This tutorial written for beginners but contains some intermediate tricks.
I assume that you have already got your Delphi programming language, and read some chapters of a beginner's book. I won't show you 'Hello word' application, I guess you have made it yourself already.
I will help with the next steps. I have met some problems in my learning curve, what taken time to find out. It won't take as long for you.

Advice to get help from delphi and from the internet. What do I do?
1. When I meet a new component. 
2. When I need to perform something, but I don't have any idea what component or method or third party tools I should use. 

Naming conventions. I have too many Unit1... 


Programming Problems:
- How can I show another form in my application? (4 steps tutorial) 

- How can I shuffle strings? For example jokes or poems showing randomly. Or questions asked in a game always in a different order. (8 steps tutorial) 
download an example

- How can I copy protect my program and make it shareware (stop working in 14-30 days.)? 

- Using registry is easy. (5 steps tutorial) 
download an example

- I want to distribute my program on the internet. So I want to make one install file instead of many. I don't want to buy any expensive commercial install program. (10 steps tutorial). 

- Sure, I have to make help for my application. Some words of the available tools... and my way to avoid spending money. (15 steps tutorial) 

- How can I put backgrounds to my forms? (5 steps tutorial) 

- More advanced backgrounds: tiling. 

- Splash screen and time delay. (11 steps tutorial) 
download an example

- I don't want to hard code my application's path, but how can I find out where it is? 

- I have an internet form and I would like to send it to a database
download the "e-mailtodb" shareware

- How can I create database aliases? (7 steps tutorial) 

- How can I create a table? I don't want to use the DEMOS tables. I need to make my own table. (5 steps tutorial) 

- How can I create a table in run time
download an example

- How can I find my way in my long program? 


Advice to get help from delphi and from the internet. What do I do?

1. When I meet a new component:
- I put it to my form,
- I make a new event handler (button click or form click)
- I type the name to the code editor inside the event handler with a dot in the end. This will call the Code Completion wizard. I can see the methods, event and parameters what I can choose from.
- I push an enter, if I find an interesting method.
- If I highlight this expression and push F1, I usually find more information, sometimes with examples.

2. When I need to perform something, but I don't have any idea what component or method or third party tools should I use:
- I open my books indexes and search through keywords.
- Go to the internet: Best tool what I could find! Search all the newsgroups in one place. Fastest way to find the answers to my problems.
If I have a problem, almost sure somebody else had too, and s/he have already asked it and got the answer. My only job to read the possible solutions.
Sometimes I copy the best answers to a question to the notepad so I can use it as a reference later.
- Occasionally I still did not find the answer. So I go to a newsgroup and ask my question. If I posted my question to the right newsgroup, I usually get answer in 2-3 days.

Naming conventions. I have too many Unit1...

- It is very important to give a unique name either for your programs and your units. Forget about the Unit1 and Project1.
- Good practice to start your unit names with "u". You can easily distinguish them from the program names.
- I usually give the same name for my main unit (plus "u") as my program.
- I recommend to make a separate directory for your every programs.

Programming Problems:

- How can I show another form in my application?

When I designed my main form and I need to show a second form,
1. I choose "File/New Form"
2. I click back to the main form
3. "File/Use Unit" will show the available forms, in this case Unit2. I choose it and click OK.
This will add a line under the implementation:
uses Unit2;
4. Now I can call my new form with Form2.Show or Form2.ShowModal.
I usually use the "show" with a form and the "showmodal" with a dialog box. The difference is that I have to close the modal form before I switch to another form.

- How can I shuffle strings? For example jokes or poems showing randomly. Or questions asked in a game always in a different order.

1. Say you have 7 jokes for every day of the week. Make a new type, call it TJokes. Type this to the interface section:

  TJokes = Array [0..6] of String;

2. Make a new variable under the Form1: TForm;

  DailyJoke: TJokes;

3. In the form create method (Object Inspector/Form1/OnCreate double click) type:

  DailyJoke[0] := 'This is suppose to be funny.';
  DailyJoke[1] := 'Ha-Ha';

Type seven jokes. You should call the "Randomize" only once in your whole program!

