1. Technical Sciences
- 101 - Mechanical engineering
- 102 - Electrical engineering and cybernetics
- 103 - Civil engineering, architecture and transport
- 104 - Technical chemistry
- 105 - Mining
- 106 - Metallurgy and materials science
2. Natural Sciences
- 201 - Mathematics and informatics
- 202 - Physics
- 203 - Chemistry
- 204 - Cell and molecular biology
- 205 - Earth and space sciences
- 206 - General and ecological biology
3. Medical and Health Sciences
- 301 - Molecular biology
- 302 - Genetics and human development
- 303 - Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry
- 304 - Morphology
- 305 - Normal physiology
- 306 - Pathological and clinical physiology
- 307 - Pharmacology
- 308 - Experimental surgery
- 309 - Neurosciences
- 310 - Microbiology and immunology
- 311 - Metabolism and nutrition
- 312 - General oncology
- 313 - Epidemiology and hygiene
4. Human and Social Sciences
- 401 - Philosophy and theology
- 402 - Economic Sciences
- 403 - Sociology
- 404 - Historical sciences, ethnography, art history
- 405 - Philology
- 406 - Psychology
- 407 - Legal sciences and politology
- 408 - Aesthetics and musicology
- 409 - History of the 19th and 20th century
5. Agricultural Sciences
- 521 - Plant production, genetics and breeding
- 522 - Phytopathology and plat physiology
- 523 - Animal production, genetics and breeding
- 524 - Animal physiology and pathology
- 525 - Agricultural products, food technology and ecotoxicology
- 526 - Ecology, forestry, soil science