible, depending on the whim of the scheduler, but I will illustrate the path where each thread executes for as long as possible before it is suspended.
Reader thread action
Writer thread action
Entries free count
Entries used count
Thread starts
Thread inactive (not scheduled)
Wait(EntriesUsed) blocks. Suspended.
Wait(EntriesFree) flows through
Item Added. Signal(EntriesUsed)
Wait(EntriesFree) flows through
Item Added. Signal(EntriesUsed)
Wait(EntriesFree) flows through
Item Added. Signal(EntriesUsed)
Wait(EntriesFree) flows through
Item Added. Signal(EntriesUsed)
Wait(EntriesFree) blocks. Suspended
Wait(EntriesUsed) completes
Item Removed. Signal(EntriesFree)
Wait(EntriesUsed) flows through
Item Removed. Signal(EntriesFree)
Wait(EntriesUsed) flows through
Item Removed. Signal(EntriesFree)
Wait(EntriesUsed) flows through
Item Removed. Signal(EntriesFree)
Wait(EntriesUsed) blocks. Suspended

A Delphi implementation of the bounded buffer.

Here is a first shot Delphi implementation of the bounded buffer. As normal, the implementation brings up a few points which bear a mention, and it has a few problems which will be resolved later.

Creation: Initializing the semaphore counts correctly.

With this implementation of the bounded buffer, the data is stored as an array of pointers with read and write indexes into this array. To aid debugging, I have arranged that if the buffer contains N entries, it will be declared as full when N-1 entries have been filled. This is most often performed with cyclic buffers where the read and write indexes are evaluated to determine whether the buffer is full or not. If the buffer is empty, the read and write indexes are the same. Unfortunately, this is also the case if the buffer is absolutely full, so it is common in cyclic buffer code to always have one entry in the cyclic buffer empty so that these two conditions can be distinguished. In our case, since we are using semaphores, this is not strictly necessary. However, I have kept with this convention in order to aid debugging.

With this in mind, we can initialize the EntriesUsed semaphore to 0. Since there are no used entries, we want reader threads to immediately block. Given that we want the writer threads to add at most N-1 items to the buffer, we then initialize EntriesFree to N-1.

We also need to consider the maximum count allowed on the semaphores. The procedure which destroys the buffer always issues a SIGNAL operation both both semaphores. So, given that when the buffer is destroyed, it might have any number of items in it, including completely full and completely empty, we set the maximum count to N, thus allowing one signal operation on the semaphores given all possible buffer states.

Operation: correct wait values.

I have used mutexes instead of critical sections in this piece of software because they allow the software developer finer control over error situations. In addition, they also allow a time-out. The time out on wait operations for semaphores should really be infinite; It is possible that the buffer might remain full or empty for long periods of time, and we need the thread that is blocked for as long as the buffer is empty. Paranoid or insecure programmers might like a time-out of a few seconds on these primitives, to allow for unforeseen error situations where a thread becomes blocked permanently. I am sufficiently confident of my code to deem this unnecessary, at least for the moment...

The time-out on the mutex is a completely different kettle of fish. The operations inside the critical section are fast; up to N memory writes, and provided N is set fairly small (i.e. less than millions) these operations should not take more than 5 seconds. As an added bonus, part of the cleanup code acquires this mutex, and instead of releasing it, closes the handle. By setting a time-out, this ensures that threads waiting on the mutex get unblocked, and return failure.

Destruction: Cleaning up.

By now, most readers will have deduced that clean-up operations are often the hardest part of multithreaded programming. The bounded buffer is no exception. The procedure ResetState performs the cleanup. The first thing it does is check FBufInit. I have assumed that this does not require synchronized access, since the thread that creates the buffer should also destroy it, and since it is only written to by one thread, and all writes occur in a critical section (at least after creation), no conflicts will occur. The clean up routine now needs to ensure that all state is destroyed, and that any threads currently waiting, or in the process of reading or writing exit cleanly, reporting failure if appropriate.

The clean up first acquires the mutex for the shared data in the buffer, and then unblocks the reader and writer thread by releasing both semaphores. The operations are done in this order because when both semaphores are released, the buffer state is no longer consistent: the count of the semaphores does not agree with the contents of the buffer. By acquiring the mutex first, we can destroy the buffer before unblocked threads get to read it. By destroying the buffer, and setting FBufInit to false, we can ensure that unblocked threads return failure, instead of operating on garbage data.

We then unblock both threads by releasing both semaphores, and we then close all the synchronization handles. We then destroy the mutex without releasing it. This is OK, because since all wait operations on the mutex time out, we can be sure that both reader and writer threads will unblock eventually. In addition, since there is only one reader and writer thread, we can guarantee that no other threads have attempted to wait on the semaphores during this process. This means that one signal operation on both semaphores was sufficient to wake all the threads up, and since we destroy the semaphore handles while we have ownership of the mutex, any further write or read operations are bound to fail when they try to wait on one of the semaphores.

Destruction: The subtleties continue.

This code is only guaranteed to work with one reader thread, one writer thread and one control thread. Why?
If more than one reader or writer thread exists, more than one thread might be waiting on one of the semaphores at any one time. Hence we might not wake all the waiting readers or writers up when we reset the buffer state. A programmers first reaction to this might be to modify the clean up routine to continue signalling one or other of the semaphores until all the threads have been unblocked, by doing something like this, continually signalling on a semaphore until its count is greater than 0. Unfortunately, this is still insufficient, because one of the repeat loops in the clean up might finish just before yet another thread enters a read or write operation and waits upon a semaphore. Obviously we desire some sort of atomicity, but we can't wrap the semaphore operations in a critical section, because threads blocking on a semaphore will take hold of the critical section, and all the threads will deadlock.

