Welcome to Alexsys Team 98.8 and
Team-Web 1.2 !
Alexsys Team 98.8 and Team-Web
1.2 (February 16, 2000)
Products available for Team 98:
Please consult the Installation
Notes for additional
information on installation and setup of Team, Team-SQL,
Team-Web, or WebEntry software.
Features in 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2
New Features in Team 98.8
in Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2
Fixes in Team 98.8 and
Team-Web 1.2
New Features in Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2
Contact Lookup Table
You can store contact information for any of your customer or
vendor contacts by using the Contact lookup table. The contact
table comes with an email field that you can use to send email
notifications to your contact.
Use any of the three new fields to send email notifications to
your customer contacts. The three fields that you can use in your
notification definitions are:
- Email field in the Work
Request form
- Email field in the Company
lookup table
- Email field in the Contact
lookup table
When you use any of these three
fields, these fields will appear as wildcards in the notification
definition when you select your recipients.
You can select the template you want to use for the body of your
email notification.
Notification Importance Levels
You can specify the importance level of your notification
including High, Normal and Low. (for SMTP only)
Team-Web Upload Attachment
Team-Web allows you to attach up to four files to a request
simultaneously by using:
- copy the file - the
attachment will be copied directly into the database
- copy and link the file - a
new file will be created on the server and the attachment
will be linked to that file
Team-Web Print Details
Team-Web allows you to print the details of any work request
using the Print Details button from the View or Edit Work Request
Change History
Team-Web allows you to view the entire history of a request by
using the Change History button.
More Wildcards for Notifications
- All fields that use the
People table for lookup can now be used as wildcards in
email notifications.
- All fields associated with
the email address of a customer contact.
- A current user wildcard has
been added to email notifications, rules, and filters.
Enhancements in Team 98.8 and Team-Web 1.2
- Optimized Quick Finds.
- Enhanced Date Filtering in
Team and Team-Web.
- Support commas in report
properties for European formats.
- Added View Detail button to
the Work Request toolbar.
- Added "File|Print"
menu to the Rules window.
- Added new "Copy and Link
files" option to File Attachments.
- Team-Web: support for
European Dates. Added support for detecting the date
format of the Browser on the users client machine and
converting the format. The only two date formats
supported are Month/Day/Year (US) and Day/Month/Year.
Fixes in Team 98.8 and Team-Web
- Use field names instead of
index names when setting indexes for SQL.
- Restrictions applied when
there are no sorts or filters on the tab.
- Editing notes maintains the
note position.
- Removed index references from
all tables.
- Restricted Views show correct
records after a work request has been deleted.
- No longer get "parent
closed" errors when creating new requests when the
last request in the database is a "closed"
child of another request.
- Newly added custom fields are
included in theNotification Definition field lists.
- The ID of a new request is
assigned correctly when entered via Team-Web by a
restricted user.
- MAPI mail enabled regardless
if MAPI is installed or not.
- Page Up/Page Down in memo
fields will save changes before changing requests.
- The Company Lookup Table now
preserves and rules that were previously set to the
Customer Lookup Table which is what the table used to be
- Calendar button in Target
field no longer lost after saving field rules.
- All date fields associated
with the Days Open field now follow access level rules
that are created for them.
- Field names in conditional
rule definitions use renamed field names now instead of
the default field names.
- Rules window now updated with
newly added request fields without having to close and
reopen the Rules window.
- No longer allow Guest users
to access or change Team templates.
- Attachment changes now
reflected in Change History Log.
- Avoid "Unable to Create
Directory" errors by using the
"Windows/Temp" directory is the temp directory
cannot be detected.
- No longer create a
TeamTrace.txt file in the temp directory when Team is
started unless a trace is specifically requested.
- Notes now added correctly and
recognized by Team-SQL for ORACLE when added via
- File name/path associated
with an attachment no longer loses its case when the
attachment is added.
- Added "Tools | Detail
Report" to Table Setup.
- Allow Team to run without the
Login Table.
- TeamAdm.exe will update the
window while copying the database to display the current
- Custom field displays are
gray to denote disabled fields when running as Guest.
- Installation message for
renaming existing database directory has been updated to
reflect the new Team database directory path.
- Automatic Client Installation
option runs without user interaction/questions.
- Changing focus to another
request when in edit mode will save changes to the
request you were editting.
- Team-SQL: Crosstabs opened by
restricted users display the correct data.
- Team-SQL: Delete Request no
longer hangs.
- Team-SQL: Range filters with
exclude properties work correctly.
