Advertisement rates

Advertisement rates as of January 2000
we run following sites:

VOGEL PUBLISHING presentation of our titles (no ads)
CHIP actual news from IT, articles, Chip archives
LEVEL computer games, news, surveys, Level archives
AutoEXPERT magazine targeted at car repair shops
CHIP monothematic and special computer publications PC Bazar (computers, parts, software), job market
MM-Prumyslove Czech and German versions of industrial magazine

HW a SW price lists for dealers and distributors, short news from IT

Communication news

PPK (Computer for everybody) information on bi-weekly for beginners
Monthly charges
Banner 468 x 60 pixels 4 000 CZK
Button 100 x 100 pixels 2 000 CZK
Small button 100 x 60 pixels 1 500 CZK
Repated discounts
2-3 months 5 %
4-6 months 10 %
7-11 months 15 %
1 year 20 %

Ads are placed with a hyperlink to advertiser's Web page. It is possible to keep the ads at a fixed location or to "rotate" them among variuos attractive spots of our sites.
All prices without VAT (22%). Prices subject to change.

Materials must be RGB pictures of correct sizeve in GIF, animated GIF, PNG or JPG format. The size of picture should not exceed 60 KB. We can create the ad from provided samples for a small charge (see "Other Vogel On-line services").Samples nust be provided at least 5 days before ad campaign launch.

Ads must be submitted at least 1 day before its placement on our pages (usually the last day of the month). Late delivery is not a reason for discount.

Ad withdrawal :
Order can be withdrawn at least 1 month before campaign launch. Withdrawals after this deadline are subject to charge of 30 % of ad price.

Other Vogel On-line services:

Creating ad banners or buttons based on provided samples (logo, pictures, text...) 500 to 2 500 CZK based on complexity
Creating WWW pages, their placement on our server, monthly actualization and management, domain registration etc. to be agreed upon

Vogel ON-LINE: Michal Novák
Tel.: +420-2-2180 8628     Fax: +420-2-2180 8500
Vogel ON-LINE advertisement: Zuzana Paulinova

Tel.: +420-2-2180 8700    Fax: +420-2-2180 8500

Our address:
Vogel Publishing, s. r. o.,
Vaclavske nam. 56, P. O. Box 146, 111 21 Praha 1, Czech Rep.
Tel.: +420-2-2403 2793, +420-2-2221 1685, Fax: +420-2-2221 0669


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