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Name: DOVO s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Vojtová Ivana
Phone: 0462 311716
Fax: 0462 311716
Street: TGM 1
Moravská Trebová
ZIP: 571 01
Specification: Trading and mediate for producers of clothing and for textile wholesalers.
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Name: GUMOTEX, a.s.
Contact person: Radim Ivan, dipl. ekonom
Phone: 00420/627/314833
Fax: 00420/627/314809
Mládeznická 3
ZIP: 690 75
Specification: Production of finished waterproof vapour permeable textile materials used for the production of inflatable boats, mattresses and as clothing and technical textiles. Further the production of inflatable boats and mattresses, covers with the filling for the garden furniture, safety clothnigs for the chemical industry and the building, safety systems.
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KOLOVRAT, CM s. r. o.
Contact person: Vladimír Vancl
Phone: 0361-801011
Fax: 0361-801029
Street: Sportovní 219
City: Chýnov
ZIP: 391 55
Specification: An original Czech family company with old tradition of weaving jacquard fabrics.
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Name: Kovoprojekta Brno a.s.
Contact person: Mgr. Gabriela Sochnová
Phone: 05/5119111
Fax: 05/45211265
Street: Příkop 25
City: BRNO
ZIP: 657 26
E-mail: kovoprojekta@kovoprojekta.cz
Specification: Delivers of complete investment plants,design and engineering activities, supplier services, environment, consultancy
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Contact person: Miroslav Materna
Phone: 00420 48 516 37 68
Fax: 00420 48 516 39 68
Street: Jecna 492
City: Liberec 5
ZIP: 460 05
Specification: Glass Buttons coloured hand pressed decorated common and exclusive in
large assortment
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Contact person: ANDY
Phone: 001-800-530-3539
Fax: 001-714-456-1735
Street: 1641 S. SINCLAIR
ZIP: 92806
Specification: MAX MUSCLE developed itself as the most a nd fastest growing company in the whole American Body Building and Fitness industrie over the past years. All our supplements are as always absolutely best and clearest quality to a very good price, as well as our MAX MUSCLE sportwear. For businesses we offer now rebates up to 60%!!!
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Name: MIRO - vyroba pleteneho zbozi
Contact person: Mgr. Miroslav Koumar
Phone: 0463 731 132
Fax: 0463 731 284
Street: Borova 275
City: Borova u Policky
ZIP: 569 82
Specification: We produce working gloves from such materials like cotton, polyester, kevlar and e.g. from armoured thread that means from microfibres spinned round by polyester.
Walking gloves: we offer a varied palette of sorts, e.g. with twill weave pattern, worsted ones in two sorts (worsted inside or outside), gloves with Jacquard pattern, smooth gloves, single or multicoloured. Furthermore we produce caps and wrappers both or children and adults, and sets for sucklings.

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Name: Odetka a.s.
Contact person: Suk Petr
Phone: 0646/751602
Fax: 0646/752157
Street: Dělnická 157
City: Vrbno pod Pradědem
ZIP: 793 26
Specification: Production and sale of shoe-laces, clothing and technical cords, stitching threads, parachute cords, nets, candle wicks, surgical threads. Yarn dyeing, piece-dyeing.
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Contact person: Ing. Stanislav Šíma
Phone: +420(653)760150
Fax: +420(653)211714
Street: Jaselská 29
City: Opava
ZIP: 74621
Specification: OPAVLEN OPAVA is the largest manufacturer of carded and combed linen yarns in the Czech Republic. The annual output is 1,200 tons. OPAVLEN OPAVA offers only highest quality bleached or boiled linen yarns, ranging from 28.5 lea to 10 lea (17.2-6 Nm, 58-165 TEX), manufactured with its unique technology.
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Name: SPOLTEX Kravare
Contact person: Stoklasa Jindrich
Phone: 00420-653-671184
Fax: 00420-653-671184
Street: Namesti 22-24
ZIP: 74721
E-mail: spoltex@opv.czn.cz
Specification: The manufacturer of the underwear. We use a wide variety of materials - 100% cotton,elastic materials,satins,single-jersey, Interlock,Lycra and others.
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Contact person:: Hana Stefanova
Phone: 068/5852210
Street: Farskeho 5
City: Olomouc
ZIP: 77200
Specifikacion: I am looking for a investor/sponsor for sewing machines of flat pictures. The investment would be about 5 - 20 mil Czech crowns.

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Name: Sítos, spol. s r.o. Strakonice
Contact person: Ing. Z
denek REMIŠ
Phone: +420 342 238 27
Fax: +420 342 321 998
Street: Heydukova 1112
City: Strakonice
ZIP: 386 02
Specification: Our company manufactures the complete programme of fabrics for paper industry.Then we produce the technical fabrics for wastewater industry, power stations, food and car industry. Our fabrics are used for dewatering, drying, filtration, as the transport belts etc. and in the other branches of industry.
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Datum: 10/25/98
Contact: Wilsonova Zuzana
Phone: 0420 02 29 58 08
Street: Lublanska 39
City: Prague 2
Postal code: 120 00
Specification: we are designing,cutting and manufacturing all types of fashionable clothing from clubwear, eveningwear and casualwear to high quality suits and coats.We are looking for companies or shops who are interested in our products and would like to know more about us.

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