Kamencové jezero Chomutov
cable ski, recreational waterskiing
Klub VL Havířov
cable ski, professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 069/641 27 40 
Shadow of Whales SKI Praha Roudnice nad Labem
professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 02/209 201 79 
SKI Club Hlučín
cable ski, professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 06997/215 40 
SK Nemošice
professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 040/671 04 23 
Stehno Marine Klub
Waterski school
František Stehno, Europe's champion of waterskiing 
tel.: 040/247 76 
TJ Brná Ústí nad Labem
professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 047/349 49 
TJ České loděnice Ústí nad Labem
professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 047/316 77, 657 20 
TJ Delfín Oleksovice
cable ski for kids, professional and recreational waterskiing
Lake Oleksovice, accomdation in bungalows, camping, 
outdoor activites: tennis, voleyball, open 20.5.-15.9. 
tel.: 05/322 044, 0601/504 968 
TJ Slavoj Kostelec
professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 066/257 67 
TJ Slavoj Plzeň
professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 019/28 36 15 
TJ Slovan Kadaň
recreational waterskiing
tel.: 0398/25 93 
TJ Spolana Neratovice
professional and recreational waterskiing
autocamp Kačer, Lake Křenek 
outdoor activities: fishing, tennis 
tel.: 0206/68 27 17, 69 61 21 
TJ Štěrkovny Olomouc
professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 0508/256 11/50 
TJ Tatran Praha
professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 02/77 52 97 
TJ Uranové Doly Hamr
professional and recreational waterskiing
tel.: 048/422 119