4. Now the core of the program: shuffle. Put it to an event handler as form activate.

       I, J: Integer;
       Substitute: String;
     for I:= (High(DailyJoke)) downto (Low(DailyJoke)) do
         J:=Low(DailyJoke) +

I think you need some explanation. I change only 2 joke place with each other in this code, but call it 7 times. (for loop).
The Random method never give back the highest range. For example Random(7) return 0 to 6.
I need to add one to the randomized difference of the high and low values to reach the last joke too. In our example, the low(DailyJoke) is 0 so this is optional to add it to the random number. In other cases, maybe you will have to use it.

5. Show on the form what we got. Put a button and a label to it. We want every button click show another joke in the new order.
6. We need a global variable what is outside of the scope of the button click event handler. Type in the implementation section:

  K: integer;

7. Always initialize it. One way is: before the final end at the bottom of the unit type:

 K := 0;

8. Now to the button click event handler type:

If (K <= High(DailyJoke)) then
    label1.Caption := DailyJoke[K];

download the example

- How can I copy protect my program and make it shareware (stop working in 14-30 days.)?

This is a real difficult task. I spent a lot of time to figure out the solution.
- My program should write the date to the registry when it first start.
- Every time checking how many days left.
- Checking, that the computer time was not set back.
- Encode the information in the registry, so the user can't change it manually.
- More difficult to generate a user specific unique registration key. When somebody buy your program it will turn the shareware a fully working program.
You will save money that you do not have to send the working program in a disk or e-mail. And the user save time to not uninstall the shareware and install the program; only type the registration number.

Solution: A third party tool: RTRegControl.
I put 3 component to my form. Set some properties and I have a fully functional shareware in 10 minutes.
Even I can set that how many days or how many calls I will allow, or a specific date when the program will expire.
This component base solution not too hard to break. But nobody will spend a lot of time to break a cheap program. If you have an expensive program, where you want more security, use the dcu version.
I have got a RegKey program too with my registered version. So I can make as many registration key as I want. I do not have to pay for it.
The RTRegControl coasted me $59. One of the cheapest solution. And definitely one of the best.
They have a home page:
I appreciate their customer service too. Tomasz always answered my questions within 24 hours.

- Using registry is easy.

I will show you an example where we will make a registration program. We will ask the user's details and write it to the registry. And later on we will read it from there.

1. Put 2 labels, 2 edit box and 2 buttons to the form. (NameLbl, CompanyLbl, NameEdit, CompanyEdit, RegisterBtn, ShowInfoBtn)
2. Put the "registry" to your uses clause. (to the interface).
3. Double click to the RegisterBtn OnClick Events. Type this to the event handler shell:

  MyRegistry: TRegistry;
  if (NameEdit.Text <> '') and (CompanyEdit.Text <> '') then
      MyRegistry:= TRegistry.Create;
      if MyRegistry.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\S-CoolSoft\Registration\', True) then
          with MyRegistry do
              WriteString('Name', NameEdit.Text);
              WriteString('Company', CompanyEdit.Text);

Explanation: HKEY_CURRENT_USER is the default root key. Our key will be added to this. If we set the OpenKey second parameter to "True" this will create the new directories to the registry if it has not been there before. The SOFTWARE directory was there. You should add your company name and your program name to it. As I did in my example.
See in the RegEdit program what happened exactly. (Start/Run/Regedit.exe)

4. Read the values from the registry. Double click to the ShowInfoBtn OnClick Events. Type this to the event handler shell:

  MyReg: TRegistry;
  n, c: string;
  MyReg := TRegistry.Create;
  if MyReg.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\S-CoolSoft\Registration\', False) then
      if MyReg.ValueExists('Name') then
        n := MyReg.ReadString('Name');
      if MyReg.ValueExists('Company') then
        c := MyReg.ReadString('Company');
      MessageDlg('This program is registered to' + #13 + n + ', ' + c,
                        mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
    MessageDlg('This is an unregistered version.' + #13 + 'Please, register first.',
                        mtWarning, [mbOK], 0);

I used the same registry key but "false" parameter. If it does not exist yet, we cannot read any data from there. In this case a warning dialog will appear. If everything is all right we will see an information dialog with the details.

