Welcome to Alexsys Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2 !

Alexsys Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2 (February 16, 2000)

Products available for Team 98:

Please consult the Installation Notes for additional information on installation and setup of Team, Team-SQL, Team-Web, or WebEntry software.

New Features in 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2

New Features in Team 98.8

New Contact Lookup Table Team-Web Upload Attachment
Customer Notifications Team-Web Print Details
Notification Templates Team-Web Change History Log
Notification Importance Levels More Wildcards for Notifications

Enhancements in Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2

Fixes in Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2

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New Features in Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2

New Contact Lookup Table
You can store contact information for any of your customer or vendor contacts by using the Contact lookup table. The contact table comes with an email field that you can use to send email notifications to your contact.

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Customer Notifications
Use any of the three new fields to send email notifications to your customer contacts. The three fields that you can use in your notification definitions are:

When you use any of these three fields, these fields will appear as wildcards in the notification definition when you select your recipients.

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Notification Templates
You can select the template you want to use for the body of your email notification.

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Notification Importance Levels
You can specify the importance level of your notification including High, Normal and Low. (for SMTP only)

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Team-Web Upload Attachment
Team-Web allows you to attach up to four files to a request simultaneously by using:

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Team-Web Print Details
Team-Web allows you to print the details of any work request using the Print Details button from the View or Edit Work Request screens.

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Team-Web Change History
Team-Web allows you to view the entire history of a request by using the Change History button.

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More Wildcards for Notifications

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Enhancements in Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2

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Fixes in Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2

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Alexsys Team-Web

Alexsys Team-Web is a web based version of Team that permits you to access Team via an Internet, Intranet, or dialup. Team-Web is an add-on product to Team that works in conjunction with Alexsys Team or Alexsys Team-SQL. A fully functional Trial version of Team-Web is included in the standard install package. Team-Web setup instructions are found in the Team-Web subdirectory of Team located on your server (e.g. C:\Alexsys\Team\Team-Web\install.txt).

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Alexsys Team-SQL

Team-SQL is the client/server version of Team that allows you to use Alexsys Team with Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Server. Team has been optimized using native SQL to achieve maximum performance with minimal network traffic. This makes it much faster at database sorts and filtering while maintaining our easy to use interface. Other than the performance boost, the features and feel of Team are unchanged.

Team-SQL takes Team to a new level with:

Our database utility has been updated with a new interface and an 'SQL Setup' option for simple upgrades. The process is as follows:

Standard Team 98, even when registered, can run the trial version of Team-SQL, so there is nothing new to download. For additional information on setting up a Team-SQL see the "Setting Up Your Team-SQL Database" topic in the on-line help file.

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Alexsys Team WebEntry

WebEntry is an add-on product to Alexsys Team 98 that lets you add a web page to your web site to enter work requests. Employees or customers can enter support calls or questions and the information is automatically stored in your existing Team database (just like we do with our support page).

Web users cannot view the Team database so your database is fully secure.

To run WebEntry, you need:

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