
Form for the review      WinZip

The review form can be downloaded by clicking on the WinZip and after repacking with using Winzip program the form can be filled in the MS-WORD text editor.

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

We would be grateful if you would kindly review the enclosed grant application. Please use the enclosed form. Basic evaluation criteria are specified in the Questionnaire section. Please tick the appropriate boxes. In the Commentary please specify the merits and shortcomings of the project .
Your review will be treated as confidential; its conclusions can only be communicated to the applicant, maintaining strict anonymity of the reviewer. Please consider the project proposal as strictly confidential which should either be destroyed or sent back, together with your review, to the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic before
August 4th, this year.
The review can be sent by  mail, fax or e-mail to Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.
If you are unable to review the project, please return the materials to our office immediately so that we can find another reviewer (if a project is not reviewed in time by the required number of reviewers it is excluded from the competition).
The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic is grateful for your willingness to review the project and will appreciate your professional and critical opinion, which helps us in proper evaluation of the project.
Address: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic,
Národní 3, 110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
fax: +420-2-24240565, or +420-2-24240598
Basic evaluation criteria:
A. Scientific and/or practical quality of the project:
Expected contribution of the project to the field. Assess the probability that the project will provide fundamental new knowledge in the given scientific or technological field. This criterion is of special importance for basic research projects.
Social impact of the project. Assess the impact of the project on other scientific and technological fields and its potential in solving other problems of the society. This criterion is of special importance for applied science projects.
Importance of the project for the infrastructure of science and technology. Evaluate contributions to the quality and effectiveness of the scientific, technological and educational background of the society. Assess also the importance of the project for education of specialists in science and technology, importance for underdeveloped fields and its interdisciplinary significance.
B. Applicant and joint applicants:
Qualification of the applicant to carry out the project successfully. This should include qualification of the whole research team, technical and institutional background of the applicant and joint applicants and the results of their previous work in the field.
C. Basic aspects of the proposed solution:
In the Commentary please specify the merits and shortcomings of the project according to all the criteria of the Questionnaire.
In the Final verbal evaluation please summarize your opinion and express your final recommendation:
a) accept the project,
b) accept the project conditionally,
c) reject the project.