size : 1475 uploaded_on : Tue Aug 11 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:08 1999 title : Selection Sort org_filename : SELECT.PAS author : Weasel authoremail : description : demonstrates selection sort keywords : tested : BP 7.0 submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : pas file-type : text/plain category : pascal-alg-sortsearch __END_OF_HEADER__ {This program is a demonstration of the S E L E C T I O N S O R T alhorithm. How it works: Find the smallest element and exchange it with the first in your list. Then find the second smallest and exchange it with the one at position two. Continue doing this until the whole list is sorted. Written by Palfrader Peter ( in 1998 for the Coder's Knowledge Base at Released into Public Domain. Credits would be fine. } program sortdemo; uses crt; const NoElements = 20; var sortarray : array[0..NoElements-1] of integer; procedure exchange(a, b : integer); var tmp : integer; begin tmp:=sortarray[a]; sortarray[a]:=sortarray[b]; sortarray[b]:=tmp; end; procedure sort; var run, checkpos, minpos : integer; begin for run:=0 to NoElements-2 do begin minpos:=run; for checkpos:=run+1 to NoElements-1 do if sortarray[checkpos]<sortarray[minpos] then minpos:=checkpos; exchange(run, minpos); end; end; var s : integer; c : char; begin clrscr; { initialize data to be sorted } randomize; for s:=0 to NoElements-1 do sortarray[s]:=random(100); { display the unsorted array } writeln; write('Before: '); for s:=0 to NoElements-1 do write(sortarray[s],' '); writeln; writeln; { sort it } sort; { display the sorted version } write('After : '); for s:=0 to NoElements-1 do write(sortarray[s],' '); writeln; c:=readkey; end.