Structure Commands

The Structure Commands are used for manipulating A.X.E.'s powerful structure library. The Structures menu and toolbar also contain the bookmark commands.

Next Structure
Change the current structure of the current view to the next structure on in the library. Can be used to cycle through all structures without having to open the library.

Open Structure Library
Brings up the structure selection dialog.

Create Structure From This Row
Brings up the structure editor, and sets it to use the data in the row containing the insert point as sample data. This allows you to see how the data in the row would look, seen as that structure, while you are creating the structure.

Next Bookmark
Applies the next bookmark in the bookmark list to the view, moving the view and possibly setting a new row length and current structure.

Edit Bookmarks
Brings up a dialog which shows a list of bookmarks and their characteristics. You can pick one to apply, add a new one, delete one, or edit one.