size : 5524
uploaded_on : Mon May 17 00:00:00 1999
modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:40 1999
title : Technical problems for multi language programming
org_filename : Multi.txt
author : Unknown
authoremail :
description : Problems to be solved, when using modules in different programming languages
keywords :
tested : not tested yet
submitted_by : The CKB Crew
submitted_by_email :
uploaded_by : nobody
modified_by : nobody
owner : nobody
lang : plain
file-type : text/plain
category : delphi-migration
Technical problems in multi-language programming.
In this article multi-language programming means the usage
of different programming languages in one project and not
writing a program to provide an interface in different
languages (internatialization).
Modules in all prgramming languages are converted into
code for a real or emulated processor, so theoretically
it is possible to mix modules written in any programming
language, but the efford needed varies.
Since each programming languages needs it own compiler,
we can assume that the modules are precompiled object
modules generated by different programming environments
Rule 1: Precompiled modules must be compiled for the
same processor.
Example: you can't mix code for an Intel (x86) with
code for an Alpha processor even if both
modules are targeted for Windows NT and
written in the same prgramming language.
The first problem is the programming environment, which
is used for building the project.
Rule 2: The precompiled modules must be compatible with
the programming environment, used to build the
final project.
This is the main obstacle for Turbo Pascal/Delphi
programmers. The format for precompiled building blocks
is propriatary and changes from version to version of
the compiler.
But both environents also have (rudimentary) support for
the .OBJ format. For 32 Bit versions Borland uses another
format than Microsoft, the versions of the 16 Bit versions
(DOS) have been compatible.
In 16-Bit projects you use the $L compiler switch to
manually link object code into a Pascal Unit. In 32-Bit
Project you can change the project environment to use
the *.OBJ format instead of the *.DCU format.
The next problem are unsatisfied externals.
Rule 3: Each module referenced by the modules to be mixed
must also be converted.
If the module uses a library routine of any kind, either
delivered by the Vendor of the original programming environment
or by third party vendors, the reference library mut also
be converted.
This problem is the knock out criteria for a lot of modules.
In an extreme case you must convert or simulate the complete
library set of one language in the other.
If you look at programming environments which state that
they directly can use modules written in another language
(in most cases Visual C++) you will realize that the programming
environment has been written in that language.
The Borland C++ environment uses the VCL classes of Delphi
and thus provides language extensions to make C++ classes
compatible with Object Pascal classes, and thus allows the
usage of Delphi components in C++ programs. But the support
for the opposite direction is missing.
Rule 4: In the Windows environment you can minimize the
problem by changeing the design. Use DLLs or Interprocess
Communication to avoid the pitfalls of mixing the
modules directly.
When you want to mix 16-Bit and 32-Bit modules in one project,
the Interprocess comunication approach is the only way to go, since
Windows NT doesn't support the usage of thunking. Thunking is only
available in Windows 9x, since the whole operating system is basicly
a 32-Bit to 16-Bit thunk itself. You just have to follow the calling
chain of some APIs. The real work is done in the 16-Bit version.
By providing a wrapper DLL the problem of mixing the different
languages is reduced to the problem of converting the procedure
headers, a problem which has to be solved anyway.
Rule 5: You can only use compatible data type in a multi language
Compatible not only means that both languages contains a type for
an used variable but also that they use the same way of transferring
* Integer Values
The standard integer types ( 8 Bit, 16 Bit, 32-Bit ) are harmless.
* Floating point values
The floating point types (incl. Comp, alias large integer, alias
currency ) have the same pitfall. The way of returning them as a
function result is different in a lot of environments, especially
Delphi and Visual C++. Thus floating type results should be converted
into variable parameters.
* Strings
Strings produces much more problems.
The first one is the way to define the length of the current version.
Pascal strings start with the length, while C strings are delimited
by the first character containing an Hex 0 value.
The next one is the need to define the maximal length of the string
buffer. The most common way is the usage of a memory manager. The
three most used manages are:
The Visual Basic memory manager: This is the mangager used in VBX
modules and Basic programms.
The Delphi memory manger: This manager manages the long Strings in
32-Bit Delphi versions.
The Windows memory mangager: This is the manager used in OCX modules.
The three ways to transfer strings between modules in different
languages are:
1. Character array of a fixed size.
2. Pointer to a variable size array plus an additional parameter
containing the size of the buffer.
3. The usage of the Windows memory manager, thus the usage of
* Structures.
The main problem is to assure that each meber of the structure
starts at the offset expected by the module in the other language.
Each programming environment has its own way of determing the offset
of a structure member. If the environments don't have a compatible
way to define the boundery value (packed, multiple of two,
multiple of four ... ) dummy members are needed to provide expected