
Slavkov u Brna - Austerlitz

Offer on services for year 2000
The Chateau in Slavko u Brna- Austerlitz
The chateau opening hours during the year
January-March:  bookings only (200% additional fee)
April-May : 9.00-16.00 exept Mondays (outside opreational hours 100% additional fee)
June-August : 9.00-17.00
September - November: 9.00-16.00 exept Mondays (outside opreational hours 100% additional fee)
December: bookings only (200% additional fee)
1st - 3rd December 2000 „The battle of Three Emperors“- open 9.00-16.00

Gallery OK, Gallery Hollar
  the same opreational hours as in the chateau

Entrance fees:
The chateau:
-adults : 35 CZK/pers.
-children, soldiers, handicapped 20 CZK/pers.
additional fee 30CZK/pers. for commentary in foreign language
Special family fee at weekends (offerde only from June-August)
-adults : 30 CZK/pers.
-children 15 CZK/pers.
The Napoleonic Exhibition
-adults : 20 CZK/pers.
-children, soldiers, handicapped 10 CZK/pers.
additional fee 30CZK/pers. for commentary in foreign language
The Chateau Underground
new opened underground premisses- bookings only - group 5-25 persons
-adults : 20 CZK/pers.
-children, soldiers, handicapped 10 CZK/pers.
"Historical Objects of the town Slavkov u Brna-Austerlitz“
is a walking tour with a guide(a part of the historical town centre is the Kounics family vault where repose its most important member , prince Vaclav Antonin Kounic, the Chancelor of the Habsburg-Lotharingian Dynasty)- groups of 5-25 pers. - negotiated price 250 CZK/group.
The least tour - 1 hour before closing. Changes of opening hours and fees are stipulated. The prices are valid for 2000.
A carriage ride around the chateau park is possible
May-June only on weekends
July-August Wednestady-Sunday
September only on weekends


The Chateau Exhibition
7th April - Contemporary Latvian Arts - the opening if exhibition
Gallery Hollar
April-May: Jan Kilmeš -obrazy, plastiky
July: Alois Mikulka
September: Jiří Bouda
Gallery OK
April-May: Pavel Skalník - výběr z díla obrazů
June: Vlastimil  Zábranský - obrazy
July: Jan Kristofori
August: Zdeněk Netopil
September: Jiří Škodák
The Chateau Park
The Czech Breeders Union in Slavkov u Brna
10th-11th November : District competitive exhibition of rabbits, pigeons and poultry in Czech Republic
The Hunting Assiciation „KOZOROZEC“ Slavkov u Brna
3rd  June The special club exhobition of jagterriers
4th  June The special club exhobition of English blood-hound (exhibitor: The MSKAO Club from Brno)
Cultural calendar 2000
April  the opening of the chateau interiors and the Napoleonic exhibition on the premisses of the Chateau Austerlitz
May  The Festival of French melodies
The Urban Feast after 40 years - the revival of a St.Urban´s, the patron of vine-growers, tradition
July Wood-Carving for the 3rd Millenium - Napoleonic theme - international meeting of wood-carvers with the aim to create a permam¨nent exhibition in the countryside
August 8th Napoleonic Day and the Emperor´s Summer Night
6th International meeting of historical velocipedes
3rd Grand Prix Austerlitz in the French traditional game pétanque
September 3rd Conference of the Austerlitz battle-field scientific council
Scientific conference with the Napoleonic theme
December Memorial events on the 195th anniversary of the Battle of Three Emperors
SPORT 2000
 Cycling Club Slavkov u Brna
11.6. „In the count Kounic´s Footsteps“
13.9. „The run of Terry Fox“
3.12. „The Napoleonic Ride“ - a cycling tour of the important places of the Battle of Austerlitz, the route: Slavkov-Mohyla míru-Slapanice-Zuran-Tvarozna-Stara posta-Slavkov
TJ SOKOL Slavkov u Brna
May: May tournament in netball
June: 17.6. The Czech Cup in long triathlon, Regional Cup in Olympic triathlon
Golf Club Austerlitz
22.-23.4. The opening stableford
20.5. Voest-Alpine Cup
28.5. Eurotel - qualifications
2.-3.6. Rieter-Elitex Golf Cup- 2nd.year
2.9. Meridian Tour
16.-17.9. The Club Championship in strokes
Auto Bayer
a freeway for car models 1:5, information on the phone Nr. +42 05/44220132 (p.Juzl)
May: The Czech Cup of men
June: The Czech Cup of male and female juniors
July: Open Tournaments
August: The Czech Cup of men
The Czech Republic Championship of seniors
a youth camp
Equestrian races- Race course Slavkov
30.4. Dressage
24.-25.6. - The Prize of the town Slavkov
6.8. Jumps