Linux Myths by Micro$oft |
It's about a half year ago when I found interesting page on M$ official site (http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/nts/news/msnw/LinuxMyths.asp). When I read it I was really confused. What is it?! It cannot be think really. And then I've forgotten. A week ago I found other interesting page - on Slashdot http://slashdot.org/articles/99/10/05/1714254.shtml I took the best e-mail from Slashdot and moved them on this page. I also read nice article in Chip magazine (Czech edition) by Martin Devera. And the last VERY interesting page is Halloween Documents ( mirror). I have to point that I'm Linux newbie. Enjoy this page. 25. 4. 2000
M$: With all the recent attention around Linux as an operating system, it's important to step back from the hype and look at the reality. First, it's worth noting that Linux is a UNIX-like operating system. Linux fundamentally relies on 30-year-old operating system technology and architecture. Linux was not designed from the ground-up to support symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP), graphical user interfaces (GUI), asynchronous I/O, fine-grained security model, and many other important characteristics of a modern operating system. These architectural limitations mean that as customers look for a platform to cost effectively deploy scalable, secure, and robust applications, Linux simply cannot deliver on the hype... full version |
Linux Myths by Micro$oft |
WW(Author): I have to cite one famous movie: "Not like this. Not like this." Arguments ßla "it's old" are bad arguments. The wheel is Very old and humans haven't thought better thing. Unix-like systems are 30 year old and M$ haven't thought better system. Windows 95 are six year old and it can only dream about Linux stability. It doesn't offer some simple thing as more than one desktop available. If you want it you have to pay for some other SW (M$: What means ` have to pay??? ` :-> ).
Anonymous Coward: That's right. Unix _has_ been around for 30 years. "Linux was not designed from the ground-up to support symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP)" "These architectural limitations mean that as customers look for a platform to cost effectively deploy scalable, secure, and robust applications, Linux simply cannot deliver on the hype." Anonymous Coward: When was NT written from the ground up to support SMP
Dwonis (dlitz[IBoycottSpam]@cheerful[spamsucks].com):First, it's worth noting that Linux is a UNIX-like operating system. Linux fundamentally relies on 30-year-old operating system technology and architecture. Humans fundamentally rely on billion-year-old architecture in their genes, so they should be scrapped and reinvented.
Anonymous Coward:
M$: Myth: Linux performs better than Windows NT Reality: Windows NT 4.0 Outperforms Linux On Common Customer Workloads The Linux community claims to have improved performance and scalability in the latest versions of the Linux Kernel (2.2), however it's clear that Linux remains inferior to the Windows NT« 4.0 operating system...full version |
Linux Myths by Micro$oft |
WW: I read some opinions. This is result:
Answer ( Halloween Documents): " Top-Level Features: .......SMP (Intel & Sun CPU's)........ Linux's process iterates VERY fast. For example, the Linux equivalent of the TransmitFile() API went from idea to final implementation in about 2 weeks time. "
" Linux performance and scalability is architecturally limited in the 2.2 Kernel. Linux only supports 2 gigabytes (GB). Linux SWAP file is limited to 128 MB."
Bryan_K (bryan_k@liNnOuSxPsAtMart.com):"The largest file size Linux supports is 2 GB versus 16 terabytes (TB) for Windows NT 4.0" Does NTFS even support partitions this large, or is this just the theoretical limit of the operating system? I know NT has large file system support, but didn't think it could scale this large. JPelorat (pelorat@netscape.net): _A_ Linux swap file may have a limit of 128MB, but you can have _more than one_ swap file, which is probably on a completely different paradigm than that of the Microsoft developers. Anonymous Coward: NTFS has greatly increased the size of files and volumes, so that they can now be up to 2^64 bytes (16 exabytes or 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 bytes). But note that they also say... NOTE: Underlying hardware limitations may impose additional partition size limitations in any file system. Particularly, a boot partition can be only 7.8 GB in size, and there is a 2-terabyte limitation in the partition table.
