size : 1257 uploaded_on : Tue Aug 11 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:08 1999 title : Insertion sort org_filename : INSERT.PAS author : Weasel authoremail : description : demonstrates insertion sort keywords : tested : BP 7.0 submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : pas file-type : text/plain category : pascal-alg-sortsearch __END_OF_HEADER__ {This program is a demonstration of the I N S E R T I O N S O R T alhorithm. How it works: This program examines every element and put's it on its correct position within the elements already examined. Written by Palfrader Peter ( in 1998 for the Coder's Knowledge Base at Released into Public Domain. Credits would be fine. } {$b-} program sortdemo; uses crt; const NoElements = 20; var sortarray : array[0..NoElements-1] of integer; procedure sort; var i, j, checkval : integer; begin for i:=1 to NoElements-1 do begin checkval:=sortarray[i]; j:=i; while (j>0) and (sortarray[j-1]>checkval) do begin sortarray[j]:=sortarray[j-1]; dec(j); end; sortarray[j]:=checkval; end; end; var s : integer; c : char; begin clrscr; { initialize data to be sorted } randomize; for s:=0 to NoElements-1 do sortarray[s]:=random(100); { display the unsorted array } writeln; write('Before: '); for s:=0 to NoElements-1 do write(sortarray[s],' '); writeln; writeln; { sort it } sort; { display the sorted version } write('After : '); for s:=0 to NoElements-1 do write(sortarray[s],' '); writeln; c:=readkey; end.