size : 1690 uploaded_on : Thu Jul 2 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:05 1999 title : xfade org_filename : Xfade.pas author : Bas van Gaalen authoremail : description : a fading routine keywords : tested : not tested yet submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : pas file-type : text/plain category : pascal-dos-graphics __END_OF_HEADER__ program xfade; { XFADE.PAS } { Cross-fade routine, by Bas van Gaalen } uses u_vga,u_pal,u_kb; const lines=13; creds:array[0..lines-1] of string[20]=( {.........|.........|} 'This cross-fade', 'routine was made by', 'Bas van Gaalen', 'Code and idea', 'inspired by', 'David Proper', 'This routine was', 'enhanced a bit', 'in comparison with', 'David''s one...', 'cu later', 'alligator!', ''); procedure cleartxt(col,new:byte); var x,y,vofs:word; begin for x:=0 to 319 do for y:=100 to 107 do begin vofs:=y*320+x; if mem[u_vidseg:vofs]=col then mem[u_vidseg:vofs]:=0 else if mem[u_vidseg:vofs]<>0 then mem[u_vidseg:vofs]:=new; end; end; procedure writetxt(col,cur:byte; txt:string); { special textroutine } var x,y,vofs:word; i,j,k:byte; begin x:=(320-8*length(txt)) div 2; y:=100; for i:=1 to length(txt) do for j:=0 to 7 do for k:=0 to 7 do if ((mem[seg(font^):ofs(font^)+ord(txt[i])*8+j] shl k) and 128) <> 0 then begin vofs:=(y+j)*320+(i*8)+x+k; if mem[u_vidseg:vofs]=cur then mem[u_vidseg:vofs]:=col+cur else mem[u_vidseg:vofs]:=col; end; end; var txtidx,curcol,i:byte; begin setvideo($13); getfont(font8x8); setrgb(1,0,0,0); setrgb(2,0,0,0); setrgb(3,63 div 2,63,63 div 2); curcol:=1; txtidx:=0; repeat cleartxt(curcol,3-curcol); writetxt(curcol,3-curcol,creds[txtidx]); for i:=0 to 63 do begin vretrace; setrgb(curcol,i div 2,i,i div 2); setrgb(3-curcol,(63-i) div 2,63-i,(63-i) div 2); end; waitkey(1); curcol:=succ(curcol mod 2); txtidx:=succ(txtidx) mod lines; until port[$60]=1; { <ESC> to quit } setvideo(u_lm); end.