Items produced, sold and developed in colaboration between CSPS (San Diego), SciTech (Prague) and VD UOCHB (Prague)

Manual multiple/library synthesizer

80020 MULTIBLOCK Synthesizer Basic Set (Block, Multistoppers, Vacuum Adaptor, Randomization plate) $2390.00
80022 MULTIBLOCK only (Block and Multistoppers) $1590.00
80023 MULTIBLOCK Vacuum Adaptor   $840.00
80026 MULTIBLOCK Washing Attachment   $595.00
80021 Replacement Reactor      $0.83
80027 Test Tube Holder    $40.00

MPS consists of a teflon block that holds 42 reactors, polypropylene syringes equipped with plastic frit. A vacuum adaptor that connects each reactor to vacuum line and serves for fast washing under continuous-flow arrangement. Two teflon plates with 42 stoppers to which the teflon block is attached during deprotection or condensation reaction. and glass cover used in the randomization step. You can use various coupling reagents, resins, protecting groups in the same run of multistep synthesis. Reactions can be performed in the incubator under elevated temperature, or even in ultrasonic bath. SciTech sells wide variety of diaphragm vacuum pumps for environmentally friendly, quiet, economy and safe vacuum generation. Ask for details.

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Software Peptide Companion
01004  Peptide Companion (single user license)    $89.00
01005 Peptide Companion (multiple user license) $270.00

For other chemical software see

All items can be ordered via E-mail

by FAXing to:                                       +42-2-24311850

or by writing to the address:                  SciTech, sro, Nad Sarkou 75, 160 00 Praha 6

Orders within US, send to                    CSPS

Orders within Japan send to                  Dr. Omori Takeshi, Taisei Kako Co., Ltd., Tabata 1165,

(prices could be different in Japan)         Kanagawa-ken, 253-01, Japan, tel. 0467-74-4056, fax -75-2092