Graphics Viewer, Thumbnail and HTML Creator
from Off-Site Labs, Inc.
What you will find in this document
What is Thumb
What's New
Thumbnails And File Names
Use Of Internet Browser
Migrating from Version 1.x
or 2.x To Version 3.x
Getting Started
Virtual Directories
Command Line Parameters
Main Window
- Icons.
- "File" Menu
- "Applications" Menu
- "Output" Menu
Viewing Images
"File" Menu
- "Options" Menu
HTML And Text
HTML And Slide
Non-HTML Image And File Icons
Trial Period And Demo Limitations
Official Download Sites
Service And Support
Special Requirements
Reporting Problems
How To
License Agreement
Thumb Print is a utility used to locate, view, and create web pages from graphic images and other types of files. The main benefit of this software package is the ability to generate quick and easy web pages that can be copied directly to a web server. The web pages can display images as thumbnails or as full size images. Thumbnails can be scaled down (displayed without altering the physical size of the file) images or can be created as thumbnails (small versions of the original file) images.
Any file name on your system or web site can be indexed with an web page. This includes AVI, WAV, MID, RMI, and any other file type. Customized icon files, in GIF or JPG format, can be used to represent the files.
A built in image viewer enables you to view GIF, JPG, and 21 other image types easily without the use of a browser. Select any file for quick and easy viewing within Thumb Print 95. Copy image files from one directory to another as easily as clicking a button.
Quickly convert BMP, GIF, and other image types to JPG format. This feature is especially useful when you are publishing content on the WEB.
What's New in v3.30?
Added new window option to create an image catalog.
What's Was New In The 3.21
- Removed Gray box in middle of window when
What's Was New In The 3.20
- Added Option to allow thumbnails to be
created with and without border.
- Added option to allow thumbnail files
to be prefixed with "tn_" or suffixed with "_tn"
- Added
option to change image dithering.
- Added option to
change image optimization.
- Added option to change
image quality.
- Added option to change image
- Added 'Cancel' button on HTML title window
to stop creation of html page.
- Changed slide shows to use
titles if non-blank on HTML Title window.
What's Was New In
The 3.06 Release?
- Fixed a
bug involving the use of the "virtual directory". Files were not being
- Changed the way thumbnails are created to
create smaller borders.
What's Was New In
The 3.06 Release?
- Fixed a bug where thumbnails
were not being used/created during web page generation.
- Fixed a bug for associating text on the "View Image"
What Was New In The 3.05 Release?
- Updated system files (DLLs and OCXs).
What Was New In The 3.04 Release?
- Updated system files (DLLs and OCXs).
What Was New In The 3.03 Release?
- Added option to change the background or border color
thumbnail images.
- Enhanced the registration window to
remove leading and trailing spaces.
What Was
New In The 3.02 Release?
- Added ability to rename
sub-level html files for the Advanced HTML output option.
- Added ability to use a title under thumbnails instead of
just file name.
- Minor message box corrections.
- Bug fix for displaying a blank thumbnail.
What Was
New In The 3.0/3.01 Release?
- Upgrade to Visual Basic
6.0 run time.
- Top and bottom banner support with
hyperlinks to another web page..
- Added virtual
directories for file names.
- Added 'Simple Image'
window to display images along with height and width for images.
- Added 4 command line parameters.
- One version: Thumb Print Pro. The regular
version and Windows 3.x version no longer supported.
The software will startup in demo mode. No requirement for the demo name
and code.
- New site license rates.
What Was
New In The 2.x Releases?
- Refer to our web site for
additional update information.
Thumbnails And File Names
In demo mode, thumbnail files names are generated using an 8 character, numeric number. The file names will be prefixed with "tn_" or suffixed with "_tn" to designate the file is a thumbnail. The file type is always JPEG or JPG format. After registration, the actual file name will be used rather than the generated using an 8 character, numeric number.
Demo mode
file name example:
- sourcefile:
- thumbnail: 12345678_tn.jpg or
file name example:
- sourcefile:
- thumbnail: myfile_tn.jpg or tn_myfile.jpg
Thumb Print Supports Netscape And Microsoft Browsers - Thumb Print supports the Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) browsers. The software has the ability to automatically create and load HTML documents. If you are not using Netscape or MSIE as your browser, the HTML file you created can be loaded into your favorite browser using the "File\Open" option of your browser.
