size : 3830 uploaded_on : Sat Jun 20 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:38 1999 title : Super fast trigonometric functions org_filename : fasttrig.pas author : Klaus Hartnegg authoremail : description : Super fast trigonometric functions keywords : tested : Borland Pascal 7.0 submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : pas file-type : text/plain category : pascal-alg-maths __END_OF_HEADER__ UNIT FastTrig; (******************************************************************* Turbo-Pascal Unit for super fast trigonometric functions. (c) copyright 1990,91 by Klaus Hartnegg, H.v.Kleist-Str. 7, D-79331 Teningen, Germany. Free for non-commercial use. SuperFastSin determines function value by lookup in tables (arrays) that get initialized on the first call to the function or by a explicit call to the initialization procedure. Accuracy is a function of memory that you allow to be used for the table. FastSin is 5 times faster than Turbo's sin. SuperFastSin is even 9.5 times faster but less accurate. (times measured with FTRIGDEM on a 25 MHz 80386) SuperFastSin simply looks up the nearest value in a table. FastSin uses taylor series of first order around 0. ***********************************************************************) INTERFACE type FPtr_1r_1r = function (x:real) : real; var FastSin, SuperFastSin : FPtr_1r_1r; { the variable FastSin behaves like Function FastSin (x : real) : real; } Function FastCos (x : real) : real; Function SuperFastCos (x : real) : real; Function FastTan (x : real) : real; Function FastCot (x : real) : real; Procedure Init; { this initialization will be called automatically upon the first use of one of the functions but can be called explicitely to prevent unexpected delay in the middle of your program. } IMPLEMENTATION const Resolution = 256; pi = 3.1415926535897932385; Step = pi / resolution; var Sinus : array[0..Resolution] of real; EndOfTaylor : integer; const initialized : boolean = false; {$F+} Function FastSin1 (x : real) : real; var i : integer; s : real; negativ : boolean; begin negativ := (x < 0); s := abs (x * (Resolution / pi)); i := trunc (s); if odd(i div Resolution) then negativ := not negativ; i := i mod Resolution; if ((i <= EndOfTaylor) or (i >= Resolution - EndOfTaylor)) { and (abs (frac(s) - 0.5) > 0.25) } then begin x := abs (pi * frac (x / pi)); if x > pi/2 then x := abs(pi - x); if negativ then FastSin1 := -X else FastSin1 := X; end else if negativ then FastSin1 := - Sinus[i] else Fastsin1 := Sinus[i]; end; Function SuperFastSin1 (x : real) : real; var i : integer; s : real; negativ : boolean; begin i := trunc (x * ( Resolution / pi) ); negativ := false; if i < 0 then begin negativ := true; i := -i; end; i := i mod (2 * Resolution); if i > Resolution then begin negativ := not negativ; i := i - Resolution; end; if negativ then SuperFastSin1 := - Sinus[i] else SuperFastSin1 := Sinus[i]; end; Function FastCos (x:real) : real; begin Fastcos := Fastsin (x + pi/2); end; Function SuperFastCos (x:real) : real; begin SuperFastcos := SuperFastsin (x + pi/2); end; Function FastTan (x:real) : real; begin FastTan := FastSin(x) / FastCos(x); end; Function FastCot (x:real) : real; begin FastCot := FastCos(x) / FastSin(x); end; Procedure Init; var x : real; i : integer; begin if @FastSin = @FastSin1 then exit; { is already installed } x := Step / 2; for i := 0 to Resolution do begin Sinus[i] := sin (x); x := x + Step; end; EndOfTaylor := 0; x := Step / 2; while abs( x - sin(x)) < Step / 2 do begin inc (EndOfTaylor); x := x + Step; end; dec (EndOfTaylor,2); FastSin := FastSin1; SuperFastSin := SuperFastSin1; end; Function FastSin_Init (x:real) : real; begin Init; FastSin_Init := FastSin(x); end; Function SuperFastSin_Init (x:real) : real; begin Init; SuperFastSin_Init := SuperFastSin(x); end; BEGIN FastSin := FastSin_Init; SuperFastSin := SuperFastSin_init; END.