size : 6215 uploaded_on : Mon Jan 4 00:00:00 1999 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:31 1999 title : File description org_filename : GetFileDescription.txt author : Ulli Conrad authoremail : description : How to retrieve a description string compiled to an executable keywords : tested : D3 submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : plain file-type : text/plain category : delphi-filehandling __END_OF_HEADER__ { this function will return a description string compiled to an executable } type IMAGE_NEW_HEADER = record { New .EXE header } ne_magic : Word; { Magic number NE_MAGIC } ne_ver : Byte; { Version number } ne_rev : Byte; { Revision number } ne_enttab : Word; { Offset of Entry Table } ne_cbenttab : Word; { Number of bytes in Entry Table } ne_crc : Longint; { Checksum of whole file } ne_flags : Word; { Flag word } ne_autodata : Word; { Automatic data segment number } ne_heap : Word; { Initial heap allocation } ne_stack : Word; { Initial stack allocation } ne_csip : Longint; { Initial CS:IP setting } ne_sssp : Longint; { Initial SS:SP setting } ne_cseg : Word; { Count of file segments } ne_cmod : Word; { Entries in Module Reference Table } ne_cbnrestab : Word; { Size of non-resident name table } ne_segtab : Word; { Offset of Segment Table } ne_rsrctab : Word; { Offset of Resource Table } ne_restab : Word; { Offset of resident name table } ne_modtab : Word; { Offset of Module Reference Table } ne_imptab : Word; { Offset of Imported Names Table } ne_nrestab : Longint; { Offset of Non-resident Names Table } ne_cmovent : Word; { Count of movable ent } ne_align : Word; { Segment alignment shift count } ne_cres : Word; { Count of resource entries } ne_exetyp : Byte; { Target operating system } ne_flagsothers: Byte; { Other .EXE flags } ne_res : array [0..7] of Byte; { Pad structure to 64 bytes } end; type IMAGE_DOS_HEADER = record { DOS 1, 2, 3 .EXE header } e_magic : Word; { Magic number } e_cblp : Word; { Words on last page of file } e_cp : Word; { Pages in file } e_crlc : Word; { Relocations } e_cparhdr : Word; { Size of header in paragraphs } e_minalloc: Word; { Minimum extra paragraphs needed } e_maxalloc: Word; { Maximum extra paragraphs needed } e_ss : Word; { Initial (relative) SS value } e_sp : Word; { Initial SP value } e_csum : Word; { Checksum } e_ip : Word; { Initial IP value } e_cs : Word; { Initial (relative) CS value } e_lfarlc : Word; { File address of relocation table } e_ovno : Word; { Overlay number } e_res : array[0..3] of Word; { Reserved words } e_oemid : Word; { OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo) } e_oeminfo : Word; { OEM information; e_oemid specific } e_res2 : array[0..9] of Word; { Reserved words } e_lfanew : Longint; { File address of new exe header } end; const IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE = $00005A4D; { MZ } IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE = $0000454E; { NE } IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE = $00005A4D; { LE } IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE = $00004550; { PE00 } function IsNewExe(fn : PChar;var DosHdr: IMAGE_DOS_HEADER;var NewHdr: IMAGE_NEW_HEADER): Boolean; var Filehandle: Integer; BytesRead : Integer; ofs : TOFSTRUCT; begin Result := False; FillChar (ofs, sizeof (TOFSTRUCT), 0); if OpenFile (fn, ofs, OF_EXIST or OF_READ) = -1 then Exit; FileHandle:=OpenFile(fn, ofs, OF_REOPEN or OF_READ); if FileHandle=-1 then Exit; FillChar (DosHdr, sizeof (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER), 0); FillChar (NewHdr, sizeof (IMAGE_NEW_HEADER), 0); { read MS-DOS header } BytesRead := _lread (FileHandle, @DosHdr, sizeof (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)); { test for bytes read } if BytesRead <> sizeof (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER) then begin _lclose (FileHandle); Exit; end; { test for magic number MZ } if DosHdr.e_magic <> IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE then begin _lclose (FileHandle); Exit; end; { test for address of new exe header } if DosHdr.e_lfanew <= 0 then begin _lclose (FileHandle); Exit; end; { fast forward to Windows header } if _llseek (FileHandle, DosHdr.e_lfanew, 0) = -1 then begin _lclose (FileHandle); Exit; end; { read new exe header } BytesRead := _lread (FileHandle, @NewHdr, sizeof (IMAGE_NEW_HEADER)); { test for bytes read } if BytesRead <> sizeof (IMAGE_NEW_HEADER) then begin _lclose (FileHandle); Exit; end; { test for signature NE } if NewHdr.ne_magic <> IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE then begin _lclose (FileHandle); Exit; end; { passed the test } IsNewExe := True; _lclose (FileHandle); end; type rsrc_string = record rs_len : Byte; { number of bytes in string } rs_string : array[0..255] of char; { text of string } end; function GetFileDescription(FileName : string) : string; var DosHdr : IMAGE_DOS_HEADER; NewHdr : IMAGE_NEW_HEADER; ofs : TOFSTRUCT; FileHandle : integer; ModuleDescription : rsrc_string; begin Result:=''; if IsNewExe(pChar(FileName),DosHdr,NewHdr) then begin FillChar (ofs, sizeof (TOFSTRUCT), 0); if OpenFile (pChar(FileName), ofs, OF_EXIST or OF_READ) = -1 then Exit; FileHandle:=OpenFile (pChar(FileName), ofs, OF_REOPEN or OF_READ); if FileHandle=-1 then Exit; { goto location of non-resident name table } _llseek (FileHandle,NewHdr.ne_nrestab, 0); { read length of string (in first entry of the non-resident name table) } _lread (FileHandle, @ModuleDescription.rs_len, sizeof (Byte)); { read module description string } _lread (FileHandle, @ModuleDescription.rs_string, ModuleDescription.rs_len); { tag null termination onto string } ModuleDescription.rs_string[ModuleDescription.rs_len] := #0; Result:=StrPas(ModuleDescription.rs_string); { close file } _lclose (FileHandle); end; end;