Kintanon (sleffer@hotmail.com): Well, gee, let me see, I'll just hook up this 20 terabyte drive I have laying around and test it... James M Rogers (jrogers@visnetinc.com): The Linux filesystem does support larger files than 2GB but your applications need to use special libraries to access above 2GB. Or you could just use a raw partion anyway you want. Sorry, wrong again, we can use 2GB swap partitions and even when we were limited to 128MB swap we could run 16 of these for a total of 2GB of swap space. And Linux does have asynchronous I/O and fine-grained kernel locks. Linux also has real time support at the kernel level, does NT? Linux also supports at least a dozen different file systems. |
M$: Myth: Linux is more reliable than Windows NT Reality: Linux Needs Real World Proof Points Rather than Anecdotal Stories The Linux community likes to talk about Linux as a stable and reliable operating system, yet there are no real world data or metrics and very limited customer evidence to back up these claims...full version |
Linux Myths by Micro$oft |
WW: In the Halloween Documents (inner M$ study) is written: "Availability/Reliability - There are hundreds of stories on the web of Linux installations that have been in continuous production for over a year. Stability more than almost any other feature is the #1 goal of the Linux development community (and the #1 cited weakness of Windows)"
Abattoir: Point - Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 has been proven in demanding customer environments to be a reliable operating system. Companies such as (blah blah blah). Rebuttal - Never heard of BellSouth? Berlington Coat Factory? GENERAL MOTORS?! dirk: As for the reliabilty of Linux, it is very reliable, but there are no real studies (that I've seen). This is a valid point. I run an NT network where I work, and it runs well. I'm not going to say there is never a problem, but there are no major distasters on a weekly basis that many people would have you believe happen. I have also run Linux and think it's about as stable as they come. But anecdotal evidence will never be able to compare to real-world studies. Just because my network runs well doesn't mean all NT networks do, just as your Linux system running well doesn't translate to all Linux systems.
Anonymous Coward: No myth there. Call it anecdotal. Call it perception. Call it anything you want, but when organizations make it a part of "Standard Operation Procedure" to reboot their NT boxes at a prescribed time interval. And Unix 'uptimes' are interrupted only by hardware upgrades. Well... _you_ figure it out.
"Your mouse has moved, your system must be restarted in order for the changes to take effect".
Windows NT 4.0 has been proven in demanding customer environments to be a reliable operating system. Customers such as Barnes and Noble, The Boeing Company, Chicago Stock Exchange, Dell Computer, Nasdaq and many others run mission-critical applications on Windows NT 4.0.
slykens:I don't know about most people, but I don't need PC Week or Ziff-Davis to tell me Linux is more reliable than Windows NT. I refuse to run NT on my network, and my servers have uptimes exceeding 100 days, and in a few cases, 180 days. Our test NT servers never made it past 7 days.
jeremy f:There are no OEMs that provide uptime guarantees for Linux, unlike Windows NT where Compaq, Data General, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Unisys provide 99.9 percent system-level uptime guarantees for Windows NT-based servers. Clairvaux (boss@bigiron.org): As someone once pointed out on a builder.com thread, 99.9% uptime sounds impressive until you actually calculate what it really means in hours of downtime. There are 8760 hours in a year. 0.1% of that is 8.76 hours. So let's turn that statement around to say that Compaq, Data General, HP, IBM, and Unisys provide 9 HOURS OF DOWNTIME PER YEAR GUARANTEES FOR WINDOWS NT BASED SERVERS. ^_^ Yes I know that statement is logically faulty but it sounds funny, and you get the message
ult: 2) Myth: NT is more reliable than Linux, Anonymous Coward: It has? Were these _studies_ also done by Mindcraft? (Microsoft bought and paid for?) And as both a NT (MCSE) and UNIX administrator I'd have to say administration of NT _is_easier on the surface, but when something goes wrong it's _more_ difficult to troubleshoot _and_ it lacks the configurability and remote administration capabilities built into every copy of UNIX. As far as how this can be measured in cost? I'd call it _even_ since UNIX generally requires _less_ administration once setup.
M$: Myth: Linux is Free Reality: Free Operating System Does Not Mean Low Total Cost of Ownership The Linux community will talk about the free or low-cost nature of Linux. It's important to understand that licensing cost is only a small part of the overall decision-making process for customers...full version |
Linux Myths by Micro$oft |
WW: Money, money, money. I don't like them. But you have to have them to survive. A lot of us do everything for them. Take such M$. Dear Bill, only a little note: GNU means GNU's Not Unix. Do you understand?
mikemacd: It really is amusing that they cite a document which compares the costs Sun Servers to WinNT and then conclude that Linux servers cost more than WinNT. By their logic Linux must therefore be equivalent to Sun. Wow. What a compliment.