5. It would be even better if we disable the ShowInfoBtn until the entry is made to the registry. Do it in designer time with the Object Inspector.
To enable make a new code line to the RegistrationBtn click event handler.
        ShowInfoBtn.Enabled := True; {new line}

If you do this extra step, you won't see the warning dialog box ever.

download the example

- I want to distribute my program in the internet. So I want to make one install file instead of many. I don't want to buy any expensive commercial install program.

The problem is, that when I use the Install Shield Express the result will be not only one file but many (8-12..) This is not a real problem if I want to distribute my program in disks or Cd. But for the internet I should make one file.
The ZIP archive would be a good solution, but some people don't have unzip program.
So a self-extracting zip would be even better.

I have found a freeware delphi zip components. Written by Eric W. Engler. You can download it from several place: or or

You can write your zip program with this. Now I would like to recommend you the Demo1 program (C:\Zip\Demo1\ZipDemo1.dpr) Compile and run it. This is a really great, fully functional program.

How to make your own self-extracting install program?
1. Push the "New Zipfile" button. Give a name for it and click Open.
2. Click the "Add to Zip" button.
3. Find the files what you have made with the Install Shield Express. If they are a separate directory, push "Select all files" then "Add file ==>".
4. If every file, what you need, in the list box then click the "DO IT NOW" button. This will make your zip file.
5. You will see a messages window and a dialog what tell you how many files were added. Click Ok in the dialog and Dismiss the messages window.
6. You need a self-extracting file, so convert your zip file with the "Convert to EXE" button.
7. Change the caption as you wish.
8. Give a Default Extract Directory, for example: "C:\temp\myprogram". This won't mess up the user's hard drive. S/he can find it and delete it easily.
9. To the "Command line to exec after extraction" edit box write this: "><Setup.exe" Don't use the quotation marks. The setup.exe is the original name. If you changed it to something else, use that.
10. Push the "Do it now" button. You get your self-extracting exe.
You can try it out. Double click on it will automatically start the installation after extraction.

- Sure I have to make help for my application. Some words of the available tools... and my way to avoid to spend money.

I feel disappointed when I find out that the help making not a Delphi issue. I can buy some expensive program to make this important task.
I tried lots of way:
- Combine the Word with the Help workshop. In this case, you will spend more time to make your help than to make your program.
- HelpScribble:
It is one of the best solution. It is a good program. I can connect with the delphi help contents very easily. It is cost around $79-90 (depend of the source). I did not buy it yet but maybe I will later on.
- HTML help workshop. This is the new Microsoft stuff. It is free. But it is turned me down when it did not worked with the Delphi. I should buy some compatibility tool to make it work together :-(

- After experimenting in the help writing area I decide to write my simple and free help. It is not as good as the commercial product, but it is working OK.
1. I put two panels to my form. The first aligned to the left the second is "alClient".
2. I put a Splitter between them. It will automatically align to the left.
3. I put a TreeView component to my first panel and a RichEdit component to my second panel.
The TreeView will show the contents. The RichEdit will show the descriptions.
4. I made an .rtf (rich text format) with an editor as the WordPad. Saved it Overv.RTF. You can make as many .rtf file as you need to your help.
5. I double clicked to the TreeView component. This will invoke the TreeView Editor.
6. I clicked the New Item button and typed Overview to the text edit box. You can create your own complex contents here.
7. I create an event handler to the TreeView double click. (Object Inspector: Event/OnDblClick)
8a. To the empty shell type this:

If AnItem.Text ='Overview' then

It was simple, isn't it?

