
  1. The blue light never turns green.

Make sure your microphone is on and is connected to your microphone in connector (not line in!) on your soundcard (not on your hi-fi :-)

If everything seems to be OK, try to increase to microphone input setting in your Windoze environment. (through My Computer | Control Panel and Multimedia settings)

When using direct öplug-inö connection, make sure the volume is at maximum on your guitar.

Also the problem may be the noise level set too high, then try to decrease it. (through menu Main | Options)

Use guitar input monitor to determine the correct noise level and signal strength.

If you have tried everything described above and it still doesnÆt work, try testing your microphoneÆs functionality.

If the light still doesnÆt appear to be turning green, then take your soundcard and gently place it in your dustbin. Or ask your doctor if youÆre not colour-blind.

  1. The green light shines or flickers even if I do not touch the strings.

If you are using microphone, try to avoid all unnecessary sounds (tell your neighbours to stop screaming :-) or increase the noise level. (through menu Main | Options)

You can determine the right noise level value by taking a look to guitar input monitor.

It will show you the average noise level and you should set your noise level slightly higher.

But remember, the higher the noise level the stronger you have to strike the string.

  1. I canÆt get the ray to stay at the centre.

This may be caused by the low quality of input, that means öbuy a better microphoneö or due to big noise or weak signal.

The problem could be in your strings too. When the string is ödeadö, it is unable to hold the desired frequency and it fluctuates öaroundö the frequency, so it canÆt be tuned properly. In this case try buying new strings and the things should get better.

But anyway, the tuner is very sensitive, so minor fluctuation is allowed.

In order to increase the lifetime and quality of your strings, use öprotectorsö such as GHS Fast Fret. (I use this one)

And, a great role also plays the tuning mechanics of your guitar and the way how the strings are attached to the guitar. If they are attached bad, the tuning is not smooth, but the tension of the string changes by jumps. In this case the tuning can be a real headache!

  1. The guitar doesnÆt seem to be tuned well.

Check your octaves! When the string is tuned, strike the 12th fret on the same string and check whether the values are the same. If the values do not match, you should reset the octaves manually. If you donÆt know how to do it, it is better not to try, ask someone experienced! (But if you really want to know, check my website :-)

  1. When using Midi device, I canÆt hear anything.

Make sure you have chosen the proper midi output device (through the Main | Options menu) and the volume is set high enough.