Migrating from v1.x or 2.x to v3.x
If you are
currently using a version that is earlier than v3.0, you may want to upgrade to
the latest version for the following reasons:
- Easier
to update to future supported releases by simply downloading the new
- Updates system libraries (DLLs and OCXs)
to latest versions from Microsoft.
- Support for
versions earlier than v3.0 will not be supported.
- New
Version 3.x is a Visual Basic 6.0 application. This means that there are new system files used to run the application. Upgrading provides you with a faster application.
The migration to v3.0 might cause your system to update several files that currently reside on your machine. If the installation program for Thumb Print detects that files need to be upgraded, you will see a message similar to the following:
"Setup cannot continue some system files are out of date on your system. Click OK if you would like setup to update these files for you now. You will need to restart Windows before you can run setup again. Click Cancel to exit setup without updating system files."
You may even get another message during the install that tells you there is an "access violation" has occurred. This may be due to the fact that some other application is using the file that setup is trying to install. The error message will display something similar to the following:
"An access violation occurred while copying the file."
You should try and close all applications. One or more applications are using the file. After closing all applications, click the "Retry" button. The installation should continue.
If the problem still exists after closing all applications, click the "Ignore" button to continue with the setup. Then when you are prompted again, click the "Yes" button to ignore the error. This usually means that the file being copied is already on your system.
Getting started is as easy as selecting a directory with image and clicking one of the HTML creation icons/options. Use the following instructions to create your first HTML web page:
NOTE: Do you have Netscape or MSIE loaded on your system? If so, each time a HTML page is created it will be loaded automatically. If not, you will have to use the FILE\OPEN FILE in your Internet browser to load the file.
There are lots of options and features in Thumb Print. Play with the options to generate web pages you can copy to your Internet account. Publishing web content is easy if you select the "Options\HTML\Internet Ready" option. This option copies all HTML and image files into one directory making it very easy to publish you work.
A virtual directory gives you the ability to create a text file with name of files located anywhere on your network. The format is simply the path plus the file name. The path can be the physical directory or a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. For more information see 'Use Virtual Directory'.
command line parameters have been added:
1. /f =
loads a virtual directory or text file with file locations.
2. /s = display the 'Simple Image' window display
3. /v = display the 'View Image'
4. /x = exit or end program when closing
the 'Simple Image' or 'View Image' windows.
To implement these parameters, simply add the desired parameters them to the end of the command or shortcut. For example, you could use the following to load a virtual directory and display the 'View Image' window upon startup:
The following will load the file 'virtual.txt':
c:\program files\thumbp> thumbp.exe /f
The following will load the file 'virtual.txt' and display
the 'View Image' window:
c:\program files\thumbp>
thumbp.exe /f virtual.txt /v
The following will load the file 'virtual.txt' and display
the 'View Image' window and close Thumb Print when the 'View Image' window is
c:\program files\thumbp> thumbp.exe /f
virtual.txt /v /x
The following will load the file 'virtual.txt' and display
the 'Simple Image' window:
files\thumbp> thumbp.exe /f virtual.txt /s
The following will load the file 'virtual.txt' and display
the 'Simple Image' window and close Thumb Print when the 'Simple Image' window
is closed:
c:\program files\thumbp> thumbp.exe /f
virtual.txt /s /x
Exit - Terminates or closes the application
Save List - Save the file list
to a text file.
Load List -
Load a list of file names from a text file
Locate Files - Search and load a list of files from one
or more directories.
Images - Display images from the list of file names.
Quick HTML (#1) - Creates a
quick HTML from any directory with web images.
Simple HTML (#2) - Creates a quick HTML file from the
current file list.
HTML (#3) - Creates a set of complex HTML files using thumbnails, and
hyperlinks, and other options.
Vertically Aligned HTML (#4) - Creates one or more HTML
files that displays images in a vertical manner.
Slide Show HTML - Creates a set of HTML files that are
linked together with navigation buttons.
Delete Files - Physically removes files from disk and
the file list.
Erase Files
- Removes file names from the list. Does not delete the files from disk.
Associate Text - Allows text to
be associated with file names.
Simple Images - This window will display images in a very simple way. This window provides the image file list, the height and width, and the image itself.
View Images - See "View Images" Window
Logo - You now have the ability to have your company or personal logo as part of the initial display. Create and use any size file. The image will be scaled to a size (if it is too big) that will fit inside the display area. The file can be any *.BMP. If you have the Windows 95 version, you may also select GIF, or JPG files.
LOGO AREA: The area just below the icons and the status bar at the bottom of the window.
