size : 3539 uploaded_on : Thu Jul 2 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:05 1999 title : landscaping org_filename : Voxel.pas author : Jeroen Bouwens authoremail : description : Does a flyby over a mountain like terrain keywords : tested : not tested yet submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : pas file-type : text/plain category : pascal-dos-graphics __END_OF_HEADER__ program voxel_landscape; { VOXEL.PAS } { Kinda slow on 386-, works great on 486+ though, by Jeroen Bouwens } uses u_vga,u_pal,u_kb; { create landscape in 2d, color is height -----------------------------------} function ncol(mc,n,dvd:integer):byte; begin ncol:=((mc+n-random(n)) div dvd) mod 245; end; procedure subdivide(x1,y1,x2,y2:word); var xn,yn,dxy,p1,p2,p3,p4:word; begin if (x2-x1<2) and (y2-y1<2) then exit; p1:=mem[u_vidseg:320*y1+x1]; p2:=mem[u_vidseg:320*y2+x1]; p3:=mem[u_vidseg:320*y1+x2]; p4:=mem[u_vidseg:320*y2+x2]; xn:=(x2+x1) shr 1; yn:=(y2+y1) shr 1; dxy:=5*(x2-x1+y2-y1) div 3; if mem[u_vidseg:320*y1+xn]=0 then mem[u_vidseg:320*y1+xn]:=ncol(p1+p3,dxy,2); if mem[u_vidseg:320*yn+x1]=0 then mem[u_vidseg:320*yn+x1]:=ncol(p1+p2,dxy,2); if mem[u_vidseg:320*yn+x2]=0 then mem[u_vidseg:320*yn+x2]:=ncol(p3+p4,dxy,2); if mem[u_vidseg:320*y2+xn]=0 then mem[u_vidseg:320*y2+xn]:=ncol(p2+p4,dxy,2); mem[u_vidseg:320*yn+xn]:=ncol(p1+p2+p3+p4,dxy,4); subdivide(x1,y1,xn,yn); subdivide(xn,y1,x2,yn); subdivide(x1,yn,xn,y2); subdivide(xn,yn,x2,y2); end; { voxelize: remap 2d scape to 3d --------------------------------------------} procedure voxelize(landscape:pointer; p,q,r : integer); var oldy:pointer; bo,ho:word; i,j,x,y1,v,y0,sc,y2,y,if1,h1,c,u:integer; begin getmem(oldy,320); fillchar(oldy^,320,101); for v:=50 downto 0 do begin { depth } y0:=199-v+(25600 div (v+1)) shr 8+(r shl 1) div (v+1); { y-coord for high 0 } u:=p shl 8-v shl 7-5120; { u-coord of screen-position (0,y0) } c:=(v shl 8+10240) div 320; { add-constant for u-coord } sc:=256-(v shl 8) div 100; { scaling-constant for height } bo:=ofs(landscape^)+320*((v+q) mod 200); for x:=0 to 319 do begin { width } h1:=mem[seg(landscape^):bo+(u shr 8) mod 320]; y1:=y0-(h1*sc) shr 8; if y1>199 then y1:=199; if y1>mem[seg(oldy^):ofs(oldy^)+x] then begin ho:=mem[seg(oldy^):ofs(oldy^)+x]*320+x{+so}; for i:=mem[seg(oldy^):ofs(oldy^)+x] to y1 do begin { height } mem[destseg:ho]:=h1; inc(ho,320); end; end; u:=u+c; mem[seg(oldy^):ofs(oldy^)+x]:=y1; end; end; freemem(oldy,320); end; { init, setup and main ------------------------------------------------------} var virscr,plasma:pointer; i,j:word; begin setvideo($13); for i:=1 to 255 do setrgb(i,32+i div 8,i div 6,i div 6); mem[u_vidseg:0]:=128; mem[u_vidseg:320*199]:=128; mem[u_vidseg:320*199+319]:=128; mem[u_vidseg:319]:=128; randomize; subdivide(0,0,319,199); { create plasma-landscape } for i:=0 to 199 do for j:=0 to 319 do { smoothen } mem[u_vidseg:320*i+j]:= (mem[u_vidseg:320*i+j]+mem[u_vidseg:320*i+j-3]+ mem[u_vidseg:320*i+j+3]+mem[u_vidseg:320*(i+3)+j]) shr 2; getmem(plasma,64000); {store the plasma landscape in memory} for i:=0 to 199 do for j:=0 to 320 do mem[seg(plasma^):ofs(plasma^)+320*i+j]:=mem[u_vidseg:320*i+j]; {create and show 3d-landscape} getmem(virscr,64000); destenation:=virscr; destseg:=seg(destenation^); repeat cls(virscr,64000); voxelize(plasma,130,i,mem[seg(plasma^):ofs(plasma^)+320*i+130]); flip(virscr,vidptr,64000); i:=(i+4) mod 200; until keypressed; freemem(plasma,64000); freemem(virscr,64000); setvideo(u_lm); end.