size : 1561 uploaded_on : Wed Jul 7 00:00:00 1999 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:02:50 1999 title : Desktop description org_filename : DesktopDesc.txt author : Thorsten Vitt authoremail : description : How to get the description of the desktop on any computer keywords : tested : not tested yet submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : plain file-type : text/plain category : delphi-system32bit __END_OF_HEADER__ >How can I get the description of the workspace (e.g. "My computer") and the >large/small associated icon on any computer? Hi, (1) Use the function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation of the Shell-API (unit ShlObj) var pidl: PItemIDList; ... SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Handle, CSIDL_DRIVES, pidl); (2) You may use this PIDL with the function SHGetFileInfo übergeben, which retrieves a lot of information about this object (also the DisplayName and an icon handle). var shfi: TSHFileInfo; ... SHGetFileInfo(pidl, 0, shfi, SizeOf(shfi), SHGFI_PIDL or SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME or SHGFI_ICON or SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or SHGFI_SMALLICON); MyIcon.Handle := shfi.hIcon; // MyIcon has to be created first DisplayName := String(shfi.szDisplayName); (3) This is how to get system images. First create a TImageList and define ShareImages:=False (important! SystemIcons will be destroyed else when freeing ImageList!) var SystemImageList: TImageList; SystemImageList := TImageList.Create; try SystemImageList.ShareImages := False; SystemImageList.Handle := SHGetFileInfo('', 0, shfi, SizeOf(shfi), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or SHGFI_SMALLIMAGES); ... finally SystemImageList.Free; end; (4) Finally you have to free the PIDL wby using the Shell Task Allocator. procedure SHFreeItemIDList(var pidl: PItemIDList); var ppMalloc : IMalloc; begin SHGetMalloc(ppMalloc); ppMalloc.Free(pidl); end; SHFreeItemIDList(pidl); PS: This code is put together from several units, so it may contain minor bugs.