size : 6793 uploaded_on : Sat Jul 18 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:07 1999 title : String parsing unit org_filename : Parse.pas author : Palfrader Peter authoremail : description : Parsing strings keywords : tested : not tested yet submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : pas file-type : text/plain category : pascal-alg-maths __END_OF_HEADER__ { Written by Palfrader Peter ( in 1998 for the Coder's Knowledge Base at Released into Public Domain. Credits would be fine. } unit parse; interface type TElementtype = (etOperator, etConst, etVar); TOperatorType =(otPlus, otMinus, otMultiply, otDivide, otNegate); TWhat = (wtLength, wtcode, wtElement); PElement = ^TElement; TElement = object {an element is either a operator, a value or a variable} ElementType : TElementtype; Operator : TOperatorType; tree1, tree2 : PElement; varName : string; value : extended; constructor init; destructor done; function calc : extended; end; TTree = object top : PElement; constructor init; destructor done; procedure FreeAll; procedure Parse(parsestr : string); function calc : extended; end; implementation function GetVariableValue(varname : string) : extended; begin end; const MaxLength=1024; {may be changed without any problems} AllowedVarChars:set of char=['A'..'Z','a'..'z','_']; type TCharElement = record what : TWhat; case TWhat of wtLength : ( Length : integer); wtcode : ( code : char); wtElement : ( Element : PElement); end; TItmStr = array[0..MaxLength-1] of TCharElement; {**************** Element implementation ****************} constructor TElement.init; begin tree1:=nil; tree2:=nil; varName:=' '; ElementType:=etConst; Operator:=otplus; value:=0; end; destructor TElement.done; begin if tree1<>nil then dispose(tree1,done); if tree2<>nil then dispose(tree2,done); end; function TElement.calc : extended; begin case ElementType of etOperator : case Operator of otPlus : calc:=tree1^.calc+tree2^.calc; otMinus : calc:=tree1^.calc-tree2^.calc; otMultiply : calc:=tree1^.calc*tree2^.calc; otDivide : calc:=tree1^.calc/tree2^.calc; otNegate : calc:=-tree1^.calc; end; etconst : calc:=value; etvar : calc:=GetVariableValue(varName); end; end; {**************** Tree implementation ****************} constructor TTree.init; begin Top:=nil; end; destructor TTree.done; begin FreeAll; end; procedure TTree.FreeAll; begin if Top<>nil then dispose(Top,done); end; function TTree.calc : extended; begin calc:=top^.calc; end; procedure TTree.Parse(parsestr : string); function BaseConvert(str : string) : extended; var r:extended; code:integer; begin {if you want other bases than 10 be enabled for example by adding a h at the end of the number, do this yourself. The after a number will be in str} val(str,r,code); BaseConvert:=r; end; procedure Copyps( var Dest : TItmStr; Source : TItmStr; fromi,toi : integer); {Copy a part from to inclusive} var z : integer; begin fillchar(dest,sizeof(dest),0); dest[0].what:=wtlength; dest[0].length:=toi-fromi+1; for z:=1 to dest[0].length do dest[z]:=source[z+fromi-1]; end; procedure Subststr( VAR ItStr : TItmStr; fromi,toi : integer; Element : PElement); {Substitute a part by a Item instead} var z : integer; itstr2 : TItmStr; begin fillchar(itstr2,sizeof(itstr2),0); itstr2[0].what:=wtlength; itstr2[0].length:=itstr[0].length - toi + fromi; for z:=1 to fromi-1 do itstr2[z]:=itstr[z]; itstr2[fromi].what :=wtelement; itstr2[fromi].element:=element; for z:=fromi+1 to itstr2[0].length do itstr2[z]:=itstr[z-fromi+toi]; ItStr:=itstr2; end; procedure InsertElement( VAR ItStr : TItmStr; Pos : integer; OpType : TOperatorType); var n { = new }: PElement; begin n:=nil; new(n,init); n^.ElementType := etoperator; n^.Operator := OPType; case OpType of otPlus, otMinus, otMultiply, otDivide : begin n^.Tree1:=itstr[pos-1].element; n^.Tree2:=itstr[pos+1].element; subststr(itstr,pos-1,pos+1,n); end; otNegate : begin n^.Tree1:=itstr[pos+1].element; subststr(itstr,pos,pos+1,n); end; end; end; function Parsblock(itstr : TItmStr) : PElement; var pos : integer; z : integer; s : integer; itstr2 : TItmStr; begin pos:=1; while pos<=itstr[0].length do begin if (itstr[pos].what=wtcode) and (itstr[pos].code='(') then begin z:=1; s:=pos; while z<>0 do begin inc(s); if itstr[s].code='(' then inc(z); if itstr[s].code=')' then dec(z); end; Copyps(itstr2,itstr,pos+1,s-1); subststr(itstr,pos,s,Parsblock(itstr2)); end; inc(pos); end; pos:=itstr[0].length; {this time from right to left so many - each after the other won't hurt} while pos>=1 do begin if (itstr[pos].what=wtcode) and (itstr[pos].code='-') and ( (pos=1) or ( (itstr[pos-1].what=wtcode) and ((itstr[pos-1].code='+') or (itstr[pos-1].code='-')) ) ) then InsertElement(itstr,pos,otnegate); dec(pos); end; pos:=1; while pos<=itstr[0].length do begin if (itstr(.pos.).what=wtcode) then case itstr(.pos.).code of '/' : begin InsertElement(itstr,pos,otdivide); dec(pos); end; '*' : begin InsertElement(itstr,pos,otmultiply); dec(pos); end; end; inc(pos); end; pos:=1; while pos<=itstr[0].length do begin if (itstr(.pos.).what=wtcode) and (itstr(.pos.).code='-') then begin InsertElement(itstr,pos,otminus); dec(pos); end; inc(pos); end; pos:=1; while pos<=itstr[0].length do begin if (itstr(.pos.).what=wtcode) and (itstr(.pos.).code='+') then begin InsertElement(itstr,pos,otplus); dec(pos); end; inc(pos); end; Parsblock:=itstr[1].element; end; var s : integer; itstr : TItmStr; newel : PElement; tmp : string; fromi : integer; begin FreeAll; fillchar(itstr,sizeof(itstr),0); itstr[0].what:=wtlength; itstr[0].length:=length(parsestr); for s:=1 to length(parsestr) do begin itstr[s].what:=wtcode; itstr[s].code:=parsestr[s]; end; s:=1; while s<=itstr[0].length do {get constants} begin if (itstr[s].what=wtcode) and (itstr[s].code in ['0'..'9']) then begin fromi:=s; tmp:=''; while (s<=itstr[0].length) and not (i