You can select the columns you want and decide
in which order (from left to right) the selected columns are
displayed. For convenience, Team always displays the ID and
special alert columns at the left.
In this topic, you will learn about:
Adding Columns
To add a column to your TeamView or List
- Select the column
from the Available
Columns List.
- Select Add ->
- Select OK to
save the changes and return to your view.
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Removing Columns
To remove a column from your TeamView or List
- Select the column
from the Show
These Columns list.
- Select <- Remove.
- Select OK to
save the changes and return to your view.
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Positioning Columns
To position columns in your TeamView or List:
- Select the column
you want to move from the Show These Columns list.
- Use Move
Up or Move Down to put the column where you want.
- Select OK to
save the changes and return to your view.
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Columns Tips
Here are some tips to remember when working
with columns:
- any changes
that you make to your
columns in Team-Web will be saved to your standard Team
tab settings.
- to add
every available column,
select Add
All >>.
- to remove
every column, leaving only
the ID column, select Clear.
- to display
the default columns,
select Default.
- to cancel
any changes prior to
saving, select Cancel.
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