
First Czech Glass on-line shop. The world of fine glass. Come in please and buy this fragile fair.You can select from our offer and order on-line. About 500 items

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Name: AGF
Contact person: Martin Chundela
Phone: +420 447 586103
Fax: +420 447 586103
Street: Zdonov 33
City: Teplice nad Metuji
ZIP: 549 58
Specification: Art jewel. I create breastpins, bracelets, earrings, rings, lockets, necklaces, hairgrips, tie-clips and handkerchief-rings.
These products are made of brass. tombac and stainless steel.
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Name: ASTERA s. r. o.
Contact person:
Ing. Vladimír Žíla
Phone: 0424/722784, 0603/242017
Fax: 0424/722784
Nádražní 256
City: Nový Bor
ZIP: 473 01
Specification: Wide assortment of glass and crystal products, collectable paperweights, drinking glasses decorated with engraving, sandblasting, painting - customised motifs available. Replicas of Art Deco perfume bottles and decanters. Unique collection of art glass objects (original or limited editions only). Realisation of ideas of glass designers in mouth-blowned shapes, cut, ground and polished objects. Company gifts with logos made of glass or crystal.
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Name: Bachmann - broušení skla
Contact person:
Jirí Bachmann
Phone: 0395/679229
Fax: 0395/679229
Street: Nová 352
City: Lenešice
ZIP: 43923
Specification: glass cutter - offer
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Name: Bizuterie Ceská Mincovna a.s
Contact person: Ing. Petr Krupka
Phone: 0428/340701
Fax: 0428/340710
Street: U přehrady 61
City: Jablonec nad Nisou
ZIP: 466 23
Specification: Strass Jewellery; Stamped and Cast Jewellery; Semi-products for Producers of Imitation Jewellery; Accessories for Clothing, Shoemaking and Leather Processing Industries; Jewellery and Technical Metal Chains; Genuine Gold and Silver Semiproducts; Christmas Decorations; Perfume Bottles; Artistic Specials; Production of Stampings; Surface plating; Tool Production and Maintenance; Minting of Coins and Medals from common and precious metals
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Name: Cibero Export-Import, Inc.
Contact person: M.Ludva
Phone: (305) 304 2942
Fax: (305) 716 9253
Street: 1624 Sirugo Ave
City: Key West
ZIP: 33040
Specification: We're Czech import company from Miami.
We represent Czech producers from Czech and Slovak Republic.
Our products are in web site - glass,crystal,furniture,
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Name: JARO
Contact person: Jiri Sedlar
Phone: +420 168 621 209
Fax: +420 168 626 030
Street: Zavodu miru 1851
City: Sokolov
ZIP: 35601
Specification: Manufacturer of glass decorations: Christmas´s, Easter´s, Valentine´s.
15.000 decors.
ask for our company´s reference from USA.
1000% export of our products.
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Contact person: Ing. Jaromir BROKES
Phone: +420 464 612051
Fax: +420 464 612051
Street: Sokolovska 70
ZIP: 570 01
Specification: Production of handmade painted figural ceramics - more than 1000 articles, production of the traditional handmade ceramics [plates, vases, etc.] with flowery decoration.
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Name: LEANDER 1946 s.r.o.
Contact person:
Phone: +420168669305
Fax: +420168669377
Street: U porcelanky143
City: Loucky, Nove Sedlo
ZIP: 32734
Specification: Production and sales of china, porcelain, pottery, whiteware.
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Contact person: Miroslav Materna
Phone: 00420 48 516 37 68
Fax: 00420 48 516 39 68
Street: Jecna 492
City: Liberec 5
ZIP: 460 05
Specification: Glass Buttons coloured hand pressed decorated common and exclusive in
large assortment
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Name: OPÁL
Contact person: Petr BOBEK
Phone: +420-428/389777
Fax: +420-428/389777
Street: Obráncu míru 134
City: Zelezný Brod
ZIP: 468 22
Specification: Opal company focuses on custom production of glass flowers, lamp glass figures, blown candle stands, engraved glass, and more.
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Name: RB design
Contact person: Ing. Radka Lehka
Phone: 00420 / 428 29308, 602 646180
Fax: 00420 / 428 29308
Street: Mesicni 13
City: Jablonec nad Nisou
ZIP: 466 01
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Name: Romana Hulíková - Keramika
Contact person: Romana Hulíková
Phone: +420-331-364999
Fax: +420-331+364994
Debolín 26
Jindrichuv Hradec
ZIP: 377 01
Specification: we produce a wide assortment of commercial as well as design ceramics with the RH trademark.
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Name: Smalt Brno s.r.o.
Contact person: Petr Březina
Phone: +420 5 47212140
Fax: 05-47212141
Street: Bohunicka 81
City: Brno
ZIP: 619 00
Specification: SMALT BRNO is specialized on the production of high profile porcelain enamel (emaille) sign plates. Our products are essential marketing tools used to reflect the quality and value of the promoted product or service. Our signs are manufactured combining traditional craftsmanship and the most "state of the art" methods of digital graphic design. Laser cutting outlines faciliates production of images of any shape or size. The order amount ranges from one individual sign plate to large scale serial production. Thanks to its award winning quality SMALT BRNO has progressed to the market leader in the Czech Republic and to one of the most advanced manufacturers in this field in Western Europe.
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Name: W&F Elektronik s.r.o.
Contact person: Olga Borovcová
Phone: 035 620 6791
Fax: 035 620 6790
Street: Moskevská 1 / 14
City: Most
ZIP: 434 01
Specification: Hand made cut glas.
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Name: ZILKA, spol. s r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Pavel Zilka
Phone: 05-41231285,-6
Fax: 05-41230805
Street: Za horou 462
City: Rícany u Brna
ZIP: 66482
Specification: Production the decorations of glass bead.
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