size : 6861 uploaded_on : Sat Jun 20 00:00:00 1998 modified_on : Wed Dec 8 14:03:37 1999 title : Complex Numbers org_filename : Cmplxclc.pas author : Reinout Raymakers authoremail : description : Unit for working with complex numbers keywords : tested : Borland Pascal 7.0 submitted_by : The CKB Crew submitted_by_email : uploaded_by : nobody modified_by : nobody owner : nobody lang : pas file-type : text/plain category : pascal-alg-maths __END_OF_HEADER__ Unit CmplxClc; { CMPLXCLC.PAS unit version 1.0 Reinout Raymakers 1997 } {$N+,E+} { This unit implements a full set of functions to work with complex numbers in Turbo Pascal. The type Complex is defined as a pointer to be able to use the type as a return value for functions. Values of complex numbers first have to be assigned to a variable using CDef, before you can use them in calculations... Two examples of how to work with this unit: The Complex calculation (2.3 + 4.1i) + cos (-9.1 + 0.7i) can be done in several ways: 1) An extended but understandable one: var A, B, C, D : Complex .... New(A); New(B); A := CDef(2.3,4.1); B := CDef(-9.1,0.7); C := CCos(B); D := CAdd(A,C); .... 2) A compact but not very readable form: var D : Complex; .... New(D); D := CAdd(CDef(2.3,4.1),CCos(CDef(-9.1,0.7)); .... In other words: you can do every step seperatly, but also implement all the functions in one line of code.... P.S. Whether or not it is always necessary to first declare the variables with the New command is not clear to me.... Try it out and see what works best..... (I'm not used to working with pointers....) You are free to use or change this unit in any way you like, but I would appreciate it, if you mailed me your suggestions / changes / bugs or anything else you want changed.... Reinout Raymakers Nolensstraat 12 5344 SK Oss The Netherlands RR, 24 December 1997 Other units created by me : - Full support unit for 256 color PCX files Projects that I'm still working on: - True color (24 bit) PCX files unit - Export routines for GIF / BMP formats } Interface Type ComplexValue = Record R : Double; { Real part } I : Double; { Complex part } end; Complex = ^ComplexValue; Const iValue : ComplexValue = (R: 0.0 ;I: 1.0); i : Complex = @iValue; _2iValue : ComplexValue = (R: 0.0 ;I: 2.0); _2i : Complex = @_2iValue; _1Value : ComplexValue = (R: 1.0 ;I: 0.0); _1 : Complex = @_1Value; _2Value : ComplexValue = (R: 2.0 ;I: 0.0); _2 : Complex = @_2Value; Function CDef(R, I : Real) : Complex; { CDef := R + Ii } { Remarks: - All functions marked with 'B' are basic functions, that are defined by only using the standard calculations provided by Turbo Pascal. All other functions are defined in terms of these basic functions and add no (mathematical) functionality to the unit. - Note that the CArg function has a non-defined situation, in which case it gives '666' as an answer (an impossible value for an argument). } Function CAbsSqr(C : Complex) : Real; { ( Abs C )^2 } {B} Function CAbs(C : Complex) : Real; { Abs C } {B} Function CReal(C : Complex) : Real; { Real C } {B} Function Re(C : Complex) : Real; { Real C } Function CImag(C : Complex) : Real; { Imag C } {B} Function Im(C : Complex) : Real; { Imag C } Function CArg(C : Complex) : Real; { Arg C } {B} Function CConj(C : Complex) : Complex; { Conj C } {B} Function CMin(C : Complex) : Complex; { - C } {B} Function CAdd(C1,C2 : Complex) : Complex; { C1 + C2 } {B} Function CSub(C1,C2 : Complex) : Complex; { C1 - C2 } {B} Function CMul(C1,C2 : Complex) : Complex; { C1 * C2 } {B} Function CDiv(C1,C2 : Complex) : Complex; { C1 / C2 } {B} Function CExp(C : Complex) : Complex; { e^C } {B} Function CLn(C : Complex) : Complex; { Ln C } {B} Function CPow(C1, C2 : Complex) : Complex; { C1^C2 } Function CSqr(C : Complex) : Complex; { C^2 } Function CLog(C1, C2 : Complex) : Complex; { C1 Log C2 } Function CRt(C1, C2 : Complex) : Complex; { C1 ű C2 } Function CSqrt(C : Complex) : Complex; { ű C } Function CSin(C : Complex) : Complex; { Sin C } Function CCos(C : Complex) : Complex; { Cos C } Function CTan(C : Complex) : Complex; { Tan C } Function CCot(C : Complex) : Complex; { Cot C (COT = 1 / TAN) } Function CSec(C : Complex) : Complex; { Sec C (SEC = 1 / COS) } Function CCsc(C : Complex) : Complex; { Csc C (CSC = 1 / SIN) } Function CASin(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcSin C } Function CACos(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcCos C } Function CATan(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcTan C } Function CACot(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcCot C } Function CASec(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcSec C } Function CACsc(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcCsc C } Function CSinh(C : Complex) : Complex; { Sinh C } Function CCosh(C : Complex) : Complex; { Cosh C } Function CTanh(C : Complex) : Complex; { Tanh C } Function CCoth(C : Complex) : Complex; { Coth C } Function CSech(C : Complex) : Complex; { Sech C } Function CCsch(C : Complex) : Complex; { Csch C } Function CASinh(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcSinh C } Function CACosh(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcCosh C } Function CATanh(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcTanh C } Function CACoth(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcCoth C } Function CASech(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcSech C } Function CACsch(C : Complex) : Complex; { ArcCsch C } Implementation Function CDef; var U : Complex; begin New(U); U^.R := R; U^.I := I; CDef := U; end; { Fill the complex number with the values of R en I } Function CAbsSqr; begin CAbsSqr := C^.R * C^.R + C^.I * C^.I; end; { Absolute value of C squared } Function CAbs; begin CAbs := Sqrt( C^.R * C^.R + C^.I * C^.I ); end; { Absolute value of C } Function CReal; begin CReal := C^.R; end; { Real part of C } Function Re; begin Re := CReal(C); end; { Real part of C } Function CImag; begin CImag := C^.I; end; { Imaginairy part of C } Function Im; begin Im := CImag(C); end; { Imaginairy part of C } Function CArg; var A, B : Real; begin A := C^.R; B := C^.I; if (A > 0) then begin if (B > 0) or (B < 0) then CArg := ArcTan(B/A); if (B = 0) then CArg := 0; end; { if } if (A < 0) then begin if (B > 0) then CArg := ArcTan(B/A) + Pi; if (B < 0) then CArg := ArcTan(B/A) - Pi; if (B = 0) then CArg := Pi; end; { if } if (A = 0) then begin if (B > 0) then CArg := Pi / 2; if (B < 0)