Clear Logo - This option simply clears the logo entry so that the logo area is blank.
Background Color - This option allows you to change the background color of the logo area. This allows you to match the area around the logo to match your logo image.
Clear File List - This option will clear the files listed in the "file list" box. It will also make the logo reappear if you have one defined. The background color will also appear at the same time. To make the file list appear, select file(s) from the local or network disk drives or just click in the file list area of the window.
This menu is used to select the browser and editor software.
Browser - This frame contains the browser software program name. Use the 'Select' button to locate the browser software. An attempt will be made to automatically locate the Netscape or MSIE browser software. If for some reason the software cannot be found, you will be prompted to locate it manually. At the current time, Netscape and MSIE are the only browsers that Thumb Print uses to automatically load the HTML document created. Other browsers can be used with Thumb Print. To use other browsers, the "File/Open" menu option is used to load HTML files manually.
Editor - This frame contains the program name for the editor to make changes to HTML files. Use the 'Select' button to locate the editor software. The selected editor should be able to launch and load a file supplied on the command line. For example: c:\windows\notepad test.txt. Netscape Composer can be used with the "-edit" option. For example: c:\apps\composer\netscape.exe -edit.
Images - The Image Size frame contains options for you to customize the size of the images that will appear in the HTML file. There are two boxes for you to supply values. The default size is 25x25 pixels.
Relative Addressing: HTML PAGE: c:\files\thumbp.htm IMAGES: c:\files\gif\abc123.gif Result: the address would be gif/abc123.gif Non-Relative Addressing: HTML PAGE: c:\data\thumbp.htm IMAGES: c:\files\gif\abc123.gif Result: the address would be c:\files\gif\abc123.gif
"Color Selection" Button - See "Color Selection" Window
"Edit HTML Heading And Footing" Button - This button will display a window that will contain the HTML code to generate custom HTML output. Refer to your HTML reference material for appropriate tags and syntax. The first time you select this option, default code will be supplied. If for some reason you want to reload the default information, simply delete "htmlhead.htm" and "htmlfoot.htm" from the directory where you have Thumb Print installed. Then select this option. If you select "Cancel" on this window, all changes (if any) will be ignored. To save all changes and update the header and footer HTML files, click the "OK" button.
"Image And Text Placement" Button - See "HTML Image And Text Placement" Window
"HTML Text Conversion" Button - See "HTML Text Conversion" Window
"HTML Slide Show Options" Button - See "HTML Slide Show Options" Window
Locate Local Files - When this item is selected, a panel is displayed that will allow you to locate GIF and JPG files. Once you have selected the files you want to look at, click on the OK button and select the "File/Create HTML File" option or icon
Save Directory Profile - If you have a directory or set of sub-directories that you will want to recall at some point in the future you can save the settings in a "directory profile". The file will have a "DPR" extension. It will contain information such as directory paths, file filter pattern, and whether to look in sub directories.
Load Directory Profile - This option simply reloads information saved by the "Save Directory Profile" option. Once reloaded, you can click on the "Add To File List" button to have files added to the file list that match the file filter pattern.
Save File Profile - If you have a set of files that you will want to reload at some point in the future you can save them in a "file profile". The file will have a "FPR" extension. It will contain the file list that is found in the File List box.
Load File Profile - This option simply reloads a file list saved by the "Save File Profile" option. Once reloaded, you can click on the "Exit" button to have the list box populated with the selected file names. Then you will be ready to create the HTML document from the file list..
Look In Sub-Dirs - This item will allow you to select a parent directory and search all sub-directories without having to visit each directory manually.
File Type - The popular graphic file types available. Only GIF and JPG file types will be used when HTML files are created. The supported file types are as follows:
"Add To Directory List" Button - This button adds directory entries to be scanned into the Directory List box.
Add To File List - Clicking on this button will add files to the File List box that match the file filter pattern. The file search will be performed from the directories added to the Directory List box. As directories are processed they will be removed from the list. If you have selected "Look In Sub-Dirs" then sub-directories will be added to the list automatically.
Directory List: Clear List - This button simply clears the Directory List box.
Directory List: Remove Directory - If you want to remove a directory from the list, click on the directory path and then click on the "Remove Directory" button. The directory will be removed from the list.
File List: "Clear List" Button - This button simply clears the File List box.
File List: "Remove File" Button - If you want to remove a file from the list, click on the file name and then click on the "Remove File" button. The file name will be removed from the list.
File List Frame: Allow Duplicates - This option allows the file list to contain duplicates.
