Introduction and whatÆs new
DGT (Digital guitar tuner) is a digital audio tuner for Windows 95,98 and NT.
You can use it to accurately tune your guitar in a wide variety of tunings.
DGT is also capable of öhearingö your guitar through a microphone input, so you are able to tune
guitars that do not have electrical audio output.
Since version 2.0 it is also capable of producing midi tones, so that you can
tune you guitar this way as well. This ability was added in order to improve
the tunerÆs performance. Using reference tones is better for some purposes, for example
when you install a new set of strings and donÆt need to tune the strings exactly. I recommend using midi tones for rough
tuning and digital tuning when perfection is required. If you think you can tune
your guitar exactly using only reference tones, youÆre poorly wrong... (in most cases ;-)
To explain it theoretically, when you are using reference tones and the
frequencies are roughly the same, a great resonance is produced. (...and the guy says
his guitar is tuned :-)
This resonance is noticed as a great difference when compared to not-tuned
state, however the difference between öexactö match of frequencies and noticing the resonance is much smaller. (and
thus harder to notice)
Here is a list of advantages when comparing to standard guitar tuner
it is more accurate than a önormö (uses 16 bit 44 100 Hz when sampling)
you can choose among 27 tunings! (against usual one tuning provided by a önormö)
you can also tune guitar with no electric signal output
you can tune your guitar comparing the sound of guitar to produced midi tones
it costs you much less than a önormö
and some disadvantages
you need a soundcard and a microphone (not for Midi)
...and a computer (but I see you already have one, so thereÆs no problem with it :-)