Spurius: "How many certified engineers are there for Linux"?
=w= (teges@bigfoot.com): Thank you Bill for the information on TCO. My boss and I will be buying mail server and name server software for NT Server. That will be one NT Server license mail server license and a name server license plus the hours it will take for me to learn how to use these tools, versus Linux dist. (free) sendmail (free) and bind (free) plus the time that it takes for me to learn it.
grae: It does if "when we speak of free software, we speak of freedom, not price". Unless the latest version of NT comes with working source code, I can't tweak the OS, or any underlying components to my liking. Tau Zero (spherethis@youknownottoincludethis.yahoo.com): Of course, the entire page refuses to address NT's TCO, like:
fart_face (tdurbin@nospam.dnai.com): Hey. Not like I need to point this out to many people, but there is some stuff in there that is plain wrong. I can speak from experience that Linux ( or BSD ) do provide a lower TCO for development organizations and ISV's. There's no disputing the fact that hiring one competent admin for a Linux or BSD solution is still far cheaper than what it will cost keep all the licenses kosher for WinNT WS with MS Office and an Exchange Server group for an office of say, 200 people. You may have to spend some contracting money up front to get it implemented correctly, but after that it's all maintenance ( paying the admin's juicy salary ). dclydew (dclydew@interhack.net): Next we have some FUD about TCO... they don't actually show any numbers... just point in the general direction of classic UNIX and say, it's probably like that!!! bhurt (bhurt@visi.com): The only TCO study I've ever seen showing that NT is cheaper than Unix (which was included in the MSDN, BTW) among several other humorous assumptions, assumed that anyone using Unix on the desktop also needed to have a Windows box on their desk as well for office apps, email (Unix doesn't have email, don't you know...) etc. In other words, TCO(NT) = TCO(Unix) + TCO(NT). Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! Anonymous Coward: Oh dear, they resorted to comparing TCO with *UNIX* not Linux and then saying there is no reason to believe that Linux is significantly different. So the fact that Linux is free and most other UNIX Operating Systems cost quite a bit seems to have escaped them. Microsoft must think people are very naive. I hope this page backfires on them, as it should. drix: Really? How bout the fact that Linux is free, morons. Oh yeah, and it runs on non-proprietary hardware. This means that, while the hardware available won't be as incredible as that offered by Sun, you don't have to pay for a proprietary system and operating system. This is, in my opinion, a blatant lie. Just a paragraph before they long for "Real World Proof Points Rather than Anecdotal Stories," but then throw out this crud without a single bit of real world data. Hypocrisy - ain't it a bitch?
Anonymous Coward: The cost of the operating system is only a small percentage of the overall total cost of ownership (TCO).
Spurius: LAF and the main difference-causing factor in their TCO study?
M$: Myth: Linux is more secure than Windows NT Reality: Linux Security Model Is Weak All systems are vulnerable to security issues, however it's important to note that Linux uses the same security model as the original UNIX implementations--a model that was not designed from the ground up to be secure...full version |
Linux Myths by Micro$oft |
WW: One of the first thing I've ever understood about Unix, "UNIX is particulural about secure."
Spurius: The line that says "Linux Security is all or nothing" is blatantly wrong. Its either a lie or they know nothing about privilages. JPelorat (pelorat@netscape.net): And what the heck are groups for, if Linux security is all-or-nothing? Hehehe.. Dwonis (dlitz[IBoycottSpam]@cheerful[spamsucks].com): Oh sure, Linux security is all-or-nothing. I guess my home system doesn't exist. ryanr: Linux only has protection for file system... umm, yeah, that's all there is. :) No registry, guys. Says Linux is all or nothing for delegating administration. Go do a web search on sudo. States Linux doesn't meet any of the "key security accreditation standards" Like NT. Says NT meets C2, or british equiv. C2 isn't anything to be impressed by. Says Linux people must spend time understanding security issues. NT users can go to one spot for patches. Boy, I'm glad I don't have to actually *understand* anything when using NT. Says NT is easier to configure properly for security, using the SCE. You must be stoned. Have you looked at Sutton's NSA paper on what it takes to secure NT? jd: Linux security -isn't- all or nothing. Groups are your friend. Simply make an admin group, for a specific set of responsibilities, and chown the necessary software to that group. If necessary, use suid to grant the programs necessary privilages, but use sparingly. Actually, NT 4.0 failed the FIPS security standard, thus failing C2 accreditation. No Linux products? That's sweeping. Actually, all Netscape products for Linux are approved for Government use in the US. (Netscape's SSL is, to the best of my knowledge, the only approved SSL system. NT's IIS is NOT an approved SSL system. )
This horse has been beat to death. (BTW, show us the C2 certification for NT-4.0, where is it?)