"Stop Processing" Button - This button will cease the processing of directories.
Clipboard Conversion - When this option is selected, anytime a local HTML path appears on the clipboard it will be converted. This option allows the conversion of an HTML file address to a local directory path. The converted text can be used to paste file path and names into a word processor, editor, or graphics program.
This option looks for "file:///" on the clipboard. If it exists, it will then check to see if the file is located on your local system (checking the file path and name). If the file path and name can be found, the clipboard is then converted. It could then be used for "paste" operations.
For example, if you copy "file:///c|data/abc.gif" to the clipboard from your browser's address line, it will be converted to "c:\data\abc.gif". If the files local file does not exist, the text would not be converted and would remain "file:///c|data/abc.gif".
Image Catalog - See "Image Catalog Window".
Image Window - This option will launch a separate window to display images selected from the main file list. This window contains a menu option that allows you to copy the image to the Windows clipboard. After doing so, the image can be pasted into any application that supports images.
Use Virtual Directory - This option allows you to load a text file that contains the locations of various files. Use this option when you want to pull a group of files together that may be located anywhere on your desktop or network. The text file can be the creation of a database query, text editor, or output from another program.
The format of the file is nothing more than the directory and file name. Each line or record in the file contains one and only one file path and name. The line can contain the physical path or a UNC directory. Here are a couple of examples:
Upon selecting a 'virtual directory' file, the background will change to black with white letters. When you select a regular directory, the background changes back to white with black letters.
Exit And Use Current File List - This option will exit the catalog window and return the "Current File List" to the Main Window.
Cancel And Exit - Selecting this option will return back to the main window and will maintain the original file list before loading the "Image Catalog" form.
Prompt For Titles - This option allows you to enter titles for the images. Select the first image in the list. After enter the title, press the 'Enter" key and you will be prompted for the next image's title. Press the "Enter" with a blank title to cancel.
Create Thumbnail File - This button allows for the creation of a small, thumbnail version of the selected file. The size is determined from the value located in the menu "Options/HTML/ Thumbnail Size" option.
Create JPG File - This button allows for the creation of the selected file to be converted to a JPG file format. If the selected image is already in JPG format, this option is unavailable.
Create List To JPGs - This button will create JPG images from all files in the selected list. If the selected image is already in JPG format, this option is unavailable.
Create List To Thumbnails - This button will create small, thumbnail images from the selected list of files. They will be saved in JPG file format. The size is determined from the value located in the menu "Options/HTML/ Thumbnail Size" option.
Load Saved File - Allows you to load a previously save catalog. You must have saved a catalog list from Thumb Print. It has a special format. The file will not load if the format of the file has changed or is not in the expected format.
Save Image Data To Output File - Allows you to save the list of images into a text file.
Current File List Frame - This list box contains the files currently available to create the image catalog.
Output File - This frame contains information about the actual image catalog file.
Format - Select the
information you want to store in the catalog:
Image, title
2. Image, thumbnail,
File - This field contains the name of the file to store the image catalog information.
"Select File" Button - This button allows you to select the file to store the image catalog information.
"Save Image Data" Button - This button will save the image catalog in the format as determined by the "Format" option.
Save All Images - This option allows you to save all images in the list to the image catalog file.
Save ONLY Images With Titles - This option allows you to save images to the image catalog file that contains a title entry.
Save ONLY Images With Thumbnails - This option allows you to save images to the image catalog file where a thumbnail file has been created for the image.
Web Pages Frame - This frame contains information regarding the catalog display. The items determine how the web page catalog will look.
Number of images per row - This field specifies how many images should be displayed in a row on the web page display.
Number of images per column - This field specifies how many images should be displayed in a column on the web page display.
Use thumbnail images - This option will display the thumbnails with links to the full size images. This option will only display thumbnails if they have already been created for the image(s).
Use full size images - This option will display the full size images in the web page display. Thumbnail images will not be displayed.
Image Frame - This frame displays the selected image. The image is scaled to fit the frame size.
Other Information
Title - This field allows you to enter the title for the image.
Target Dir - This box is the directory that will be used to store the thumbnail images. To change this directory, select the desired drive and directory from the "Target Directory" selection items.
Target Directory - This frame is used to select the desired directory to store the thumbnail images.
Image Dimensions - This frame contains the height and width of the image displayed. A non-image will have zero values for both the height and width.
