OB Leasing, a.s. is a leasing company founded in 1995.
After only a year of business activities, OB Leasing was ranked amongst the top three most important leasing companies in the Czech Republic.
OB Leasing is a wholly owned subsidiary of ╚eskoslovenskß Obchodnφ Banka a.s. and a member of it's financial group.
Company branches are located in Prague, Pilsen, Pardubice, Teplice, Liberec, ╚eskΘ Bud∞jovice, Brno, Ostrava, Olomouc, Zlφn, Karlovy Vary, Jihlava and Hradec KrßlovΘ.
OB Leasing is one of only a few Czech leasing companies active in the Slovak Republic. Apart from the central office in Bratislava it offers its services in Äilina, TrenΦφn, Banskß Bystrica and KoÜice.
It has a strong financial background, guarantees reliable and continual support for investments with a long-term perspective.
OB Leasing employees are experienced specialists in the field of leasing. OB Leasing, a.s. is a member of the Association of Leasing Companies of the Czech Republic.