- Team-SQL: Matching filter
properties working correctly.
- Team-SQL: Date Range filters
working correctly.
- Team-SQL: /Arg and /SQL error
messages no longer occur when updating Team-SQL clients.
- Team-SQL: MS SQL Client
Required screen is now large enough to accomodate
- Team-SQL for ORACLE: Email
Notifications will be sent to those recipients manually
entered in the "Select Names" section,
regardless of text case.
- Team-SQL for ORACLE: Sort
order of values in a lookup field correct after adding a
new value. (Remember that ORACLE is case sensitive!)
- Team-SQL for ORACLE: Quick
Sort on filtered TeamView columns does not alter records
in list.
- Team-SQL for ORACLE: No
longer get "ORA22990" error when including
multiple attachments.
- Team-SQL for ORACLE: No
longer get "ORA22990" error when adding
conditional rules.
- Team-Web: Range filters
working properly now.
- Team-Web: No longer see
values in protected fields when entering new requests.
(ie. Close Date, Due Date)
- Team-Web: The timestamp from
the Open Date value no longer removed after editing a
- Team-Web: Notes now added
correctly and recognized by Team-SQL for ORACLE.
- Team-Web: Selecting
"Default" in the Column Settings will display
the correct columns.
- Team-Web: Groups of spaces in
memo fields are now recognized and shown in request
details accordingly.
Alexsys Team-Web is a web based
version of Team that permits you to access Team via an Internet,
Intranet, or dialup. Team-Web is an add-on product to Team that
works in conjunction with Alexsys Team or Alexsys Team-SQL. A
fully functional Trial version of Team-Web is included in the
standard install package. Team-Web setup instructions are found
in the Team-Web subdirectory of Team located on your server (e.g.
Team-SQL is the client/server
version of Team that allows you to use Alexsys Team with
Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Server. Team has been optimized
using native SQL to achieve maximum performance with minimal
network traffic. This makes it much faster at database sorts and
filtering while maintaining our easy to use interface. Other than
the performance boost, the features and feel of Team are
Team-SQL takes Team to a new level
- Faster performance
- Rock solid reliability
- Support for large databases
- Support for more users
- Support for Wide Area
- Database security
- Compatibility with your
existing databases and tools
Our database utility has been
updated with a new interface and an 'SQL Setup' option for simple
upgrades. The process is as follows:
- Install Microsoft SQL Server
or Oracle Server
- Create a Database for Team to
- Run the Team Database Utility
and fill in the database and login information
- Press the Connect and Upload
buttons to copy your database to the server
Standard Team 98, even when
registered, can run the trial version of Team-SQL, so there is
nothing new to download. For additional information on setting up
a Team-SQL see the "Setting Up Your Team-SQL Database"
topic in the on-line help file.
Team WebEntry
WebEntry is an add-on product to
Alexsys Team 98 that lets you add a web page to your web site to
enter work requests. Employees or customers can enter support
calls or questions and the information is automatically stored in
your existing Team database (just like we do with our support
Web users cannot view the Team
database so your database is fully secure.
To run WebEntry, you need:
- Alexsys Team 98 installed and
- a Web Server or Web Service
- a UNIX, Microsoft Internet
Information Server (IIS), or Netscape Web Server
- the ability to run PERL
scripts on your server*,
- the sendmail program*,
- a POP account used
exclusively for and by WebEntry,
- a PC capable of reading
e-mail*, and
- an SMTP mail server for
notifications and error messages.
- Installing this build
requires 30% more space than versions v98.6.1 or earlier.
Before installing, be sure that your server or SQL server
has at least twice the amount of database space free, as
currently in use.
- If you are using a Windows NT
server, run this install this directly from the NT
- If you are running Team-Web.
Stop the "World Wide Web Publishing" server
before installing.
- Team-SQL setup instructions
are located in the help file. Use the index to search for
"SQL" topics exist for Microsoft and Oracle
databases. Additional information is provided on our web
site www.alexcorp.com in the "FAQ's" section.
- Team-Web setup instructions
are found in the Team-Web subdirectory of Team located on
your server (e.g. C:\Alexsys\Team\Team-Web\install.txt).
- WebEntry setup instructions
are found in the WebEntry\Server subdirectory of Team
located on your server (e.g. C:\Alexsys\Team\WebEntry\Server\Install.txt)
- The Customer Lookup Table has
been renamed to Company.
- The "File | View All
Detail" feature has been moved to "Tools |
Detail Report" for all applicable windows..