Quick HTML - This option will prompt you for a directory to use in the creation of a HTML page. The HTML file created with this option will use only GIF and JPG type files. After the directory is selected, click on "Create HTML" to create the HTML file. It will only create an HTML that displays the full size image. The HTML heading and footing will be used if you have set them up (see "Options/HTML"). Most of the options listed in "Options\HTML" window do not have an effect on the HTML files created with this option. The options that will change the appearance of the files are Color Selection, Image And Text Placement, and Slide Show.
Simple HTML - This option allows the quick HTML file creation from the list of files contained in the main file list area. The HTML file created with this option will use only GIF and JPG type files. The images are not scaled by height or width. No borders, file names, thumbnails, or background images. The output from this option is a plain HTML file with a heading and footing with the full size images being displayed. Most of the options listed in "Options\HTML" window do not have an effect on the HTML files created with this option. The options that will change the appearance of the files are Color Selection, Image And Text Placement, and Slide Show.
Advanced HTML - All options located in the menu "Options/HTML" window can be used to vary the creation of HTML files. This option uses the list of files displayed in the main window.
The HTML file contains links to selected image files, sound file, movie files, text files, and any other file you have selected in the file list. The HTML file will initially display all images as small thumbnail pictures. To view the full size image, just click on the thumbnail image. The HTML file contain sound or movie files, the link will cause the browser to load the appropriate software and play the sound or movie.
Vertically Aligned HTML - This option will create an HTML that will display images in a vertical manner, one on top of another. Only web images (GIF and JPEG) will be used with this option. The result can display thumbnails with links to the full size image or the actual image without links. The "Image And Text Placement" window has an effect on the HTML files created with this option.
Using Thumbnails vs. Full Size Images: The menu "Options\HTML\Use Thumbnail If Available" option helps determine how this option creates output. If selected, thumbnails will be used with links to the full size image. Not selecting this option will cause the "Vertically Aligned HTML" option to create an HTML file that displays the full size image without links to another image.
Slide Show HTML - This option will create a series of HTML files to create an image presentation that is referred to the "slide show". Each HTML file contains one image with navigation buttons to advance to the next slide or HTML file. Custom text can be associated with each image by going to the "View Images" window and using the "Options\Associate Text" option.
Exit And Use Current File List - This option will exit the Image Viewing window and return the "Current File List" to the Main Window.
Exit And Use New File List - This option will exit the Image Viewing window and return the "New File List" to the Main Window. If no files are in this list, the "Current File List" will be used.
Cancel And Exit - Selecting this option will return back to the main window and will maintain the original file list before loading the "View Images" form.
Set HTML Background - If you want to use an image in your HTML files created by Thumb Print, this is where you do it. Click on an image and then select this option. Every time you create a new thumbnail file of images, the background image you selected will be used. This option is available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
Clear HTML Background - Clears the entry for the HTML background image file. This option is available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
Move Selected Files To "New File List" - This option will copy all files from the "Current File List" to the "New File List" box for the files you have selected. This allows you to perform multiple copies at once. The actual files are not being moved, just the list box entries. This option is available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
Move Selected Files To "Current File List" - This option will copy all files from the "New File List" to the "Current File List" box for the files you have selected. This allows you to perform multiple copies at once. The actual files are not being moved, just the list box entries. This option is available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
Clear Current File List Selections - This option will clear all file selections in the "Current File List" box. No files are removed from the list, deleted from disk or copied. Files you have "highlighted" will be "un-highlighted". This option is available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
Clear New File List Selections - This option clears all file selections in the "New File List" box. No files are removed from the list, deleted from disk or copied. When selected, the files you have "highlighted" will be "un-hilighted". This option is available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
Clear All File List Selections - This option clears all file selections in both the "Current File List" and "New File List" boxes. No files are removed from the list, deleted from disk or copied. When selected, the files you have "highlighted" will be "un-hilighted". This option is available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
View Thumbnail - This option allows you to display the images as a thumbnail. The thumbnail displayed is what the image would look like as a JPG thumbnail image. The size is determined by the value entered in the menu Options\HTML option.
Associate Text - This option is to allow text to be associated with a particular file name. This text will be used in the HTML slide show option.
Add File - This option allows the addition of a single file name to the list of files.
Change Thumbnail Background Color - This button allows you to change the color of the background or border color of the thumbnail images to be created.
