

Members of the GACR Presidium

prof. Ing. Karel Stulík, DrSc.

president of the GACR, natural sciences

Narodni 3 Faculty of Sciences
110 00 Praha 1 Charles University
fax 02-24 24 05 65 Hlavova 2030, 128 40 Praha 2
fax 02-249 135 38
e-mail : stulik@prfdec.natur.cuni.cz
prof. Ing. Petr Zuna, CSc.

vicepresident of the GACR, technical sciences

Narodni 3 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
111 21 Praha 1 Czech Technical University
fax 02-24 24 05 65 Technická 4, 166 07 Praha 6
fax 02-311 12 61
e-mail : zuna@vc.cvut.cz

Doc. RNDr. Blanka Rihová, DrSc.

medical sciences

Narodni 3 Institute of Microbiology
110 00Praha 1 Academy of Sciences
fax 02-24 24 05 65 Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Praha 4
fax : 02-472 1143
e-mail : rihova@biomed.cas.cz

RNDr. Petr Kolar, CSc.

social sciences

Narodni 3 Institute of Philosophy
110 00 Praha 1 Academy of Sciences
fax 02-24 24 05 65 Jilska 1, 110 00 Praha 1
fax : 02-2422 0257
e-mail : kolar@lorien.site.cas.cz

prof. MVDr. Karel Hruska, CSc.

agricultural sciences

Narodni 3 Veterinary Research Institute
110 00 Praha 1 Hudcova 70, 621 32 Brno
fax 02-24 24 05 65 fax 05-41 21 12 29
e-mail : hruska@vri.cz