8b. If you plan to place your help file to a separate directory under the program exe file directory, then use the path (I call this directory to "Help"): If you want to know more about the path, watch this link.

path := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'Help\';
If AnItem.Text ='Overview' then
    RichEdit1.Lines.LoadFromFile(path + 'Overv.RTF');

I recommend this way. Your program directories become more clear.
No you have a working help file.

You can improve it:
9. With graphics in the TreeView.
- I put an ImageList component to my form.
10. Double click invoke the editor.
11. I click the "Add" button.
12. I chose "C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi3\Images\Buttons" first "BookShut"; second "BookOpen"; third "Docsingl". You can use any graphics what you like.
The editor put two image every time, but I always deleted the disabled images. So I have only 3 image instead of 6.

To show these images.
13. I went back to the TreeView editor, chose the subitems and changed the "Image Index" and Selected Index" properties to 2. (page image) I leave the main items properties 0. (closed book)
14. I should modify the contents tree node image if it is opened to open book and a closed book when it is closed. I do it with code:
- Object Inspector: TreeView/OnExpanded double click:

Node.ImageIndex := 1;

- Object Inspector: TreeView/OnCollapsed double click:

Node.ImageIndex := 0;

15. It is better if I close the whole stuff when I close the form.
In the form close event handler I type this:


Additional improvement:
- I made a pop-up window
- I made links in the .rtf files.
These are not very important to make helps so I will not enter into the details. You can see a complete working example, if you download any of my shareware programs.
    - E-mail to database (download)
    - Best Test (download)
    - Best Test Editor (download)

I hope you can use this example to make your own help.
If you do so, please put a link to this site in your readme and help, and tell me, that you find it useful.
You do not have to but I would appreciate it. :-)

- How can I put backgrounds to my forms?

1. The easiest way to put an image component to your form or a panel.
2. Make the alignment to client.
3. Load a bitmap to it. (Make sure it fit properly without stretch.) Use the "Tools/Image Editor" if you have to.
4. Make sure that the labels transparent properties are true.
5. If you do not see the the labels in run time. Click to the Image component "Edit/Send to Back".

This solution have many disadvantages. If you cover a large surface, your bitmap should be large too. You can change the stretch property to true but it won't be too beautiful. The bigger bmp will radically increase your program size.

This is why I like to tile smaller bitmaps. See next example.

- More advanced backgrounds: tiling.
Sorry that I won't show a code here. I find this library example in the How to Program Delphi 3 book. It has some very useful library. Worth to buy.

- Splash screen and time delay.

How to add an about window to your application and make it splash when it starts:

1. Click File/New... from the New Items dialog Forms tab I choose the About Box.
2. Design the form.
3. Put a Timer component to it. (from the System tab)
4. Set the Timer Interval property for example to 3000 (3 seconds).
5. Set the Enabled property to false. If somebody wants to see the about window more then 3 second s/he can do it. We change it programmatically when it is splash.
6. Double click on the Timer/OnTimer event. Type to the open shell:


This will close your splash screen after 3 seconds.
7. Change the About box look when it is splash with code. Make a new method, call it splash.
- To the interface public part type:

    procedure Splash;

- To the implementation:

procedure TAboutBox.Splash;
  BorderStyle := bsNone;
  FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
  OKButton.Visible := False;

You can change any other property if you want to.

8. Now we should switch back to the main form. Add the About box unit name (unit2 or uabout) to the interface uses clause.
9. To the form create method (Object Inspector/Form1/OnCreate) type:

  SplashScreen: TAboutBox;
  SplashScreen := TAboutBox.Create(Application);
  With SplashScreen do
      Timer1.Enabled := True;

10. Withdraw the About window from the auto-create forms. Project/Options, click on the AboutBox  and > button. This will put the AboutBox to the Available forms list.
11. You should design a main menu. Under the Help, write About. Double click on it and type:

  About: TAboutBox;
  About := TAboutBox.Create(Application);

This is very similar to the form create method. But we don't call the splash or the timer methods, only show the original form.