Current File List Box - This list box contains the files as loaded into the main window. All file operations in this window will start with this list of files. If you select the menu FILE/EXIT, the files listed in the "Current File List" box will be kept and moved back to the main display window. If you want to move files from the "Current File List" box to the "New File List" box, double click on the file and the file path moves to the "New File List" box. This list box also has options available if the "right" mouse button is clicked. The options duplicate some of those found in the menu "Options".
New File List Box - This list box is used to cut files down to a smaller sub-set of files. For example, you have 30 files in the "Current File List" box and you want to move 10 of the files to the "New File List" box, double click on the 10 desired files and watch them move to the "New File List" box. If you want to move files from the "New File List" box to the "Current File List" box, double click on the file and the file path moves to the "Current File List" box. This list box also has options available if the "right" mouse button is clicked. The options duplicate some of those found in the menu "Options".
HTML BG (Background Image) - This box contains the image file that will be used as the background image in the HTML file created by Thumb Print. To change the file, click on the desired file in the "Current File List" box or the "New File List" box and then select the menu option "File/Options/Set Background". The same result can be obtained by double clicking on the box where the background file name goes.
Target Dir - This box is the directory that will be used to copy any files when the "Copy / Move File(s)" button is clicked. To change this directory, select the desired drive and directory from the "Target Directory" selection items. Upon loading the form, if the last target directory cannot be found, the directory where Thumb Print has been installed will be selected.
"Create Thumbnail" Button (Pro Version Only) - This button allows for the creation of a small, thumbnail version of the selected file. The size is determined from the value located in the menu "Options/HTML/ Thumbnail Size" option.
"Create JPG File" Button (Pro Version Only) - This button allows for the creation of the selected file to be converted to a JPG file format. If the selected image is already in JPG format, this option is unavailable.
"Convert List To Thumbs" Button (Pro Version Only) - This button will create small, thumbnail images from the selected list of files. They will be saved in JPG file format. The size is determined from the value located in the menu "Options/HTML/ Thumbnail Size" option.
"Convert List To JPGs" Button (Pro Version Only) - This button will create JPG images from all files in the selected list. If the selected image is already in JPG format, this option is unavailable.
"Copy / Move File(s)" Button -This button allows you to copy or physically move files to other directories.
When the file(s) are moved, the file list will reflect the new directory where the file can be found.
"View File Copy Log" Button - Thumb Print will create a log file that contains all file copies and file moves. This file is named "filecopy.log" and will be located in Thumb Print's directory (where thumbp.exe is located). When Thumb Print starts up each time, "filecopy.log" will be deleted. This file will never contain more information than the activity for a given session of Thumb Print. This option uses NOTEPAD.EXE to display the log file.
Image - This area of the window is used to view the image files. Click on the desired file and the image will appear in this area. It will be scaled to fit the frame in the window. The file is not altered in any way.
File Operation
There are three functions that can be performed on a file. There are two 'radio' buttons that determine if a file will be copied or physically moved to another directory. These two options are performed when the "Copy / Move File(s)" button is selected. The other option is deleting a file from disk when the 'delete' button is selected.
Target Directory - This frame is used to select the desired directory for file copies and file moves. In the Pro version, it is used when JPEG files are created. This includes both thumbnail and full image size files.
Image Dimensions - This frame contains the height and width of the image displayed. A non-image will have zero values for both the height and width.
This window allows you to select the colors for 1) normal text, 2) previously visited hyperlinks (VLINK), 3) new hyperlinks (LINK), 3) active hyperlinks (ALINK), and 4) background color or image.
Text, Link, And Background Colors - To change the color of an item, select the appropriate checkbox. After making the selection, click the desired to color.
Background Image - To use an image as the background, click the "Select Background Image" button. This will prompt for the directory location of the image file. Upon the selection of the file, the image will be displayed on the window in the "HTML Background Image" frame.
To save the selected colors, click the "Save/Exit" button at the bottom of the window. Clicking or selecting the "Cancel" button will close the window and ignore any selection made in the window.
"Image And Text Placement" Window
This window determines how the text and images will be located in HTML files. The selections in this window helps to define output for Advanced HTMLs (main menu's HTML icon #3) and Vertically Aligned Image HTMLs (main menu's HTML icon #4).
The first set of options is to determine whether or not to use the options listed on this window. Select "Display the image only" if the image should be displayed without regard to position or the use of text. Select "Display the image with options" if HTML output should use the position of the image and the use of associated text of the file.
Location - Determines if the image will be placed on the left, middle, or the right of the browser's window.
Associated Text - Specifies if text will be used in the HTML files with the images. This option checks to see if text has been entered for each file to be used in the HTML files.