Sesse (remove.this.please.sgunderson@bigfoot.com): They claim Windows NT has had C2 security since 3.51. In that case, somebody should fix the C2 standard. Easy example: take the MTF (Microsoft Tape Format) specs -- I believe it's somewhere on Seagate's web site. Throughout the document, there are multiple provisions for"C2-level security". And their password protection? Oh, that's a byte to or from. That's right:
TheKodiak (kodiak@flail.com): "The National Security Agency (NSA) lists the following configurations as having been evaluated for U.S. C2 certification: Windows NT 3.5 with Service Pack 3 on the Compaq ProLiant 2000 and ProLiant 4000 Pentium systems, and on a DECpc AXP/150. The LSEL diagnostics software was used as part of the configuration. The systems were certified only in a stand-alone configuration (no network). No other version of Windows NT has received C2 certification on any hardware platform (Windows NT 3.51 was C2-certified in October 1996, but only in the United Kingdom)." demon (dpates@DONT.SPAM.ME.dsdk12.net): Actually, it can only qualify as C2 secure with no network connection and no removable media whatsoever (that includes floppy, CD-ROM, Zip, Jaz, or any other removable-media storage device). Pathwalker (hungerf3@cse.msu.edu): To the best of my understanding, normal Linux systems would fail C2 certification as chown allows root to give ownership of files, not just take ownership of the file. C2 requires that no one can give away ownership of a file, you can only take ownership of it from someone. (this is to prevent someone taking ownership of a file, reading it, then giving ownership of it back) |
M$: Myth: Linux can replace Windows on the desktop Reality: Linux Makes No Sense at the Desktop Linux as a desktop operating system makes no sense. A user would end up with a system that has fewer applications, is more complex to use and manage, and is less intuitive...full version |
Linux Myths by Micro$oft |
WW: "...Linux does not support important ease-of-use technologies such as Plug and Play, USB, and Power Management. The complexity of the Linux operating system and cumbersome nature of the existing GUIs would make retraining end-users a huge undertaking and would add significant cost...."
??? How can M$ argues like this? Plug and Play, USB, Power Management, GUI. It's the same as if Ford said: "GM's cars don't fly." NT doesn't support Plug and Play. Linux supports USB and Power Management (without "Are you quite sure that your computer is really notebook?"). Unix had GUI before M$ had started write MS-DOS (really M$ rewrote 86-DOS written by Seattle Computer Product). KDE and GNOME are others than MS Windows, but it doesn't mean worse. And I like them more because when you are going to log out you shouldn't click on Start button (only original thing on M$ GUI), there is no animated "Click here to begin" arrow there. "...only 13 percent develop for Linux." 13% developers. How many computers are running on Linux there? I don't know. Judgment: less than 13%. Reality: There are Suns with StarOffice (StarWriter, .../web, StartCalc, StarImpress, StarDraw, StarBase, StarMail, StarDiscussion, StarImage, StarSchedule,... ), Netscape with Netscape communicator (browser, e-mail, composer,...), MySQL, GIMP (~PhotoShop 4.0), TEX, LaTEX, pdfTEX, DOOM... Ok There are really less SW for Linux, but there is enough SW now. For small business in any case. Windows are intuitive. What surprise. I know it`s written everywhere, but... M$ could say " We made paradigm control paradigm which other WinSW companies copy. So if you learn it you will be able to control a lot of WinSW." Yes, KDE and GNOME have others control. But the same intuitive control. M$: The complexity of the Linux operating system and cumbersome nature of the existing GUIs would make retraining end-users a huge undertaking and would add significant cost Halloween Documents: "The latest generation Xfree86 + CDE was slick and definitely represented among the best-of-breed in UNIX GUI's. A SUN desktop user would be perfectly at home here. An advanced Win32 GUI user would have a short learning cycle to become productive." M$: Linux does not provide support for the broad range of hardware in use today... Halloween Documents: One of Linux's core user bases is ISP shops. Some of the reasons for this include: Cost - ISP's live on horribly tiny margins. Linux's free price + wide hardware support is consequently very attractive.
