size : 1635 uploaded_on : Thu Nov 5 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:26 1999 title : Serial port reading org_filename : SerPortReading.txt author : Radu Ialovoi authoremail : description : How to read data from the serial port keywords : tested : not tested yet submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : plain file-type : text/plain category : delphi-system32bit __END_OF_HEADER__ > I need some help for read data sent to the serial port. > Can someone give me a example? procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var lpszNumeCom : PChar; dwAccessType : DWORD; dwCreationType : DWORD; creationDCB : TDCB; hPort : THandle; buffer : array[0..55] of char; actRead : integer; begin {Some initial settings: I am working with COM2 in read/write} lpszNumeCom := '//./COM2'; dwAccessType := GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE; dwCreationType := OPEN_EXISTING; hPort := CreateFile(lpszNumeCom,dwAccessType,0,Nil,dwCreationType,0,0); {here I have the handle for the COM port} try if hPort <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin {Settings for COM : 600bauds, 8,E,1} GetCommState(hport,creationDCB); creationDCB.BaudRate := 600; creationDCB.Parity := EVENPARITY; creationDCB.ByteSize := 8; creationDCB.StopBits := ONESTOPBIT; {Settings for the control type, here I am reading from a Proximity card reader and use only the RX line} creationDCB.Flags := creationDCB.Flags + DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE + RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE; if SetCommState(hPort,creationDCB) then begin PurgeComm(hPort,PURGE_RXCLEAR); {Here I actually can read data from COM} {The next function call will not return until it actually reads data from the serial port} ReadFile(hPort,buffer,56,actRead,nil); PurgeComm(hPort,PURGE_RXCLEAR); {in buffer you have data readed from the port} begin {Do something usefull with data} end end end; finally CloseHandle(hPort); end; end;