Image And Text Layout - There are four formats or positions that can be used to display text and files: 1) image on top of the text, 2) text on top of the image, 3) text to the left of the image, and 4) image to the left of the text.
There is flexibility has been provided to place 'user defineable' text in the HTML output. Use this window to change what is displayed in the various HTML pages. This option is especially useful when you want to convert from one language to another.
Captions For HTML Files: Slide Show
"Save / Exit" Button - This button will save the values assigned to the text boxes for the various entries.
"Reset To Original Values" Button - This button will replace the current values with the default values.
"Cancel" Button - This button will close the window and ignore any changes made.
"HTML Slide Show Options" Window
This option maintains information about how the HTML based slide presentations will be created.
Display Title - This causes the name of the file or a "user defined" title to appear above the image. To enter a title, go to "View Images" window and use the "Options\Associate Text" option.
Use Associated Text (if any) - Custom text can be displayed with each image. To enter text, go to the "View Images" window and use the "Options\Associate Text" option. HTML tag information can be used to format the text you want to display. This will help to center and align the text information. If you need help with HTML scripting tags, visit any of the Internet search engines and search for "HTML".
Use Pre-Formatted Text - This option is only available if you have the "Use Associated Text" option selected. This option will display the text as entered into the text content area. HTML scripting tags will be used if they are used. When this option is not used, each line of the text will be appended to the previous line.
Rename HTML File - Using this option allows the renaming of the HTML file when it is created. Since each slide show presentation is created in a single directory, the name of the main HTML page is the only thing you can change (not the directory).
Create Slide Show Using Frames - This option creates the slide presentation using browser frames. The image index will be located on the left and each slide will be displayed in the rest of the window. Some browsers cannot use this feature due to the lack of support for frames.
Automatic Advance - Slides can automatically advance to the next slide using this option. This option is used with "Continuous Loop" and "Delay In Seconds".
Continuous Loop - Use this option will cause the first slide to be displayed after the last slide until the index page is selected. The amount of time between slides is determined by the "Delay In Seconds" option.
Delay In Seconds - This option determines how many seconds to pause before the next slide is displayed. The default value is 30 seconds.
Maximum Images Height In Pixels - The value placed in this field determines the size of the image to be displayed. This value does not create another image. It simply scales down the original image to fit the specified size. Images smaller than the value used will not be scaled and will be the original size.
Create Index Page (non frames only) - This option will cause an index page to be created when pages slide shows are created with the "Create Slide Show Using Frames" option is not selected.
Use Image Directory For Slide Show - This option allows the web pages and thumbnails to be created in the same directory as the source images. The source directory will be used only if all images are located in the same directory. If they are not, the temporary Internet directory will be used (see the "Options\HTML\Select Temporary Internet Directory" option).
There is a section in the thumbp.ini file that is used to specify icons to be used for non-HTML images (GIF and JPG). The entries in this section of the thumbp.ini file are only used during the creation of the HTML file. If all the files being added to the HTML are GIF and/or JPG files, this section is not used.
If you are creating an HTML file with AVI, MID, WAV, BAT, HTM, TXT, etc., an entry will be added into this section of the INI file for each file type. You can then modify the entries and provide the full path for the icon to be used for each file type. Edit this file with your favorite text editor.
Several GIF icons have been supplied: HTM.GIF, MPG.GIF, AVI.GIF, TXT.GIF, WAV.GIF, and QMARK.GIF (question mark). If these files are located in the Thumb Print directory, they will by default be used for HTM, MPG, AVI, and TXT file types. All other files will use the QMARK.GIF
Providing the ability to set the icon for a given file type allows for great flexibility as new file types are created.
Trial Period And Demo Limitations
In demo
mode, you will be limited to the following:
1. Can load
up to 20 files.
2. Thumbnail files will be created with
a randomly created file name.
3. Trial period will last
for 30 days.
Registering the product will remove these limitations.
The official download site is Off-Site Labs, Inc. at This location always contains the most current version.
Alternate Internet Download Sites:
TUCOWS (The Ultimate Collection Of Winsock Software): This site also has mirror sites that may be closer to you than others. The application is displayed in the HTML Accessories section.
ZDNet (
The download packages contain everything you need including the Visual Basic runtime library (see Special Requirements)
To install, complete the following:
See "Special Requirements" section for further information on required files.
Direct your questions, problem, or comments to us at the following:
Off-Site Labs, Inc.
