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ScanMail for Microsoft Outlook

Scans Outlook folders for malicious code and attachments for FREE!
Also includes Trend's ActiveUpdate technology which automatically retrieves the latest virus pattern file and scan engine directly from Trend, so you are always up-to-date.

Note: ScanMail for Outlook works with Microsoft Outlook 97, Outlook 98 and Exchange 5.0 folders.

The explosive growth of corporate email systems in the past three years has made email one of the primary transmission means for computer viruses. The annual Computer Virus Prevalence Survey, published by the International Computer Security Association (ICSA) found that the number of computer virus victims who reported becoming infected via email is growing rapidly, increasing from 9% in 1996 to 32.3% in 1998. More recently, the quick-spreading W97M_MELISSA virus that used macro code inside a Word file to automate Outlook and send email messages from the unwitting recipient’s computer made headlines around the world and affected hundreds of large corporate sites.

Users of Microsoft Outlook 97 and 98 can now download Trend Micro’s free ScanMail for Outlook virus scanning program. This program scans Outlook folders for malicious code and attachments. If the program finds any virus-infected email messages, you can configure the program to either clean, delete or ignore the message.

Instructions for downloading ScanMail for Outlook:

  1. Double-click the Download file icon to start the download.
  2. Save the file to your local hard disk drive.
  3. When the download is complete, double-click the ScanMailForOutlookSetup.exe file icon in a Windows Explorer window to start the installation program
  4. Follow the instructions for the installation wizard.