Access to synchronization handles must be synchronized!

The programmers next reaction might be to zero out the handle of the semaphore shortly before "unwinding" it, by doing something like this. (The author will be honest here, and admit that this pathetic non-solution crossed his mind.) However, this is no better. Instead of having a deadlock problem, we have introduced a thread conflict of a subtle kind. This particular conflict is a write after read conflict on the handle of a semaphore itself! Yes... you even have to synchronize your synchronization objects! What can potentially happen is, a worker thread reads the value of the mutex handle from the buffer object, and is suspended before making the wait call, at which point the clean-up thread destroying the buffer signals the mutex the required number of times, just in time for the worker thread to be scheduled, and promptly perform a wait operation on the mutex we thought had just been cleared! The window in which this can happen is very small, but nonetheless, this is not an acceptable solution.

Win32 handle management.

This problem is sufficiently knotty that it's worth reviewing exactly what happens when we issue a Win32 call to close a mutex or a semaphore. In particular, it is useful to know: In order to determine this, we can use two test applications, A mutex testapp, and a semaphore testapp. From these applications, it can be determined that when closing a handle to a synchronization object, Win32 does not unblock any threads waiting on that object. This is most likely a by product of the reference counting mechanism that Win32 uses to keep track of handles: threads waiting on a synchronization object may well keep the internal reference count from reaching 0, and by closing the application's handle to the object, all we do is remove any semblance of control that we had over that synchronization object. In our situation, this is a real pain. Ideally, when cleaning up one would hope that an attempt to wait on a closed handle would unblock threads waiting on that synchronization object via that particular handle. This would then allow the application programmer to enter a critical section, clean up the data in that critical section, and then close the handle, thus unblocking the threads waiting on it with an appropriate error value (perhaps WAIT_ABANDONED?).

A solution.

As a result of all this, we have determined that closing handles is fine, provided that threads do not perform an indefinite wait on the handle. When applying this to the bounded buffer, at clean up time, we can guarantee to unblock all threads waiting on semaphores only if we know how many threads there are waiting on the mutexes. In the general case, we need to ensure that threads do not perform an infinite wait on the mutexes. Here is a rewritten buffer that copes with an arbitrary number of threads. In it, the wait functions on the semaphores have been modified, and the clean up routine has also undergone some small changes.

Instead of performing an infinite wait on the appropriate mutex, the reader and writer threads now call a "Controlled Wait" function. In this function, each of the threads waits on the semaphore for only a finite amount of time. This wait for the semaphore can return one of three values, as documented in the Win32 help file.

Firstly, if the semaphore is released, the function returns success, and no further actions are required.. Secondly, in the case where the Win32 WaitFor function returns wait abandoned, the function returns error; this particular error value indicates that a thread has quit without properly releasing a synchronization object. The case that we are most interested in is the third case where the wait times out. This can be for one of two possible reasons: In order to check for this, we attempt to enter a critical section and check that the buffer initialized variable is still true. If either of these operations fail, then we know that internals of the buffer have been reset, and the function quits, returning an error. If both these operations succeed, then we go back round the loop, waiting on the mutex again. This function guarantees that when the buffer is reset, blocked threads will eventually time out, and return an error to the calling thread.

The clean up routine has also been slightly modified. It now signals both semaphores, and releases the critical section mutex. by doing this, it guarantees that the first reader and writer thread will be unblocked immediately whenever the buffer state is reset. Of course, additional threads may still have to wait for up to the default time-out specified before quitting.

Using the bounded buffer: an example.

In order to provide a framework for this example, a simple application using two threads was devised. This application searches for palindromic prime numbers. A pair of palindromic primes exist where two numbers, X and Y are both prime, and Y is the palindrome of X. Neither X nor Y need be a palindromic number in itself, although if one of them is, then X = Y, a special case. Examples of palindromic primes include: (101, 101), (131, 131), which are both special cases and (16127, 72161) , (15737, 73751) and (15683, 38651), which are not.

In essence, the two threads (source here) perform slightly different tasks. The first thread (the "forward" thread) searches for prime numbers. When it finds one, it puts it into a bounded buffer. The second thread waits of entries in the bounded buffer. When it finds an entry, it removes the entry, reverses the digits, checks whether the reversed number is prime, and if this is the case, it sends a text string containing the two numbers to the main form (source here).

Although there is quite a lot of code, there is very little new to be discussed. The reader would be advised to have a look at the execute methods of each thread, since these provide the clearest overview of what is happening. The transfer of data from the second thread to the VCL thread, and corresponding main form is as discussed in previous chapters. The one point left to make concerns... you guessed it! Resource deallocation and clean up.

A few final points...

And you thought there couldn't possibly be anything else left to say about destruction? There is one final caveat to be mentioned. The bounded buffer code assumes that threads may attempt to access fields in the object after  the buffer has been reset. This is fine, but it means that when destroying the two threads, and the buffer in between them, we must reset the buffer state, then wait for all the threads to terminate, and only then actually free the buffer, thus deallocating the memory containing the object itself. Failure to do this may result in an access violation. The StopThreads function correctly performs this, assuring a clean exit.

It is also worth noting at this point that an additional synchronisation issue exists with the SetSize procedure. In the example, I have assumed that the buffer size is set, once and for all, before any threads use the buffer. It is possible for the buffer size to be set whilst it is in use. This is generally a bad idea, since it means that if more than two threads are using the buffer; one reader and one writer, they may not correctly detect buffer destruction. If the buffer has to be resized, then all the threads using the buffer should either be terminated or suspended at a known safe point. The buffer should then be resized, and the producer and consumer threads restarted. Ambitious programmers may wish to write an extended version of the buffer which handles resize operations transparently.

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© Martin Harvey 2000.