P.O. Box
Barker, TX 77413
FAX: 281-599-1552
The Thumb Print software is distributed with the Visual Basic runtime library. These files are also referenced on the download page at our WEB site. These files are commonly found in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory for Windows 9x systems or WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory for Windows NT systems.
The library file required for 32 bit systems (Windows 9x and NT) is MSVBVM60.DLL.
Visit our web site for links to these files at
Please send any bug reports to
The prices and payment methods are subject to change at anytime. For up to date information you should visit our WEB site at
Thumb Print Pro is shareware, not freeware. The software is licensed for evaluation purposes only. After 30 days, we ask that you register the software or discontinue its use.
IMPORTANT: If you order our software and do not hear from us within 48 hours, contact us and inquire about your order.
Prices are in US currency and are effective as of August , 2000.
Purchase Price: $25.00 (Windows 95/98/NT)
Prices are subject to change without notice. Contact Off-Site Labs, Inc. for the current price by email at Applicable sales taxes will be added to your order.
After payment is received, you will receive a registration code by e-mail or postal mail.
Registration With A Credit Card
If you have a credit card and
would like to register on-line, you can visit our WEB site and select the
"On-Line Registration" link. This link takes you to a form for credit card and
other ordering information.
Credit Card Orders By eMail, Postal, FAX to Off-Site Labs
Send postal
orders to: Off-Site Labs, Inc. , P.O. Box 536, Barker, TX 77413
Send email orders to
Send FAX orders to 281-599-1552
If you feel that a site license (covering an organization at a given location) would be more appropriate, send email to Off-Site Labs, Inc. at for more information.
Thumb Print Pro Site License Rates:
Of Copies |
Price |
1-5 | $25 per copy |
6-15 | $20 per copy |
16-50 | $17 per copy |
51-100 | $15 per copy |
100-500 | $10 per copy |
500+ | Contact us for details. |
NOTE: There is an annual maintenance fee of 15% for site licenses over 100 copies.
If additional purchases are made in the future, previous purchases will apply to new site licenses. For example, Company XYZ buys a 5 user license today for $125. Next month, the same company site location decides to buy 5 more copies for the company, the additional charge will be $100 ($20x5 copies). The original 5 copies are applied to the subsequent license purchase.
Educational Institutions: Site licenses for educational facilities qualify for a 20% discount.
This license agreement permits an evaluation period not to exceed 30 calendar days. After such time, registration is requested.
Off-Site Labs, Inc. reserves the right to make modifications at any time to the software and/or the documentation without approval or notification. The software described in this document is provided under the software license and may be used in accordance with such license. By using the software you agree to the conditions and rules stated in the License agreement.
Except as expressly provided, Off-Site Labs, Inc., makes no warranties, either express or implied, with respect to the software to provide a particular function. The software is licensed solely on an "AS IS" basis. In no event shall Off-Site Labs, Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of the software.
License Agreement:
The term "REGISTERED version" identifies all versions of the software defined in this document. The software defined in this document is being distributed as a SHAREWARE version. The term "SHAREWARE version" means that the defined software may be freely uploaded to FTP sites, Usenet newsgroups, bulletin board systems, and other such sites for distribution providing its users download the software for trial purposes.
SHAREWARE versions of the software defined in this document shall not be distributed in CD-ROM disks or any other media without the express authorization of the author. CD-ROM distribution is granted to any institution or organization where the SHAREWARE version is uploaded by the authorizing agent, Off-Site Labs, Inc.
Single User Licensee: Off-Site Labs, Inc. grants you a single user, registered license for use on a single computer which is not used as a server. Installation of the software on a network is prohibited for this type of license.
The use of this licensed software outside the boundaries of this license agreement is not permitted unless the licensee obtains a separate license from Unisys.
This license does not authorize or permit the licensee to use any other product or perform any other method or activity involving the use of LZW unless the licensee is separately licensed in writing by Unisys.
Site license: This license is granted for a limited number of copies to an institution or organization. Contact Off-Site Labs, Inc. for more information.
The software product and the documentation are supplied as copyrighted material and contain proprietary information. All rights are reserved. The software and documentation is protected under Copyright Law of the United States of America.
Portions of Thumb Print are licensed under U.S. Patent No. 4,558,302 and foreign counterparts.
Windows, Windows 95, Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Netscape Communications, the Netscape Communications logo, Netscape, Netsite and Mozilla are trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. All other products, brand, or trade names used in this documentation are the trademarks of their respective trademark owners.