Spurius: Their claim of NT supporting 39,000 systems and devices sounds rather strange... I'll have to look up their compatability list (also strange they didn't link it). As far as I was aware, NT has been very shoddy in its hardware support.
Anonymous Coward: So NT supports USB and Power Management? Which Service Pack was that?
The Linux operating system is not suitable for mainstream usage by business or home users. Dwonis (dlitz[IBoycottSpam]@cheerful[spamsucks].com): Linux does not support important ease-of-use technologies such as Plug and Play, USB, and Power Management Sad, my Linux box seems not to exist.
DroolArt (DroolArt@hell.com): Ok USB isn;t supported to my knowledge, but NT does not support it either. Plug and Play under NT? ha! By deafult it is turned off, and the ONLY thing I ahve ever seen it work on is a soundblaster 16. No Power Management? RH 6.0 seems to manage power just fine on my Thinkpad 600, didnt even have to tell it it was a laptop, it just did it. Yet more half-truthes and lies told by the big softies...
jeremy: Lie lie lie, lie lie lie. Pnptools, USB as a kernel module, power management as a kernel modules (yes, I do believe that when a system goes to init 0, it CAN automagically power off). If developers would release drivers for their products in linux and stop cutting corners in production cost (winmodems, winprinters, etc...), any differences in the range of supported hardware would dwindle to a big fat 0. DunbarTheInept (SPAMBLOCKmadings@bmrb.wisc.edu.SPAMBLOCK): Windows doesn't run on Macs, nor on Sparcs, nor on Alphas (not anymore), and so on. If you remember that fact, and start a phallus-waving contest of comparing the number of pieces of hardware that are supported, Windows won't look so hot anymore. Windows only supports more hardware if you limit your comparasins to the Intel PC. (And even then WINDOWS DOESN'T SUPPORT THE HARDWARE!!! THE HARDWARE SUPPORTS WINDOWS. Microsoft isn't writing those drivers, the hardware manufacturers are.) Abattoir: The complexity of the Linux operating system and cumbersome nature of existing GUI's would make retraining end-users a huge undertaking... Rebuttal - This is about the most valid (albeit limited at that) statement they make in the whole article. It isn't the complexity of the operating system though. The operating system (in the UNIX world) does not have bearing here. The OS doesn't control what left mouse click and Control-Alt-F4 do. The fault lies in INCONSISTANT (!!) user interfaces. Windows isn't consistent all the time everywhere, however, it does provide a lot of consistency in places such as Menus and short cuts. A user in the Windows world can almost be garunteed that Control-C will copy and Control-V will paste. That the File menu is next to the Edit menu. That pressing F1 will get (semi weak in my opinion) a Help Dialog. Sure, KDE and GNOME are trying to fix this, but they use different conventions. And not everyone uses KDE or GNOME. They're bloated. Yup, I said that. It costs less system resources to ignore a desktop environment and just use a slick window manager (Be it blackbox, icewm, window maker, or twm). But what consistency that is present in the Desktop environments is lost and you're in a worse problem. Blah blah blah, I could go on this for quite some rambling, but I won't. This topic has been beaten to death on every forum newsgroup mailing list and IRC channel known to the Linux community.
CNN April 6, 2000 (1436 GMT) by Joe Barr: What does Microsoft's legal loss mean for Linux? ...Regardless of the eventual outcome or the length of the legal process, Linux has proven that it can gain market share in the server space faster than Microsoft, even with Microsoft's unregulated monopoly in place. Mr. Young from Red Hat: " My goal is not to make our company as big as Microsoft, but to make Microsoft as big as Red Hat. " |
WW: Curtain speech |
Linux Myths by Micro$oft |
I cite again "Welcome to the real world." M$ demonstrates his shoes let in water on his site. I don't know another reason to published so transparent arguments. Lie and incomplete true. Only a bit can be fetched seriously. I think that Linux has a long way before himself. But if M$ don't change its policy it would be victory way. Interesting UNIX-NT confrontation on http://www.penguin.cz/~had/unix-nt/ . |
William Wollis 2000 |