Download the example

- I don't want to hard code my application's path, but how can I find out where it is?

  path: string;
  path := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))

ParamStr(0) returns the path and file name of the executing program.
The ExtractFilePath will give you the drive and the directory name of the given filename.

- I have an internet form and I would like to send it to a database.

I have made a shareware program to make your life easier. You can download it.

If you are interested the main steps of the programming continue to read.

1. You need an internet form, what is send the submissions as an attachment to you directly by When you open it with a mail program (Netscape...) you will see something like this:
Copy it to an edit box of your program.
2a. If you do not have any open database table, you have to create a table run time with the given fields. I converted + to _ .
2b. If you have an open database table, compare the fields. Add the new fields to it if any. In this step, I used a library unit from the "How to program Delphi 3" book. Pretty useful book.
3. Post the values to the appropriate fields.

This program contains lots of string manipulations. Thanks for Marco Cantu's examples in the Delphi Developer's Handbook. This is a very advanced book. If you are a beginner, first read the Mastering Delphi before you buy this.

Download "E-mail to Database" shareware.

- How can I create database aliases?

1. Start the Database Desktop program.
2. Click Tools/Alias Manager...
3. Click the New button.
4. Type your alias name - for example TEST - to the Database Alias box.
5. The Driver Type leave it STANDARD.
6. To find the correct path, push the Browse... button. You will see the Directory Browser. When you find the path - for example: "C:\Program Files\S-CoolSoft\Data" - click on the Ok button.
7. Click OK in the Alias Manager. This will save your changes.

- How can I create a table? I don't want to use the DEMOS tables. I need to make my own table.

1. Start the Database Desktop program.
2. File/New/Table...
3. The Create Table dialog will show the table types. Leave it Paradox 7.
4. You can design your own fields or you can borrow (Borrow... button) from an existing table.
5. When you are ready, click Save as... and give a unique name to it.

- How can I create a table in run time?

1. Put 4 labels, 4 edit boxes, a Table, a DataSource, a DbGrid and a button to the form. (Name the labels and edit boxes: TableNameLbl, TableNameEdit, Field1Lbl, Field1Edit, Field2Lbl...., the button name: CreateBtn)

2. Connect the database components to each other. In the Object Inspector choose DbGrid1.DataSource to DataSource1; DataSource1 DataSet property to Table1; Table1 Database property to one of your own alias (If you have not created any yet, you can use the DEMOS).
Leave the Table1 TableName property empty.

3. The required values the Table name and the first field. We will test only them. Type this to the CreateBtn Onclick event handler:

If (TableNameEdit.Text <> '') and (Field1Edit.Text <> '') then
    Table1.TableName := TableNameEdit.Text;
    Table1.TableType := ttParadox;
    with Table1.FieldDefs do
        Add(Field1Edit.Text, ftString, 40, False);
          if (Field2Edit.Text <> '') then
            Add(Field2Edit.Text, ftString, 40, False);
          if (Field3Edit.Text <> '') then
           Add(Field3Edit.Text, ftString, 40, False);

4. This code need a lot of improvement. If accidentally the user click the Create button again. It will cause database error, because the table already open. Just disable the button after the Table opened.

  CreateBtn.Enabled := False;

5. We declared all fields to string, only 40 characters and not required. We can ask the user instead what s/he really needs.

6. We should watch for special characters what is not allowed in the table creations.

Download the example

- How can I find my way in my long program?

Have you heard about the bookmarks. This is it.
Make a new bookmark: Push Ctrl and Shift and a number. This will add a green square with a number to the line where your cursor was.
To find your bookmark: Push Ctrl and the number what you need.

I like this feature very much. Use it!

If you enjoyed this tutorial, please send me a response. Thanx.


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How long have you studied Delphi?

I am new
for some months
I am a wizard

What did you download?

    - Examples:

Run time table creation

    - Sharewares:

Best Test
Best Test Editor
E-mail to database

What kind of improvement do you suggest? Do you have a specific problem, what you would like to see in this tutorial?
