size : 4617 uploaded_on : Tue Aug 11 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:08 1999 title : Quick sort org_filename : QUICKSRT.PAS author : Unknown authoremail : description : demonstrates quick sort keywords : tested : not tested yet submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : pas file-type : text/plain category : pascal-alg-sortsearch __END_OF_HEADER__ {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Program Name : QuickSrt.Pas Written By : Brad Prendergast E-Mail : Web Page : Program Compilation : Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0 Program Description : This program demonstrates the basics behind the Quick Sort algorithm. This program is not complex nor is it intended to be. The purpose of this is to demonstrate the basic building blocks needed to build complex programs. The Quick Sort Algorithm is widely accepted as the fastest general purpose sort. The Quick Sort begins by estimating the midrange value in the array. Once this is determined it breaks the array into two portions, to the left of the midrange and to the right. Everything less than the midrange goes to the left and higher to the right. It breaks these two portions down further repeating this process over until the array has been sorted. If you need further assistance on this method feel free to e-mail =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} Program QuickSrt; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} { These are the standard set of compiler directives I opt to use } {$DEFINE DEBUG} {$DEFINE Error_Checking} {$IFDEF Error_Checking} {$I+} {L I/O Checking } {$Q+} {L Overflow Checking } {$R+} {L Range Checking } {$S+} {L Stack Overflow Checking } {$ELSE} {$I-} {L I/O Checking } {$Q-} {L Overflow Checking } {$R-} {L Range Checking } {$S-} {L Stack Overflow Checking } {$ENDIF} {$UNDEF Error_Checking} {$IFDEF DEBUG} {$D+} {G Debug Information } {$L+} {G Local Symbol Information } {$Y+} {G Symbolic Reference Information } {$ELSE} {$D-} {G Debug Information } {$L-} {G Local Symbol Information } {$Y-} {G Symbolic Reference Information } {$ENDIF} {$A+} {G Align Data} {$B-} {L Short Circuit Boolean Evaluation } {$E-} {G Disable Emulation } {$F+} {L Allow Far Calls } {$G+} {G Generate 80286 Code } {$N-} {G Disable Numeric Processing } {$P+} {G Enable Open Parameters } {$O+} {G Overlay } {$T-} {G Type @ Operator } {$V+} {L Var String Checking } {$X+} {G Extended Syntax Enabled } {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} uses crt; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} const numberlocations = 20; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} type sorted_array = array [ 1..numberlocations ] of integer; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} var count : integer; sorted : sorted_array; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} Procedure Switch ( var a, b : integer ); var c : integer; begin c := a; a := b; b := c; end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} Procedure PartialSort ( l, r : integer; var a : sorted_array); var i1, l1, r1, i, j, k : integer; begin k := ( a[ l ] + a[ r ] ) div 2; i := l; j := r; repeat while a[ i ] < k do inc ( i,1 ); while k < a[ j ] do dec ( j, 1 ); if i <= j then begin switch ( a[ i ], a[ j ] ); inc ( i, 1 ); dec ( j, 1 ); end; until i > j; if l < j then PartialSort ( l, j, a ); if i < r then PartialSort ( i, r, a ); end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} Procedure Quicksort ( var item : sorted_array; count : integer ); begin PartialSort ( 1, count, item ); end; {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=} Begin clrscr; Randomize; Writeln ('Before : '); for count := 1 to numberlocations do Begin sorted[ count ] := random ( 100 ); write ( sorted[ count ]:2, ' '); end; QuickSort ( sorted, numberlocations ); writeln; Writeln ('After : '); for count := 1 to numberlocations do write ( sorted[ count ]:2, ' '); End.