size : 2587 uploaded_on : Fri Oct 30 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:24 1999 title : Serial port org_filename : ComPort.Txt author : J. Welter authoremail : description : How do you send data to a serial port keywords : Com port tested : not tested yet submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : plain file-type : text/plain category : delphi-system32bit __END_OF_HEADER__ > I need to send something (anything - it doesn't matter what) to the serial > port (COM 2). > Help tells that we can use standard CreateFile('COM2',...) function to > communicate with port but I dont believe it - I tried and got nothing You can make it work with a little more effort. Here are some more clues: fUnit: DWORD; { Unit descriptor handle} fUnitDescriptor: string; { Unit descriptor Pascal string } fUnitDescriptor := 'COM2'; procedure TRs232.OpenPort(descriptor: PChar); begin fUnit := CreateFile(descriptor, GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0,nil,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0); end; function TRs232.GetOpenPortError: BOOLEAN; var isOK: BOOLEAN; Error: DWORD; begin isOK:=(fUnit <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); //DWORD(-1) if not isOK then begin Error := GetLastError; {case fUnit of} case Error of IE_BADID: ShowMessage('"' + fUnitDescriptor + '" invalid or unsupported'); IE_BAUDRATE: ShowMessage('"' + fUnitDescriptor + '" baudrate unsupported'); IE_BYTESIZE: ShowMessage('Specified bytesize is invalid'); IE_DEFAULT: ShowMessage('Default parameters are in error'); IE_HARDWARE: ShowMessage('"' + fUnitDescriptor + '" not available'); IE_MEMORY: ShowMessage('"' + fUnitDescriptor + '" - unable to allocate queues'); IE_NOPEN: ShowMessage('"' + fUnitDescriptor + '" is not open'); IE_OPEN: ShowMessage('"' + fUnitDescriptor + '" is already open'); else {ShowMessage('Note: "' + fUnitDescriptor + '" returned error ' + IntToStr(Error)); } end; end; Result:=isOK; end; function TRs232.Output(lpBuffer: PChar): BOOLEAN; var lpBytesSent,nBufferSize: LongWord; begin nBufferSize := StrLen(lpBuffer); Result := WriteFile(fUnit, //handle to file to write to lpBuffer, // pointer to data to write to file nBufferSize, // number of bytes to write lpBytesSent, // pointer to number of bytes written nil); // pointer to structure needed for overlapped IO end; function TRs232.Enter(nBytesToRead: LongWord; lpString: PChar; var lpBytesRead: LongWord): BOOLEAN; begin Result := ReadFile(fUnit, lpString, nBytesToRead, lpBytesRead, nil); end; destructor TRs232.Destroy; begin if not CloseHandle(fUnit) then ShowMessage('Error closing port "' + fUnitDescriptor + '"'); inherited Destroy; end;